Java Beans - Table of Content
- What are Java Beans?
- Why Java Beans?
- JavaBean Components
- JavaBean Advantages & Disadvantages
- Conclusion
What are Java Beans?
JavaBeans is simply a type of class in java combining numerous items into the bean itself. Classes that combine more than one object into a single, standardized object are known as JavaBeans' "beans" (the bean). This standardization makes it possible to handle the beans more generic way, making it simpler to reuse code and do introspection. Java beans follow a set of conventions mentioned below:
- It must include getter and setter methods, which are used to set and retrieve the values of properties.
- Serializable must be implemented.
- A public no-arg constructor should be allowed
Let us see a java sample code below t see how Java bean is put into the code:
public class Bean {
private String name;
public void setName(String name)
{ = name;
public String getName()
return name;
The setter methods should:
- be public in nature.
- Return-type needs to be void.
- Set should come before the setter method.
- It must accept arguments; it cannot be a no-argument method.
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The getter methods should:
- be public in nature.
- The return type shouldn't be void; therefore, we must provide a return type in order to meet our requirements.
- Get should come before the getter method.
- There should be no need for debate.

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Why Java Beans?
- It is a software component that is reusable, according to the Java white paper. A bean combines numerous things into a single object that may be accessed from various locations. Additionally, it offers simple maintenance.
- An object-oriented programming language (OOP) is Java. Encapsulation is a key OOP idea. Numerous items are contained in a single object known as a JavaBean (the bean).
- We can give another program access to JavaBean events, attributes, and methods.
- Although JavaBeans are intended to run client-side, server-side beans can also be created.
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Properties of Java Beans
A JavaBean property can be read-only, write-only, or read-write. The JavaBean implementation class provides two methods for accessing JavaBean features:
1. getpropertyname(): For instance, the method to read a property with the name firstName would be called getFirstName(). The accessor is the name of this method. The getter methods follow the below properties:
- It ought to be of a public nature.
- It shouldn't be void for the return.
- The word "get" must come before it.
- No arguments should be passed to getMethod.
2. setpropertyname(): For instance, the method to write property with the name firstName would be called setFirstName(). The mutator is the name of this technique. The setter methods follow the below properties:
- It ought to be of a public nature.
- A void return type is required.
- The word Set must come before the Setter Method prefix.
- There ought to be some debate.
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JavaBean Components
The class that provides the description of beans is what constitutes a Java Beam's component. Specific design convections exist in these classes. Events, methods, persistence, and properties are all part of it. The two sorts of components are non-GUI driven and GUI based. Below is a discussion of the classes:
- Properties: The label, font, color, size, display size, and other elements make up this attribute. It controls how Beam behaves, looks, and is in general.
- Methods: JavaBean methods are comparable to standard Java methods. It doesn't follow any particular naming pattern.
- Events: The handling of occurrences in JavaBeans is comparable to that in Swing.
- Persistence: It aids in keeping JavaBean's state in memory.
One can develop any kind of module in this because JavaBeans' capabilities are unrestricted. Software components can be reused in any context thanks to JavaBeans. Beans can perform a variety of tasks, from easy tasks like spelling correction to challenging tasks like stock market forecasting. The end user can either see or not see beans. Beans can function independently with a group of distributed components. The program may produce a pie chart from predetermined data points. This serves as an illustration of a locally executed bean. One example of this is a bean that provides real-time price information on the stock market.
Web-based applications can also be made interactive by using beans. Beans are operating system independent. It may operate in a variety of software contexts, including word editors, browsers, and many other programmes. Applications are given a vivid touch by UI components like trees, and graphical buttons were trees, which also minimize the necessity for writing custom components. With Sun's Beans Development Kit (BDK), JavaBeans can be developed.
JavaBean Advantages
- Portable: Java Beans Components are entirely portable to the contexts which the Java Run Time Environment supports since they are developed entirely in Java. Platform Specifics are introduced in JVM to support Java Beans.
- Easy and compatible: Java Bean components are simple to use and create. Writing a Simple Bean won't take much time. A bean won't have to carry a significant amount of inherited baggage to sustain its environment because it is lightweight.
- Strength in Java Platform: Java Beans feature a simple way for enrolling components with the run-time system and are generally interoperable. Along with the many benefits that Java Beans offer, there are some drawbacks as well, which we will examine.
- Execution: With auxiliary software, there is no difficulty during runtime; beans may be configured in advance.
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JavaBean Disadvantages
- Java Beans do not benefit from the advantages offered by immutable objects because they are mutable.
- As a result of its construction, Java Beans will initially be in an irregular condition.
- Boilerplate code might be produced if getter and setter methods are written separately for each property.
In this article, we have discussed java beans and the conventions that are followed with JavaBeans developed by Sun Microsystems in the year 1996.. JavaBeans is simply a type of class in java combining numerous items into the bean itself. Classes that combine more than one object into a single, standardized object are known as JavaBeans' "beans". We have also discussed various properties of Java beans and the components affiliated with them. Along with this, we have talked about the advantages and disadvantages of JavaBeans.
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As a content writer at HKR trainings, I deliver content on various technologies. I hold my graduation degree in Information technology. I am passionate about helping people understand technology-related content through my easily digestible content. My writings include Data Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Python, Salesforce, Servicenow and etc.
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A portable, cross-platform model created in the Java programming language is known as JavaBeans. Its constituent parts are known as beans. JavaBeans, to put it simply, are classes that combine many objects into a single object. It facilitates access to these items from various locations.
There are no conditions or arguments in the default function Object() { [native code] } that JavaBeans offer. JavaBeans can implement the Serializable interface and are capable of becoming serializable. Most JavaBeans feature a number of "getter" and "setter" methods.
Java Bean is not handled by Spring IOC, but Spring Bean is. While Spring Bean doesn't necessarily need to be serializable, Java Bean always is. While Spring Bean does not require a default no-arg function Object() { [native code] }, Java Bean must.
Most of them are still in use, yes. But they apply mostly when you are designing an application.
Serialization is the process that makes persistence feasible. Object serialization is the process of transforming an item into a data stream and then storing it. Then, by deserialization, any applet, program, or tool that makes use of that bean can "reconstitute" it. The item is then put back to how it was originally.