Documentum Interview Questions

Last updated on Nov 07, 2023

If you’re an aspiring Documentum Developer or Architect and willing to know the secret of cracking a job interview. Then you must read the below compiled Documentum Interview Questions and Answers that are frequently asked in several interviews. 

There are many opportunities still available for Documentum Developers in this market. So, if you go through these Documentum interview questions, you can definitely grab the opportunity.

Now let's have a look into the Documentum interview questions based on the basic, intermediate and advanced levels.

Most Frequently Asked Documentum Interview Questions and Answers

Basic Documentum interview questions

So, let us start with the basic level interview questions of Documentum.

1. Define Documentum.

Ans. Documentum is an enterprise-level content management software (CMS) that manages and helps to store valuable content across the enterprise. It stores the content securely in repositories. Also, it manages some features like check-in, check-out, workflow, etc.

It also offers several management capabilities for different types of content such as images, e-mail, web pages, video content, fixed content, documents-related to business, etc.

Moreover, Documentum also offers a services suite including document management, partnership, search, BPM,  input management, content sorting, Web content management, and many more.

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2. What is workflow reporting?

Ans: Workflow Reporting is used for managing the workflows in a docbase. We can view all the workflows, workflow instances, values, etc., that are available in the docbase. We can even perform maintenance and administrative functions on workflows.

3. Define virtual documents

Ans: A document which contains component or children documents can be called as a virtual document. We can open a virtual document to see what objects it contained. Any document can become a virtual document, including the newly created custom object types.

4. What is binding in Documentum?

Ans: Binding has used to bind a component to a virtual document. We can include a set of binding rules to define which version of a component should be bound to a virtual document. So when a query is made for children of a virtual document, it returns the specified version of the component. 

5. What is a content server?

Ans: Content Server is a content management system that enables access or control over the information in the repository. It also provides efficient process management services. It also includes organizing capabilities over the data stored in the repository through Access Control Lists (ACL).

6. How do the content server and docbase communicate with the database?

Ans: Documentum requires a well-configured database. Content and metadata have stored in a single repository in the Documentum. This database is used to store the properties of the objects. Document Query Language (DQL) is used to retrieve metadata from the database. The content server uses the repository owner (database user) account to connect to the database.

7. What is a rendition?

Ans: A rendition can be an alternative copy of a document or an additional document included with an object. A new rendition can be created by automatically transforming the look and format of an existing document. Documentum Content Server can manage multiple renditions of any format of a document.

8. What is a Documentum object model?

Ans: The content in the repository is represented by the Documentum object model. It follows hierarchy features, i.e., the child objects of a document inherit the parent object's behavior.

9. What are DocApps?

Ans: DocApps are like packaging units for Documentum objects. We can package a group of objects and move them across different Docbases. A DocApp can include lifecycles, workflows, folders, etc., and when it's packaged, it has stored as an archive file. This archive file is then installed on a Docbase using the Documentum DocApp installer.

10. What is the use of the Document Application Builder?

Ans: A Document Application Builder (DAB) provides an environment for creating enterprise objects from object types, workflows, lifecycles, etc. It is used for packing objects within a DocsApp.

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11. What is DocBroker?

Ans: A DocBroker is used to establish a connection between a client and a server. It acts as a bridge and requests information from the servers. It is also called a connection broker. It also provides repository connection information to client applications.

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12. What is Documentum?

Ans: Documentum is an enterprise content management (ECM) platform and helps managing and archiving content, i.e., enterprise data like text documents, XML files, images, videos, transactional Data, etc. It can distribute data in multiple languages across internal and external systems, applications, etc. Data is stored securely with compliance rules in place.

13. What is dm-method?

Ans: A dm_method consists of attributes that affect object behavior. Using this method, we can mention what type of job you should run, what procedure it should follow, etc. When a Documentum job has run, it will call these dm_method objects for executing the process.

14. Define WDK

Ans: Web Development Kit (WDK) has often been referred to as a web developer's toolkit (or) web application toolset. It typically contains three models - a presentation model, a component model, and an application model. It connects the applications to Documentum content repositories and the Documentum content server.

15. What are Persistence object types?

Ans: It is a type of object stored in Documentum and is a supertype of all the object types. When an object was created with a persistent object type, it was persisted across sessions. The persistent object type definitions are stored in the form of dm_type and dmi_type_info in the repository.

