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What is Python?
Python is a computer programming language that was designed by Guido van Rossum. The release date of python is 1991 and is majorly used in web development, scripting systems, mathematics, and the development of software. The programmers use python language along with the software which creates workflows. We also use python for handling work-related big data and for performing complex mathematical problems. Along with this, Python comes into use for the fast prototyping and development of software.
Python works as both procedural and object-oriented language for users. It is free as well as open-source and works well with various operating systems like Mac, MS, Linux, etc. Python is always chosen because of its feature of readability as it has a lot of similarities with English with a hint of maths.
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Let us see a basic program in Python language:
print("Welcome to python v/s ruby tutorial")
The output of the python program:
Welcome to python v/s ruby tutorial
Why Python Programming Language?
Python lies in the top 10 list of best programming languages. The current rank of python is 4th in the list of best programming languages. It is majorly used for the development of GUI applications and web applications. It provides its users the ability to design a code that is easily readable and maintainable. There is a presence of third-party packages in python where the modules promote the communication within a few languages as well as platforms. In addition to this,
Python language consists of internet protocols, operations related to strings, interfaces in operating systems as well as web services present inside a standard library. A lot of tasks that are executed are already there in the library which is scripted hence reducing the unnecessary writing work in the programs. Due to its object-oriented design, python has tremendous testing capabilities in its own framework which contributes to improved productivity as well as better speed.
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What is Ruby?
Ruby is well known as the “programmer’s dearest friend”. Ruby’s features are a lot similar to Smalltalk language, Pearl, as well as Python. All these languages are known as scripting languages where Smalltalk is the actual object-oriented, interpreted language. Ruby, just like Smalltalk language, is a completely object-oriented, open-source, and dynamic language. Programmers choose to use Ruby syntax rather than using Smalltalk syntax.
Ruby was developed by Yukihiro Matsumoto on the mailing list of Ruby. Users need to work on their command prompt in order to code in ruby language.
Let us see a basic program in Ruby language:
1. Create a text file and type the program:
puts ’Welcome to python v/s ruby tutorial’
2. Now run this code on the shell prompt:
The output of the python program:
Welcome to python v/s ruby tutorial
Why Ruby Language?
Ruby is an object-oriented, reflective, dynamic, and general-purpose language used for programming. Everything that is present in the Ruby language is an object apart from the blocks however ruby provides replacements for it too. The replacements can be procs and lambda. The core objective for developing the Ruby language was to create a sensible buffer between the human developers and their underlying machinery related to computers. Ruby language is known as a developer’s best friend and it is freely available on the internet.
Similarities of Python and Ruby
- Both python and ruby are dynamic, scripting, object-oriented, server-side, and general-purpose languages used for programming.
- Both these languages are available under licences. RUby is available under OSI-approved and python is available under FSF- an approved licence. So a developer doesn't need to pay any licence fees to start working on these two languages.
- The programs do need any compilation as both are high-level scripting languages.
- Both languages do not need to declare variables beforehand as both are dynamically typed languages.
- Both python and Ruby are available on Amazon Web Services through lambda functions.
Python Vs Ruby
- Flexibility: Python is a less flexible language than ruby. Python provides its developers only one way of completing a task however Ruby follows the Perl approach where a developer is flexible to choose his way to complete a task. Software: Python is able to integrate itself with .NET, javascript, java, etc. However, The main requirement of c# is .net SDK. Then the ecosystem of .net interop with languages such as javascript, VB.NET, python, etc.
- Learning Curve: Everyone is aware of the fact that Python is the easiest language, especially for beginners. This is because python is a straightforward language. However, Ruby is not as easy as python and it is not preferred by beginners to start their coding journey.
- Reusable code: Nothing is a boon for a developer that a programming language is readily available and has reusable properties. Python has ready-to-use modules and ruby has gems that provide reusable properties.
- Popularity: Python is a lot more popular than Ruby. Where python is on the 4th rank on the popularity list and ruby is on the 12th rank.
