SAP EWM Tables - Table of Content
- Introduction to SAP EWM
- SAP EWM Tables
- Stock
- Warehouse Task
- References
- Physical Inventory Documents
- APO Location
- Final Thoughts
Introduction to SAP EWM :
SAP EWM is a crucial functional module that is pivotal in helping organizations manage their inventories and streamline the movement of goods within their warehouse operations. This advanced software solution offers a complete suite of functions. It includes handling inbound and outbound delivery processes, (GR) receipt of goods, order success, and efficient goods distribution.
SAP EWM Tables:
SAP EWM tables deal with the storage for key warehouse management and stock control data. The EWM tables play a vital role in ensuring the smooth functioning of warehouse activities. Here, we will delve into the various categories of SAP EWM tables and provide brief descriptions for each:
1) Stock
- /SCWM/AQUA: Describes available quantity.
- /SCWM/QUAN: Defines quant attributes.
- /LIME/NQUAN: Details LIME quantity attributes.
- /SCWM/STOCK_IW01: Manages stock key material (WME).
- /SCWM/STOCK_IW02: Manages stock key material with batch (WME).
- /SCWM/STOCK_IW03: Manages stock key material with batch and reference documents (WME).
- /SCWM/STOCK_IW04: Manages stock key material with sales order and project (WME).
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2) Warehouse Task
- /SCWM/ORDIM_C: Defines confirmed warehouse tasks.
- /SCWM/ORDIM_CS: Specifies serial numbers for confirmed warehouse task items.
- /SCWM/ORDIM_E: Specifies exception codes for warehouse tasks.
- /SCWM/ORDIM_H: Manages warehouse task movements for handling unit (HU) items.
- /SCWM/ORDIM_HS: Handles serial numbers for HU item movements.
- /SCWM/ORDIM_L: Logs warehouse task information.
- /SCWM/ORDIM_LS: Logs serial numbers for warehouse task entries.
- /SCWM/ORDIM_O: Open warehouse tasks.
- SCWM/ORDIM_OS: It handles serial number items for available warehouse tasks.
3) Transportation Unit
- /SCWM/TU_DLV: Describes the assignment of deliveries and HUs to transportation units.
- /SCWM/TU_DOOR: Assigns transport units to doors.
- /SCWM/TUNIT: Defines transportation units.
- /SCWM/TU_SR_ACT: Specifies S and R activities of transportation units.
- /SCWM/TU_STATUS: Manages the status of transportation unit activities.
- /SCWM/TU_VEH: Assigns transport units to vehicles.
- /SCWM/DOOR_SRACT: Defines S & R activities of doors.
4) Wave
- /SCWM/WAVEHDR: Manages wave header data.
- /SCWM/WAVEITM: Contains wave item data.
5) Outbound Delivery
- /SCDL/DB_DLVH_O: Handles outbound delivery header data.
- /SCDL/DB_DLVI_O: Manages outbound delivery item details.
- /SCDL/DB_PROCH_O: Oversees outbound delivery order header.
- /SCDL/DB_PROCI_O: Manages outbound delivery order items.
6) Inbound Delivery
- /SCDL/DB_PROCH_I: Manages inbound delivery header information.
- /SCDL/DB_PROCI_I: Details inbound delivery item information.
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7) References
- /SCDL/DB_REFDOC: Determines reference information.
- /SCDL/DB_REQH: Defines header information for inbound delivery notifications or outbound delivery requests.
- /SCDL/DB_REQI: Manages item information for inbound delivery notifications or outbound delivery requests.
8) Handling Units (HUs)
- /SCWM/HUHDR: Oversees handling unit header information.
- /SCWM/GMHUIDENT: Manages additional handling units for goods movement logs.
- /SCWM/HUSSTAT: Specifies individual status for each handling unit.
- /SCWM/HUREF: Manages handling unit references.
- /SCWM/HUSTOBJ: Details information about handling unit status objects.
- /SCWM/GMHUSTAT: Tracks HU status from goods movement logs.
- /SCWM/GMHUITM: Manages handling unit items.
- /SCWM/GMHUHDR: Maintains handling unit header data in goods movement logs.