16. What are the user privileges available in Documentum?

Ans: Documentum provides two types of user privileges.

  • Basic Privileges - permits users to perform operations on SysObjects in the repository
  • Extended Privileges - permits users to perform security-related services. These privileges can only be granted and revoked by repository owners and superusers 

Intermediate Documentum interview questions

17. What is the Business Object Framework?

Ans: Business Object Framework (BOF) has used to build, test, execute, and deploy reusable business logic components known as Business Objects. There are two types of Business Object Framework modules - Type Based Business Object (TBO) and Service Based Business Object (SBO). BOF has used for applying business logic to the applications in DFC.

18. What is meant by Docbase?

Ans. A Docbase is a place of storing information about a document. It combines both OS and database functionalities.

The actual content is stored in the OS and the information or features of the document are stored in the Database.

19. Explain DFC.

Ans. The term DFC  refers to Documentum Foundation Classes which is an object-oriented application programming interface or API. It's a framework for accessing, designing and widening various Documentum functionalities. It is executed as a set of Java interfaces and implementation classes.

20. What is meant by the Content Server in Documentum?

Ans. Content Server is the major base of Documentum’s CMS. CMS refers to the content management system. It is a multi-featured product that serves content to many apps and offers access to the data and content files that forms a docbase. Also, it provides a user-friendly interface to the users. Further, it manages to store various content files, their indexes, and properties inside the docbase.

.21. Define a Docbroker or Connection broker.

Ans. A connection broker is also called a docbroker that listens for the client session queries and offers repository connection information to the client application. It responds to the request made by the connection for a specific repository using the repository server’s IP address & port number. 

But before installing a WDK (Web Development Kit) application, you may need to get the connection brokers’ names.

22. Explain the way the Content Server and Docbase communicate with the database.

Ans. In Documentum, the Content Server needs a correctly configured database where the DB tables save each object’s attribute values inside the repository.

Moreover, Documentum CMS offers single storage for content and metadata. It uses an extendible object-oriented model to store content and metadata in the storage. We can store all objects in the repository. Further, we use DQL or Document Query Language to recover metadata.

Also, DQL is a superset of SQL that offers a single, united query language for all the objects that the Content Server manages. Further, the Content Server uses a database user account to connect with the RDBMS.

23. What is meant by WDK?

Ans. The term WDK refers to Web Development Kit which is a developer’s toolkit that eases the development of the most difficult web apps that connect to Documentum content storage and content servers. Moreover, it consists of a large library of reusable components and controls to execute many common Documentum management purposes.

24. Define Docapp in Documentum.

Ans. In Documentum, a Docapp refers to a packaging unit for various Documentum objects. Also, these are useful to collect various elements for customization like custom Object Types, Lifecycles, workflows, Alias sets, etc.  Thus, they can be easily ported from one storage to another storage.

25. Mention the important lifecycle methods of a component in Documentum.

Ans. The following are important lifecycle methods of a component:

  • onRender
  • OnInit
  • onRenderEnd
  • onCommitChanges
  • onOk
  • onCancel

Further, by using DAB/Documentum Application Builder you can design and collect all your objects inside a Docapp.  Also, it simplifies developing and redeploying many useful apps.

26. What do you mean by Connection Pooling in Documentum?

Ans. A connection pooling in Documentum is an optional feature of a Content Server. It allows recycling of the main repository session and it is used by more than a single user. Applying connection pooling offers performance benefits for the apps that perform frequent connections and disconnections for different users.

When we enable connection pooling in the DMCL, the primary repository sessions are not closed even if a user disconnects. Instead, they still stay within a connection pool built by the DMCL. Again, when another user makes a request to the repository for a connection, the user is certified and given a free connection.

When a user disconnects or a new user takes ownership of a primary repository session, all the open sub-connections in that session are closed.

27. What is the use of applications in Documentum?

Ans. Using DFC (Documentum Foundation Classes) or WDK we can develop custom apps. DFC also reveals Content Server API whereas WDK offers a framework and design for building a web application.

