ServiceNow Admin Interview Questions

Last updated on Jan 09, 2024

Are you willing to boost your Software career in the Service Now administrator field? Looking for a Service Now Administrator course? I think you are at the right place, go to our website for any queries related to the course. Once you finish the course with us, we will be helping to crack any top interviews. HKR’s frequently asked Service Now Administrator interview questions and answers will help you to learn basic questions asked by the top recruiters. As we know that the whole business depends on the customer, Service Now administrator holds an important role to help the customer in a possible way. Let’s start learning Service now administrator interview questions and answers;

Most Frequently Asked ServiceNow Admin Interview Questions and Answers

What is the Service Now tool?

Ans: Service now is a popular cloud-based information technology service management tool (ITSM). This tool provides only one software system of record for the whole IT service to perform the following tasks such as;

  • IT services
  • Operation management
  • Business management

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What are the roles and responsibilities of the Service Now administrator?

Ans: Below are the major roles and responsibilities of Service Now administrator;

  • They can create a basic user interface and navigations in Service Now platform
  • Create tables, data fields, form layouts, and views.
  • Create and administer various users, Groups, and Roles.
  • Import data into service now tables and configure the applications
  • Able to create security rules (ACL) to restrict user access.

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What are the key features of the Service Now Administrator tool?

Ans: Service Now integration tool offers the following key features such as;

  • Service now provides integration
  • Supports integrated interfaces
  • Offers technology partner program
  • Serves as a middleware provider
  • Custom built integration is also possible with Service Now tool.

What do you mean by CMDB baseline?

Ans: CMDB stands for a configuration management database, where the CMBD baseline is mainly used to control and understand any changes made to a configuration Item (CI). This CMDB baseline acts as a snapshot of the Configuration item.

What do you mean by Coalesce?

Ans: Coalesce in Service Now is a feature of a data field used to the transmission map fields. These map fields are later used for mapping and enable us to use them as a unique key. Suppose if any of the matches are using the Coalesce filed, then automatically record will be updated and imported. If you can’t able to find the Coalesce field, then the new data field will be inserted into the database table.

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What are user interface (UI) policies?

Ans: User interface (UI) policies are acting as a substitute for many client scripts.This user interface policy will change the information related to the customs process flow. This UI policy is used to set the readable important data field and visible to the user. It can be also used for changing data field form dynamically.

What is the client script?

Ans: Client script is usually located on the browser and runs only on client-side platforms.

Below are important types of Client scripts such as;

  • On Load ()
  • On Change ()
  • On submit ()
  • On Cell Edit ()

Name the important products of Service now?

Ans: Service Now offers various products, they are;

  • Business management application
  • Custom service management
  • HR management
  • IT service automation application.

What is HTML sanitizer?

Ans: HTML sanitizer is mainly used to clean the Hypertext transfer protocol markup data in HTML fields and is also used to eliminate suspicious errors. This also defends the security process like cross site scripting attacks. This HTML also active for all the data instances starting from Eureka releases.

. Mention the difference between Service Now and Salesforce cloud computing platforms?

Ans: The below table explains the major differences between Service Now and Salesforce :

Service Now and Salesforce

. What are Gauges?

Ans: Gauges are visible on the Service Now software home page and this consists of minute information about the current data status or records. This data status record available on the Service now tablets and these Gauges can be used on a data report and put on the Service Now home page.

. Give some practical examples for the service now integration tool?

Ans: Below are the various practical examples of service now integration tool;

  • Make use of the service now integration tool to replace the spreadsheets and email them to collaborative workspaces.
  • Helps to automate every business process in your organization.
  • With the help of service now integration tool, user can easily develop any type of modern work environments
  • Helps to enhance, automate the business workflow, and structure the streamlined service delivery.

. Explain the searches available in the Service Now tool?

Ans: There are mainly five types of Search options available in the service now tool;

  • Lists search -> this type of lists search is used to find the records.
  • Global text search -> this type of search option is used to hold the multiple data records and task tables in a single search field.
  • Knowledge base Search -> this option search helps users to find any knowledge of business articles.
  • Navigation filter search -> this option allows the user to filter the application navigator.
  • Search scenes -> this is a custom module search type created only by the service desk administrator.

Related Article: ServiceNow Workflow

. What do you mean by application navigator and how to modify service catalog items?

Ans: Application navigator is used to linking the application menus and modules.

The service catalog can be modified by using Service catalog> maintain the item.

. Name the attributes defined in the service now tool?

Ans: There are 3 attributes defined in the service now tool;

1. Field name

2. Operator

3. Values.

. Define LDAP Integration.

Ans. LDAP refers to Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, a cross-platform authentication protocol useful for storage services. Further, it is also helpful for Admins to automate various admin operations by creating users, allocating roles, and accelerating the user login process.

. What is meant by ACL?

Ans. ACL stands for Access Control List, which defines what data users can utilize and how it is accessible within ServiceNow.

. Explain Business Rules.

Ans. In ServiceNow Admin, a business rule requires a server-side script when a record is presented, inserted, altered, and removed. Further, these rules help automate actions such as updating the values of form fields, creating email notifications, script actions, etc.

. What do you mean by BSM Map?

Ans. A BSM Map refers to a Business Service Management Map, an important ServiceNow feature. It presents the configuration items graphically and allows users to visualize ServiceNow CMDB and other business services.

. Define Reference Qualifiers.

Ans. A reference qualifier in ServiceNow helps to create filters that limit the data returned for a service field. Moreover, a reference field includes a connection to a field on another table. Further, it enables the form that covers reference fields to access the records within the referred table.

. What is meant by Scorecard?