- Community: Both python and ruby have active as well as dedicated communities. Both python and ruby are known to have an extensive range of high-quality learning and documentation.
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Features Of Python
Third-party modularity: There is a presence of third-party packages in python where the modules promote the communication within a few languages and platforms.
Extensive libraries: Python language consists of internet protocols, operations related to strings, interfaces in operating systems as well as web services present inside a standard library. A lot of tasks that are executed are already there in the library which is scripted hence reducing the unnecessary writing work in the programs.
Open source: Python is an open-source language and provides an OSI-approved licence for easy commercial use.
User-friendly: Python is a user-friendly language that allows its users to design the data structures within the language quickly during the runtime process.
Speed: Due to its object-oriented design, python has tremendous testing capabilities in its own framework which contributes to improved productivity as well as better speed.
Features of Ruby
Free available source: Ruby is available freely over the internet but is subject to a licence. It is a general-purpose, open-source language.
Syntax: Ruby makes it very easy for its programmers as its syntax is very easy. Ruby is clean and easy and a programmer can learn and grasp the language very easily and quickly. The syntax is much similar to that of C# and Pearl.
Scalable: It is possible to scale as well as update the ruby language. Scalability is performed by deleting the old ruby files and updating them with the new ones. The programs written in this are easily maintainable.
- Ruby can embed itself into the HTML language and it can be installed in Windows and POSIX environments.
- Ruby supports the development of both internet as well as intranet applications.
Advantages of Python
- Python is dynamically typed which is a major advantage for this language.
- Python is considered to be one of the highest level languages which are very easy to learn, write and read.
- Python follows interpretation which means python executes its code line by line.
- It is free for its developers and provides an open-source platform.
- Python provides an amazing opportunity to its developers where a code written runs can be executed anywhere.
Advantages of Ruby
- Ruby has its own web application for development known as Ruby on Rails
- It is known for its DRY principle which means- Don't repeat yourself.
- It allows its programmer to modify the code as well as use and re-use it.
- Ruby code is very easy to read and write
- It is well known for its fast speed in creating applications.
Disadvantages of Python
- As we discussed that python is an interpreted language hence it will execute the code line by line. But this whole process reduces the execution speed of the python program.
- Each python program when stored consumes a large amount of memory in the storage. This becomes a major drawback while developing large-scale applications in python.
- As we have discussed earlier also that python is a dynamically typed language, which means the variables can get changed anytime. This can cause a lot of run-time errors during the development phase in python.
Disadvantages of Ruby
- Debugging in ruby is not very easy. It sometimes generates errors during the runtime.
- It doesn't have much information when we compare it with other languages.
- The processing speed for ruby is slow.
- It is not as popular as other programming languages.
Top 30 frequently asked Python Interview Questions!
After comparing all the points between ruby and python, python is the clear choice for the developers as well as the beginners. There is nothing python cannot do that a user can do in ruby. But the other way round is not possible. However, if a person has already mastered python, then he can surely learn ruby. In this article, we have discussed both Python as well as ruby, where both are object-oriented, open-source, and dynamically typed languages. You will also understand the potential of both these languages along with the advantages, disadvantages, and features. Now we will be discussing some frequently asked questions by the developers and will give solutions for them.
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About Author
As a senior Technical Content Writer for HKR Trainings, Gayathri has a good comprehension of the present technical innovations, which incorporates perspectives like Business Intelligence and Analytics. She conveys advanced technical ideas precisely and vividly, as conceivable to the target group, guaranteeing that the content is available to clients. She writes qualitative content in the field of Data Warehousing & ETL, Big Data Analytics, and ERP Tools. Connect me on LinkedIn.
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Python is a much better, more famous, and faster language than Ruby.
Python is actually an easier language to read and write. Once a programmer is done with python and has mastered it, he can easily move on to ruby.
A developer should most definitely python before moving on to ruby language. Python is well known for its fast speed in creating applications.
There are a number of differences between ruby and python. All of them are discussed in the article above.
Python is a lot more popular than Ruby. Where python is on the 4th rank on the popularity list and ruby is on the 12th rank.