However, there are a lot of aspects and choices available when we develop a custom application through Documentum. Custom workflows can design business processes and lifecycles can enclose business rules around documents. Here, SBOs (Service-based Business Objects) and TBOs (Type-based Business Objects) can enclose business logic well.

Moreover, the capacities of Documentum can also be enclosed in Web Services opening up a wide array of possibilities. Version D6 (Documentum 6.0) offers DFS that consists of some core services including tools for web services development for Documentum.

Then there are some typical interfaces including FTP and JDBC. They allow a Documentum storage or repository to be accessed using these protocols.

28. Define the ways through which Documentum manages the passwords.

Ans. Documentum supports multiple options for applying user authentication. The following are-

  • In-line password: A user authentication can be performed through an encrypted password stored in the user_password attribute of the user object.
  • In case, you are using an LDAP directory server, then you have the below options: Validate directly against the directory server, using a secure or non-secure connectivity, etc.
  • Documentum also offers an authentication plug-in that supports Single Sign-On and strong validation.
  • A custom password-checking program is also a method for managing passwords.

29.Distinguish between a Component and a Container.

Ans. A component in Documentum is a collection of more than one JSP page, an XML config file, and other supporting behavior classes.

On the other hand, a container is a special component. In Documentum, a variety of components share a common user interface and state. Containers offer these common configurations and conditions for different types of components.

Moreover, we can also use components within more than a single container, taking over their state & UI from the container.

30. Define the main features of the Component.

Ans. A component in Documentum includes the following:-

a). A component within an XML file in Documentum defines the below elements:

  • Isolate the optional component legacy from the main component definition mentioned in the “extends” element.
  • The element describes the context in which we can apply the component’s definition.
  • It contains all the display pages.
  • The element also mentions the behavior class.
  • If it contains the parameter then it is used in the behavior class.
  • The element mentions the class that includes expressed strings for the class component and JSP pages. Also, we can confine the properties files in the bundle.
  1. b) A layout is another feature specified within the JSP pages, using HTML and selectable Documentum tags. The definition is also specified in the XML definition element as mentioned above.
  2. c) In the XML configuration element, a string resource file is specified.
  3. d) In the  XML file’s element, the component behavior class is defined as mentioned above and it includes the component’s logic.

31. Define the Documentum Object Model.

Ans. The Documentum object model is useful to represent content within the storage. Further, the model is hierarchical as it stays in an OOP language. The child objects take over all the elements and behaviors of the parent or main object.

32. Explain the DSM (or) Define the various levels of ACL that do exist?

Ans. ACL refers to Access Control Lists that offer the security of Documentum objects. Every sysobject is allotted an ACL that includes the user's and groups' access data to that object. Moreover, there are basically Seven multiple levels of permissions. These can be allocated to a user or a group of users for an object. These permissions include the following- None, Read, Browse, Write, Delete, etc.

33. Name a few native DCTM types used commonly.

Ans. The following are the main native (DCTM) Object types in Documentum.:-

  • dm_folder
  • dm_sysobject
  • dm_cabinet
  • dm_user
  • Dm_audittrail
  • dm_document

34. Define the tools useful for building Custom Object types.

Ans. DAB – It stands for Documentum Application Builder & DQL scripts

35.Is there a container required to write a component?

Ans. No, it's not necessary to have a container to write a component. For example, in Webtop, the feature “Copy-to-Clipboard” doesn’t contain a container.

36. What are the various Version Control capabilities of Documentum?

Ans. Versioning is Documentum’s important content management characteristic that helps in managing and tracking numerous document versions. The options like check-in & check-out provide versioning potential in Documentum.

Furthermore, the element version label is the core version control system useful for the content server to label different document versions. Each label may include an implicit or absolute label or a symbolic label. Here, the server allocates the absolute label but the user allocates the symbolic label.

Documentum Interview Questions - Advanced Level

37. Explain about Repository in Documentum

Ans: A repository is like a virtual store that holds all the content that the enterprise works on. The repository contains details like workflows, permissions, user profiles, and metadata. All these had been stored as objects with a dm_document type in the repository. The Documentum Content Server manages or organizes the content in the repository.

