What is selenium?
Selenium is an open source tool that made a sensation when this arrived in the business sector. It's a free software with all the great features and was therefore able to quickly gain market share where QTP was a figurehead. Selenium provides various functions and is premised on larger-scale java scripting.
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Why selenium?
Selenium facilitates testers to write the code to write the script in one operating system and to run the same test scripts on multiple browser platforms. WebDriver is now becoming part of the W3C standard for all browsers, thus designing browsers that will obviously support Selenium.
The important feature of this test automation tool is that it enables testers to test user experience modules, provides a wide variety of test options, results were compared and finally verifies whether or not they are consistent with the expected application behavior. Selenium's "SENDKEYS" method equates test scripts written in different languages into Selenium in an accurate manner.
Selenium is considered as an important tool because of its attractive benefits such as transparency, platform independence, fosters continuous integration efforts, reduces the turnaround time and can be easily integrated with other automation tools as well.
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UFT Training
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What is UFT?
It is one of most major trading players on the market. It primarily uses VB Scripting as its scripting language. It's very simple to use and packed with advanced features. It uses the Object Repository to identify and capture objects. It can be easily integrated with many other automation tools, such as the Quality Center, and can update the results.
Why UFT?
UFT One/QTP is a Micro Focus automated testing testing tool that uses computerized analysis to assess glitches in a test application.UFT One is mainly used only for functional testing, regression and service testing. Using UFT One, you can optimize user behavior on a web-based or client-based software program and test and recognize bugs on the same actions for different users, different data sets, different Windows operating systems and/or different browsers.
UFT One is among the most popular commercial automation testing tools available in the market today. It is recognized for its simplicity of use and assistance by the vendor and a huge automation tester community. Due to this reason, qualified UFT One experts have always been in demand.
Brief History of Selenium
Jason Huggins developed Selenium in 2004 in Chicago. He was working at Thoughtworks as an Engineer on web app testing. Using JavaScript, Jason developed a program for testing. After using it, he realized the faults in manual testing. He named it JavaScriptTestRunner initially, but after that, he renamed it Selenium core and made it open source.
But still, there were some issues with using it. If someone uses JavaScript with a different domain name, it is forbidden to do so. For this, testers must install the Selenium Core and Web Servers, including web app testing that belongs to the same domain. Thus, another Engineer from ThoughtWorks, Paul Hammant, developed a Selenium Remote Control (RC) solution. Later, two other components, Selenium Grid and Selenium IDE, were created by two other professionals in 2006.
Further, in 2008 the core team of Selenium automation testing combined Selenium RC and Web Driver and brought Selenium 2. After many years changes & improvements took place in it, and it paved the way to release Selenium 3.
Later, after a few years, Selenium became an open-source tool and has become a more powerful tool in the market. Many companies use Selenium for web automation testing of various apps. It makes web testing easier and faster.
Career Aspects
Many organizations, especially those which are service-based, use Selenium which is now a popular open-source tool. Many companies use it for web and application testing. It is highly adaptable due to its flexibility to integrate with major programming languages. Further, there is good growth for Selenium in the future, and there are many job opportunities in this field. It is easy to learn and practice for everyone interested in web automation testing.
Brief History of UFT
Mercury Interactive initially developed UFT in 1998, and its first version was Astra QuickTest. But later, in 2006, it was acquired by HP, and it became HP QTP. Later, in 2011, HP combined the two tools, “HP Service Test” and “HP QuickTest Professional,” and released a new device with the name “HP UFT 11.5” (Unified Functional Testing). Then, in 2016 was completely sold to another company Micro Focus which is managing and supporting UFT.
Career Aspects
UFT is a more powerful and useful tool in comparison to Selenium. Due to its huge license cost, many business entities still need to be ready to adopt this tool for automation. Moreover, UFT integrates with many tools, mostly paid tools. They are reducing their demand in the market.
For beginners in Automation, UFT is not the right fit to learn as there are only a few job opportunities for freshers. Further, it offers a free trial of 60 days, after which you need to buy the tool for further usage. It is a major drawback here. Also, there needs to be more information available on UFT, which makes it difficult to learn in-depth.
