- What is a Component?
- ReactJS Slider Component
- How to use the Slider component in reachJS
- Comparing React Slider Components
- Conclusion
What is a Component?
Components allow you to divide the user interface into self-dependent, reusable parts and consider each piece separately. Components are conceptually similar to JavaScript functions. Those who accept arbitrary inputs (referred to as "props") and then return React components that describe what should be displayed on the screen.
On the other hand, the slider is widely used in the UI components on both the web as well as in mobile apps. It is used to select a value or a set of values and display the information related to the slider, it enhances the experience for users.
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ReactJS Slider Components
Users are able to choose from a variety of values using sliders. Users can choose one value from a selection of values displayed by sliders along a bar. They are perfect for applying image filters or changing settings like brightness or volume. Users can choose one value from a selection of values displayed by sliders along a bar. They are perfect for applying image filters or changing settings like brightness or volume.
There are different types of sliders:
Continuous Sliders:
Users using continuous sliders can choose a value from a variety of opinions.
Discrete sliders:
By using the value indicator on a discrete slider, a specific value can be changed. With marks=true, a mark can be generated for each step.
Vertical Slider:
Vertical sliders, often referred to as vertical changes have developed into a contemporary design pattern in recent years as designers look for novel methods to convey content.

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Create your componentCreate your componentCreate your component
Create your component
The user can design custom slider components in React apps using the small, CSS-independent React slider component. It uses the render props method to build our application's headless UI.
Make a Slider.js file to serve as a representation of our component. The.map() function can be used to retrieve each card for future data, that is what he'll need to do.
import React, {useState} from 'react'
import './Slider1.css'
import Sliderdata from './Sliderdata'
export default function Slider1() {
return (
{Sliderdata.map((obj, index) => {
return (
src={process.env.PUBLIC_URL + `/Imgs/img${index + 1}.jpg`}
In order to refer back to the resources dynamically, we must utilize both the backtick and the dollar sign ($).
process.env.PUBLIC URL will be changed to the URL of our app once it has been developed. We must update the CSS to include a div that contains the images,
src={process.env.PUBLIC_URL + `/Imgs/img${index + 1}.jpg`}
To fix the issue that shows up in the console, the user must add a key, that is an example to Sliderdata and its numerous ids; we can also do this by using the helpful "uuid" tool.
className={slideIndex === index + 1 ? "slide active-anim" : "slide"}
The numerous photographs are still there; the user can just not see it right now. He can simply double-click the slider and add a component to correct this.
How to use the Slider component in ReactJS
Users can choose from a variety of values using sliders. This component is offered to us by Material UI for React and is very simple to integrate. The approach listed below can be used to use the Slider in ReactJS:
React Application Development And Module Installation:
Step 1: Use the command below to create a React application:
foldername for npx create-react-app
Step 2: Use the following command to move to your project folder after creating it, i.e., foldername:
folder name
Step 3: After building the ReactJS application, run the following command to install the material-UI modules:
install @material-ui/core with npm
install @material-ui/icons with npm
Project Organization: It will resemble the next.
Our default component, App, is where the user has written the code in this case.
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import React from 'react';
import Typography from '@material-ui/core/Typography';
import Grid from '@material-ui/core/Grid';
import Slider from '@material-ui/core/Slider';
import VolumeUp from '@material-ui/icons/VolumeUp';
import VolumeDown from '@material-ui/icons/VolumeDown';
const App = () => {
const [value, setValue] = React.useState(10);
const changeVolume = (event, newValue) => {
return (
margin: 'auto',
display: 'block',
width: 'fit-content'
How to use Slider Component in ReactJS?
export default App;
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Comparing React Slider Components
Material -UI:
With a minified bundle size of about 300Kb along with a downloading time of 13ms, Material-UI is an established UI framework; its material-ui-slider, slider package, has a minified package size of 26Kb along with a downloading time of 1ms. Because of its user-friendly documentation and capability to view the entire code in its designed editor, Material UI is adored by the developer community. However, using material-ui-slider can make an application's bundle larger, and react-slider offers more customization options.
Ant Design:
A popular UI design tool and React UI framework called Ant Design also has a greater size (2.2Mb minified), which may be problematic when building sliders.
The slider is indeed a common React UI component that shows a selection of values and enables users to quickly pick from a selection of options. The react-slider services and manages customizability, small size for optimized performance, and a programmer interface, despite the fact that there are competing tools and frameworks for constructing sliders. It's also important to note that using sliders from the frameworks makes it simpler if the product or company already uses a template or library like Bootstrap, Ant Design, or Material UI.
About Author
As a content writer at HKR trainings, I deliver content on various technologies. I hold my graduation degree in Information technology. I am passionate about helping people understand technology-related content through my easily digestible content. My writings include Data Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Python, Salesforce, Servicenow and etc.
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- Make a Slider.js file then import the Slider's files and styles.
- Make a class called Slider that extends the class Component.
- Using the ref property, add a container with a reference to Slider in the el property.
- You design your component and make a slide show.
- Make the button element and add a new file called BtnSlider should be created.
- The class_name for the div which returns the photos has to be changed at this point.
- Establish the slider's rationale.
- The slider's bottom dots should be added.
This is done using a slider reactJS component
Material UI is adored by the developer community. However, using material-ui-slider can make an application's bundle larger, and react-slider offers more customization options.