- Introduction to Array length in JAVA
- Searching for a value using Length attributes
- Find the Minimum and maximum values in an Array
- Conclusion
Introduction to Array length in JAVA:
The length of the array describes the number of elements used in Java. As java is not a Size associated, so Array length helps to overcome it.
Here length applies to array in java, and Size applies to a Java ArrayLISTcollection object.
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Java ‘Length’ Attribute:
The number of elements is used in the array during its declaration; we can call it as Size or length of the array. For example;
int len1 = myArray.length1;
The below program illustrate the length attributes of the Array elements in JAVA:
Import java.util.*; // built-in library
Class Main1
Public static Void main1 (string [] args)
Integer [] intArray1 = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}; // integer value
String [] strArray1 = { “one”, “two”, “three”}; // string array elements
//Print each array and their corresponding length
System.out.printIn (“integer array contents: “+ Array.to string (intArray1));
System.out.printIn (“the length of the Integer array stored: “+intArray1.length);
System.out.PrintIn (“string Array contents: “+ Arrays. ToString (strArray1));
System.out.PrintIn (“The length of the String array: “+ strArray1. Length);
The output:
Integer Array Contents: {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}
The length of the Integer array: 5
String Array Contents: [one, two, three]
The length of the String array: 3
The above java program reads the length of the given elements and displays the length along with the contents of two different arrays (integers and strings).
Till now I have explained the simple program, now it's time to learn how to use array in different situations.
They are:
· Mainly to search for the specific element value in the array.
· While searching for minimum or maximum values in the array.
Let’s discuss these two different situations in details:
Searching for a value using Length attributes:
As we discussed earlier, iterations can be done through an array using its length attributes. The loop condition in any program will iterate all the array elements one by one until it reaches (length-1) elements. (Since array count in java starts from 0).
Here we are going to use Loop condition to search if a specific value is present in the array or not. To do this, you need to traverse through the whole array until the loop reaches the last element. While performing traversing, each element in the condition will be compared with the existing value to be searched. If any value matches then loop traversing will be stopped as well as program will be terminated.
The below program explains the searching for a data value in an Array:
Import java.util.* ; //built-in library
Class Main
Public static void main (string [] args)
String[] strArray1 = { “UNIX” , “Python”, “ Ruby”, “ Java”, “C” }; // array of string
// searching for the string using a search value function
System.out.printIn (searchValue (strArray, “R”)?” value R found” : “value Java not found”);
System.out.printIn (searchValue (strArray, “Ruby”)?” value Ruby found”: “value Ruby not found”);
Private static Boolean search value (String [] search array, string lookup)
If (searchArray! = null)
int arraylength = searchArray. Length; // compute array length
for (int i=0; I
String value = searchArray[i];
If (value. Equals (lookup))
Return true;
Return false;
The Output:
Value R not found
Value Ruby found
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In the above program example, we have an array of a few programming language names. We have used the function "search value", this function searches the particular programming language names. In this example, we have used the for loop in the search value function to iterate through the array and it will be searched for the specified names.
Once the correct name is found, then the SearchValue function returns true. If the name is not found then the SearchValue function returns false.
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Find the Minimum and maximum values in an Array:
In this section, here you can also traverse the array values using the attribute lengths and which enables you to find the minimum and maximum elements in an array.
As we know that the array may or may not be sorted. To perform this finding minimum and maximum the array elements, you have to do the comparison with each element once all the elements in an array get exhausted and at last, you can find the maximum or minimum elements in an array, the following programs explain the concept.
The below programming example is for minimum elements in an array.
Import java.util. *;
Class Main
Public static void main (String [] args)
Int [] intArray1 = {72, 42, 21, 10, 53, 64}; //int array
System.out.printIn (“the given array: “+ Arrays. ToString (intArray));
Int min_val = intArray1 [0]; //assigning first element to min value
Int length = intArray1. Length;
For (int I = 1; I
Int value = intArray1 [i];
if (value
Min_val = value;
System.out.printIn ( “ the min value in the array: “ +min_Val);
The given array: [72, 42, 21, 10, 53, 64]
The minimum value in the array is: 10
In the above programming example, we have the array elements as a reference element. Then we compare all the elements in a program one by one with the reference element which we have already mentioned in the program. The SearchValue function will be picking one by one until we reach the end of the array in a program.
The next program explains how to find the largest element in an array. The program logic is similar to the previous program, but instead of finding the element which is less than the reference element, we find the greater element than the reference.
The below program illustrates how to find the greater element;
Import java.util.* ; // built-in library
Class Main
Public static void main (String [] args)
Int [] intArray1 = {72, 42, 21, 10, 53, 64}; // inserting int array elements
System.out.printIn (“the given array elements are: “ + Arrays.tostring (intArray1));
int max_val = intArray1 [0]; //reference elements
int length = intArray1.length;
for (int i=1; I
Int value = intArray1 [i];
If (value > max_val)
Max_val = value;
System.out.printIn (“the highest value in the array: “+max_val);
The output:
The given array elements are: [72, 42, 21, 10, 53, 64]
The highest value in the array: 72
In the array length, not only int elements, but we can also find the length of floating-point numbers and string elements.
The syntax is as follows:
Float size = array. Length [] // float value length
String size = array. Length [] // string values length
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Programming example:
Public class test1
Public static void main (string [] args)
Int [] array = new int [5]; //array name is of integer type
Float [] array = new float [0.1]; //array name is of float type
String [] array = new string [5]; // array name is of string type
System. Out. PrintIn (“the size of “+ “the array is “+ array. Length);
System. Out. PrintIn (“the size of “+ “the array is “+array. Length);
System. Out. PrintIn ( “ the size of “+ the size of “ + “ the array is “ + array. Length);
The size of the array is 4 // integer value
The size of the array is 0.09 // floating-point integer
The size of the array is [4] // string value
One important thing is that the array in java does not any methods to get the length of an element.
The following program illustrates the use of the function to get the length of an array.
Public class ArrayLengthJava
Private static void printArraylength (String [] myArray1)
If (myarray1 == null) // to find whether the array values are empty or not
System.Out.print (“the length of the array can’t be determined. “);
Int arraylength = myArray1. Length;
System. Out.printIn (“ the length of the array is: “ + arraylength);
Public static void main(String [] args)
String [] javaArray1 = { “ My”, “name”, “Adam”};
String [] javaArray2 = { “K”, “A”};
String [] javaArray3 = {“1”, “2”, “3”, “4”};
String [] javaArray4 = { “Java”};
PrintArrayLength (null);
PrintArrayLength (JavaArray1);
printArraylenghth (javaArray2);
PrintArraylength (javaArray3);
PrintArraylength (javaArray4);
The output:
The length of the array can’t be determined.
The length of the Array1 is: 3
The length of the Array2 is: 2
The length of the Array3 is: 4
The length of the Array is: 1
If you want to access the length of an empty or any null object, a NullPointerException is raised.
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In this blog, I have explained the Array length in Java with a few programming illustrations. Array length in java is mainly used to find the number of elements used in the program. I hope this blog may help a few of you to learn the basic concepts of java and its examples.
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As a content writer at HKR trainings, I deliver content on various technologies. I hold my graduation degree in Information technology. I am passionate about helping people understand technology-related content through my easily digestible content. My writings include Data Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Python, Salesforce, Servicenow and etc.
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