If you want to Explore more about Selenium? then read our updated article - Selenium Tutorial

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Comparison between Selenium and UFT:
Here we are going to discuss the key differences between UFT and selenium in detail.
Environment virtual support:
UFT: Deploy UFT to provide Citrix, AWS, and Azure virtual worlds, or run web and mobile tests from Docker containers.
selenium: It can also be integrated with those environments as well.
Software type:
UFT: UFT is a desktop based application.
Selenium: It is a s et of API’s
UFT: It is a paid version, you need to purchase the license in order to use it.
Selenium: Where as selenium is an open source and free tool where you need to download and use it.
Application Type:
UFT: It supports web, mobile, API, hybrid, RPA, and enterprise apps.
Selenium: Selenium will only be used for web-based applications. It is a big downside of selenium over QTP.
Application Languages:
UFT: UFT could be used to test the functionality, the service layer and the database layer for all three layers of the application.
Selenium: Selenium is only used to test the front end or the interface layer.
Supported Languages and Browsers:
UFT: It supports visual basic script language and chrome, firefox, safari and IE browsers.
Selenium: It supports java, python, ruby, perl PHP, javascript languages, and safari, firefox, chrome,IE, opera , headless browsers, etc.
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Operating systems and IDE:
UFT: Supports microsoft windows and comes with builtin UFT IDE
Selenium: Supports microsoft windows, apple OS X and linux, and comes with eclipse, intellij and other IDe that are supported by Java.
Supported technology:
UFT: Supports almost every significant software application and environment, such as SAP, Oracle, Salesforce, mainframes, embedded frameworks, headless browsers, and more.
Selenium: Selenium is struggling while automating SAP, Salesforce, mainframes applications.
Required coding skills:
UFT: You needed less programming knowledge as it provides keyword-driven testing that streamlines test creation and maintenance. Acquisition flows from the application screens and utilize UFT's robust recording/replay capture technology.
Selenium: You need to have a good knowledge of programming language. For each Selenium binding, you need to know the programming language.
Test execution performance:
UFT: It needs more system resources. It can operate on Windows VM that uses more resources and needs more maintenance.
Selenium: Selenium requires less system resources and can be used in Windows or Linux VM applications. Linux VM is lightweight compared to Windows VM.
Tools integration:
UFT: Can be integrated with limited tools and mostly that are paid tools only
Selenium: Can be integrated with paid tools very easily.
Test reports:
UFT: Test reports are generated by default.
Selenium: For test reports these are needs to be integrated with other tools
Career Growth:
UFT: UFT offers less jobs, limited scope for expansion
Selenium: Selenium comes with more scope, more jobs in future as well.
UFT: HP UFT is a license-based testing tool that offers a trial period of 60 days to its new users. But after that, you need to buy the license, which costs much higher.
Selenium: Selenium has a good market share compared to HP UFT, an open-source tool. Many enterprises prefer to use it to manipulate the Selenium architecture as needed. Also, they can expect much better performance while conducting tests.
Join our Selenium Training In Kolkata today and enhance your skills to new heights!Conclusion
So we've seen so many discrepancies between UFT and Selenium. The main key driver is the automation cost. If you've a budget plan and you can manage QTP, it's best because it has various characteristics. If your project has a lower budget, go to Selenium, but you need to make more effort.
Selenium is limited to the web page. If your test cases need to communicate with your desktop, such as uploading files, download files a file and checking, etc., Selenium may not function reliably in those instances, while UFT can easily streamline those contexts. Integrating Selenium with Test Management Tools is no easier than UFT. Selenium needs to be integrated with various reporting tools and managing.Selenium needs to be incorporated with various tools for reporting and managing data that are accessible in UFT by default. UFT scripts are going to be more stable than Selenium. UFT is rich in performance available to Selenium.
With the help of disitivcitve feature of UFT it can easily reduce the amount resources need in writing the scripts whereas selenium requires more resources to write lines of code.But you're going to get less help available on UFT's public online forums, but it has proper support as it's a paid tool.
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About Author
As a senior technical content writer for HRK tainings, srivalli patchava has a greater understanding of today's data-driven environment, which includes key aspects of data management and IT organizations. She manages the task of creating great content in the areas of software testing, DevOps, Robotic process automation. Connects with her on Linkedin and Twitter.
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