Ans. A Scorecard is a graphical display of the performance progress of an employee or a business process over the point. It acts as an indicator for measurement. Further, Scorecard allows us to obtain various insights on how an indicator score is broken down by multiple proportions that change over time.

Related Article: SLA ServiceNow!

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. What do you mean by Record Producer?

Ans. A record producer is a unique catalog item that enables end-users to build task-based records like incident records. It allows us to create these task-based records from the service catalog. The record producers are similar to the catalog items and give a better user experience. These are better than the traditional task-based form used to build records. You can also create record producers for various tables and databases within the same range.

. Define Domain Separation.

Ans. In SNow, domain separation allows us to divide the data, processes, and other admin tasks into logical domains. It will enable various ServiceNow systems under a single instance to support multiple enterprises.

. Define ServiceNow Performance Analytics.

Ans. ServiceNow Performance Analytics is a simple-to-use integrated application and a process optimization tool. It allows users to build management dashboards, resolve complex business queries, etc. It helps improve the quality of Service provided to the users by reducing costs.

. What is meant by the Inactivity Monitor in ServiceNow?

Ans. This monitor triggers when a task remains inactive for a specific time. Here an event is activated for a task record called an inactivity monitor.

. Define the use of Application Navigator.

Ans. Application Navigator provides access or links to the applications or modules and allows users to find the required information quickly.

. What do you mean by Import Set?

Ans. The import set enables us to import data from different sources and map the same into SNow tables. It also acts as a staging area for the records that are freshly imported.

. Define Foreign Record Insert.

Ans. It happens when an import makes certain modifications to the table which is not the target table for that import. It takes place when you update the tables' reference field.

. Define the Client Transaction Timings Plugin's use in ServiceNow.

Ans. This plugin increases the system logs by giving extra information regarding the transaction duration between the client and server.

. Explain about Application in ServiceNow.

Ans. In ServiceNow, applications are packaged solutions helpful in delivering various services and controlling enterprise processes. It is a collection of different modules that provide information regarding those specific modules. You can see this through an example; the incident application will manage any info regarding the Incident Management process. In other words, an application includes multiple files and records that deliver services collectively.

. What do you mean by

Ans. A view is the positioning of various fields on a list or a form that displays when the user opens the form/list. You can define different views per the user's needs for a single state.

. Explain what an

Ans. An update set in ServiceNow is a group of customizations that allows users to move updates from one instance to another. This feature in ServiceNow enables admins to assemble a series of modifications into a named set and transfer them as a unit to other systems for deployment.  

. What will occur when you mark a default update set as complete?

Ans. In this case, the system automatically produces another update set with the name Default1 and uses the same as a default update set.

. Define

Ans. In ServiceNow, GlideRecord is a Java class helpful to connect with the ServiceNow instance's database operations within a script. Also, this class offers many API methods to recover, build, update and remove various records saved within the ServiceNow instance.

. Explain what the Transform Map is in ServiceNow.

Ans. A transform map is a field map's group that changes the imported record within the ServiceNow import set table to the destination table. Moreover, it identifies the relationships between the import set fields and the ServiceNow table fields. An admin in SNow can use these maps modules to choose the target for the data imported from any table.

. Name the various Workflow Activities.

Ans. The following are the various Workflow Activities:-

  • Conditions
  • Tasks
  • Timers
  • Utilities
  • Notifications
  • Approvals

. What is meant by

Ans. Metrics help to measure and record the individual record's workflow. They help track the changes that occur in any field on any table. Also, it helps to estimate the effectiveness of ITSM processes.

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. Define the way to create a new Report in ServiceNow.

Ans. You can click on the "Create New" tab to create a report by navigating to the reports section.

. What will happen when your request gets rejected?

Ans. A rejection notification will be sent if the request is rejected, setting the status to cancel. You can attach a service catalog workflow manually or automatically, or if no other workflows are attached.

. Define the way to cancel a form submission using Client Script.

Ans. To cancel a form submission, you must develop a client script "onSubmit" and return "false". It is a straightforward process to cancel a form submission.

. Distinguish between next() and _next() method.

Ans. In ServiceNow, the method next() helps to move the record to next within the GlideRecord. The method _next() also has similar features as next(), but it is only valid when we query a table with a column name "next".

. What is meant by sys_id?

Ans. Sys_id is a GUID having a unique 32 characters that are useful to recognize each record built within the ServiceNow table.

. Name the Parent Table useful for Change, Incident, and Problem in Servicenow.

Ans. Task Table is the parent table in SNow for the incident, change, and problem. It ensures that any fields defined on the parent table will automatically apply to the child table.

. Is it possible to add Content and Home Pages to the 'update sets

Ans. You cannot add these pages to the Update Sets by default. It needs to add manually to the existing update pages by unloading them.

. Define the importance of the cascade variable checkbox within the order guide.

Ans. A checkbox is required to determine if the variables being used should cascade by passing their values to the ordered items. If this check box is unchecked, ordered products will not get variable information inserted within the order guide.

Final words:

If you want to build a career in service now, please visit our website I hope you people enjoyed learning the service now administrator tool. This is a popular information cloud based technology management tool and offers a single system operation. So you can expect that there are huge job openings available and you can fulfill your dreams by learning Service Now administrator top interview questions.

About Author

A technical lead content writer in HKR Trainings with an expertise in delivering content on the market demanding technologies like Networking, Storage & Virtualization,Cyber Security & SIEM Tools, Server Administration, Operating System & Administration, IAM Tools, Cloud Computing, etc. She does a great job in creating wonderful content for the users and always keeps updated with the latest trends in the market. To know more information connect her on Linkedin, Twitter, and Facebook.

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