9) Storage Bins
- /SCWM/LAGP: Provides storage bin details.
- /SCWM/LAGPS: Offers comprehensive information on available storage bins for various execution areas and activities.
10) Master Data
- /SAPAPO/MATKEY: Defines product details.
- /SAPAPO/MATMAP: Manages mapping table details for products.
- /SAPAPO/MATEXEC: This table contains product execution data.
- /SAPAPO/MATTXT: It provides material descriptions.
- /SAPAPO/MATLWHST: This table states the location-specific product information by storage types.
- /SAPAPO/MATLWH: It specifies location product information for warehouse locations.
11) Physical Inventory Documents
- /LIME/PI_DCTYTXT: It describes physical inventory procedure details.
- /LIME/PI_DOCTYPE: It defines document types for physical inventory and internal settings.
- /LIME/PI_DOC_IT: It manages physical inventory document items.
- /LIME/PI_DOC_SER: This table tracks serial numbers for physical inventory document items.
- /LIME/PI_DOC_TB: This table contains quantities for physical inventory document items.
- /LIME/PI_IT_BIZ: Specifies business key objects for physical inventory documents.
- /LIME/PI_LOGHEAD: It logs header data of physical inventory log entries.
- /LIME/PI_LOGHIST: Maintains a history table for physical inventory log entries.
- /LIME/PI_LOGITEM: This table logs item data of a physical inventory document.
- /LIME/PI_PAR_BIZ: It manages parent objects for physical inventory document business keys.
12) Route
- /SCMB/ROUTE: Provides route information.
- /SCMB/ROUTET: Contains route table information.
- /SCMB/TOENTITYT: Specifies text information about supply chain units.
- /SCDL/TSRVLVLT: It specifies the details of shipping condition text information.
- /SCMB/ROUTE_SC: Manages shipping conditions for routes.
- /SCMB/ROUTE_RT: Defines request types for routes.
- /SCMB/STOP: Offers information about route stop logs.
- /SCMB/ZONE: Contains transportation zone details.
- /SCMB/ZONE_D: Provides details on transportation unavailability zones.
- /SCMB/TOENTITY: Manages the details of the supply chain unit header.
13) Location
- /SCWM/LOC_IW01: this table specifies location table numbers and storage bin details.
- /SCWM/LOC_IW02: This table offers details on warehouse resources.
- /SCWM/LOC_IW03:- Provides location table warehouse views.
- /SCWM/LOC_IW04:- Contains location table transport details.
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14) APO Location
- /SAPAPO/LOC:- Describes location details.
- /SAPAPO/LOCMAP:- Manages mapping tables for locations.
- /SAPAPO/LOCT: Offers short text descriptions for sites/locations.
- /SAPAPO/LOCVER:- Maintains version-dependent location data.
15) RF (Radio Frequency)
- /SCWM/TTRNS_CAT:- It specifies logical transactions.
- /SCWM/TSTEP_CAT:- It manages steps of logical transactions.
- /SCWM/TPRDV_CAT:- This table specifies presentation devices.
- /SCWM/TPRES_CAT:- This table defines presentation profiles.
16) Communications
- TRFCQIN:- Describes TRFC queue details for inbound delivery processes.
- EDIDC:- Contains control record details.
17) Business Partner (BP)
- ADRC:- Provides business address server details.
- SCDL/DB_BPLOC:- Manages partner location searches for delivery information.
- BUT000:- Contains general data for BP.
- BUT020:- Specifies BP address details.
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Final Thoughts:
This detailed overview of SAP EWM tables offers valuable insights into the critical components of warehouse management and inventory control. By exploring these tables, readers can gain a more profound knowledge of the functional modules and capabilities of SAP EWM. It also equips them to excel in real-time projects with expert guidance.
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About Author
Kavya works for HKR Trainings institute as a technical writer with diverse experience in many kinds of technology-related content development. She holds a graduate education in the Computer science and Engineering stream. She has cultivated strong technical skills from reading tech blogs and also doing a lot of research related to content. She manages to write great content in many fields like Programming & Frameworks, Enterprise Integration, Web Development, SAP, and Business Process Management (BPM). Connect her on LinkedIn and Twitter.
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