38. What are the actions involved in the Document lifecycle state?

Ans: Following are the actions involved in a document lifecycle state,

  • Promote - forwards the document to the next stage in the lifecycle
  • Demote - returns the document to its previous state in the lifecycle
  • Reset - returns the document to the first state in the lifecycle for each new version
  • Set in exception mode - doesn't let the document change states
  • Clear from exception mode - enables the document to change states

39. Tell the difference between a component and a container

Ans: A component in Documentum consists of one or more JSP pages, XML configuration files, and behavior classes. A container is like defining components, i.e., UI and state of one or more components. The container provides a common layout for all the components described within it.

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40. Name the object types involved in the Workflow execution.

Ans: Following are the object types involved in the Workflow execution,






41. What is a precondition and what is its importance? When is a precondition executed?

ANS: A requirement for an intervention that decides whether or not the context is valid for the control can be written. The action control will therefore be made as allowed or disabled. They are, however, optional in the concept of action. If not specified, the action will always be executed. 

Preconditions are necessary for each object in a list of components. If there are 10 things and 20 acts in force, 200 pre-conditions will be performed before the list is rendered. So it may influence the execution of an application.

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42. Differentiate between role and group?

Ans: The Documentum community is a simple way to gather all users with the same level of permission. In this way the group may promote the management of permissions (assigning ACLs), assigning a task in a group workshop in a workflow, as the owner, enabling all members of the group to own the text. Thus, classes are generally used for Object-level permissions.Roles are primarily used to provide permissions for the feature. Basically, they're a special form of group. It is generated by setting the attribute group class to the role and the attribute group name to the name of the role.

43. Describe the importance of i_chronicle_id in Documentum.

Ans. The i_chronicle_id element value is similar for all the document versions. In Documentum, every version object gets a unique “r_object_id” value but “i_chronicle_id” is the one element that is similar for all document versions. Also, it ties all versioned objects in one place.

44. Define Precondition and its importance in Documentum? When can you execute a precondition?

Ans. It is written for the activity to decide whether a context is valid for the control or not. Then duly it will supply an activity control making it enabled or disabled. These are optional only in the action definition. If they are not specified, then the action will always execute.

Moreover, preconditions are called for every task that exists in the component’s list. Thus, if there are 10 items and 20 relevant actions, then 200 preconditions will execute before the supply of the list. Also, it can impact the performance of the app if the same is not under perfect use.

45. Define the Implicit labels and Symbolic labels in Documentum version control.


Implicit labels: 

This version label is a numeric label and is generally allotted by the server. It is always stored in the first position of the element ‘r_version_label’. By default, if you save an object for the first time then the server sets the implicit version label to 1.0.

Symbolic Labels: 

This version label in Documentum is either system-defined or user-defined. Using these labels, you can provide relevant labels to your app and work domain. Moreover, these labels are initially stored in the 2nd position in the r_version_label element.

46. Define Renditions.

Ans. A rendition is a document’s description that is different from the actual document only in its format or some aspect. It is a duplicate copy of a file or an extra file that can cover within an object. For instance, the copy of an image can be in a different format or in a different resolution.

47. Define app.xml and web.xml in Documentum.


App.xml: This is an application config file where one can configure or design the application-wide action. Here, each layer of the application (Webtop, WDK, etc.) includes an app.xml file. It is built using app attribute tags including failover, content_transfer, formats, plug-in, listeners, etc.

To take over and rescind the settings in another application layer, the application definition can broaden the definition in another app layer.

Web.xml: This file is a Web Application Deployment Descriptor (WADD) used for a web application in Documentum. Also, it provides design and deployment data for the Web components that involve a Web application.

48. Describe Workflow and the way to create workflows in Documentum.

Ans. A workflow in Documentum is a process that moves documents and instructions electronically from one user to another. Further, it automates the process by making sure that the right file passes to the right person in the right order.

Workflow tools:  The following are the tools available to create the workflow definition. These tools are the workflow templates such as:-

  • Workflow Manager
  • Business Process Manager

49. What are lifecycles and How to create them in Documentum?

Ans. A document lifecycle is the order of different stages through which a file passes between its creation and conclusion. When a user creates a file, the system allocates a lifecycle to the file. The system puts the file into the first stage of the lifecycle of a document.

Usual life cycle stages include WIP (Work In Progress) which indicates a document is in its draft phase. And the state Staging specifies that a document is complete and ready to take approval.

50. Distinguish between a Workflow and a Lifecycle.

Ans. Lifecycles and workflows are the tools useful to apply business rules in Documentum.

A document lifecycle

 What is the use and how to leverage third-party data in Documentum?

is the order of various stages through which a file passes between its construction and conclusion.

The stages of a Life Cycle include Draft, WIP, Approved, Released, etc. 

A workflow in Documentum is a process that moves documents and orders electronically from one person to another. 

It automates the process to make sure that the work is in the exact flow of a system. For example, an approved workflow can take a document from the author who developed it to an editor for review. Then, finally, a manager will approve the document. Thus, the process may result in changing the different stages of a document’s lifecycle. 

51. What is the use and how to leverage third-party data in Documentum?

Ans. We can obtain 3rd party data from an outside table from the Documentum database using the Register tables. One can register any outside table in Documentum. Also, they can gain access to the data that resides in it directly as it resides in a Documentum Docbase.

In Documentum, to register an outside table we use the below DQL: 

DQL>    “Register table dm_dbo.table_name (column name datatype)”

This query registers the table in the database of Documentum and it will build an object of the type “dm_registered”.

52. What is the difference between a Role and Group?

Ans. A ‘Group’ is a suitable way to gather all users having the same permission level. So that it can ease the permissions control (allocating ACLs), allocate a task in a group work basket within a workflow, and allows all the group members to have ownership of the same document.

Hence, groups allow permissions mainly for Object-level. On the other hand, Roles are useful for providing function permissions. The groups are primarily a special type.

53. Define what UCF is.

Ans. The term UCF refers to Unified Content Facilities which is a lightweight applet and is in charge of moving content between the content server, app server, and client system during various operations like check-in, checkout, import, and so on. Moreover, it is a client application based on Java language and installed at run-time.

Since the WDK application uses UCF content movement it downloads a lightweight applet to the browser. This takes place while the client uses the Documentum operations for the first time.

54. Describe Virtual documents in Documentum.

Ans. This is a type of document that consists of components or children's documents. It is a collection of other components where each component is an independent object.

Moreover, the Virtual Documents are mainly useful for the below frameworks:

  • VD(s) are useful in managing different file formats. For example, in case there are some sub attachments such as an excel sheet and a demonstration attached to some word document. In this case, a virtual document develops three diversified file formats keeping a single objective record.
  • Furthermore, These documents are useful when the order of the children becomes more important. By default, the instructions depend on adding or deleting the order of the components. But it is also possible to do it manually.

55. Differentiate between Documentum 5.3 and Documentum 6.x versions.

Ans. Below are the important features introduced in Documentum 6.x version that were not present in the 5.3 version.

  • The version improves the performance of Webtop by minimizing the refreshes and by making better use of the AJAX framework.
  • Documentum performance showed as a service in 6.x (DFS).
  • Documentum Composer – This is a new feature and it supplies an Eclipse-based platform for Documentum tools. 
  • Also, it launches Aspects as new members of the BOF (Business Object Framework)family. Aspects are processes for adding actions and/or elements to a Documentum object instance (not an object type) without altering its type definition.
  • XML Store as the fundamental architecture for metadata and Web 2.0 content types in the new D6 version.
  • New DFC tracing potentials and design- Tracing is now easy to manage by entries in rather than the log4j file.
  • In the new version, and dmcl.ini files are unified.

56. Define dm_method.

Ans. It is a method that includes several elements that affect the object's actions. With the help of dm_method, we can specify which type of task you should run, what process it should follow, etc. At the time the Documentum job runs, it calls this method to perform the process.

57. Define Persistent object type in Documentum.

Ans. This is an object type stored with the Documentum and is also called a supertype of all types of objects. Thus, when you build an object using the persistent object type, it continues throughout the sessions. Moreover, the definitions of this type of object are stored in the repository in the form of dm_type & dmi_type_info formats.

58. What type of user privileges does Documentum provide?

Ans. The Documentum offers two different types of user privileges such as - Basic Privileges & Extended Privileges. 

59. Distinguish between Sysadmin and Super User in Documentum.

Ans. Sysadmin is useful to build, drop, and change users and groups in Documentum. Also, it performs several other actions like building, deleting, and changing the machine-level ACLs. On the other hand, Superuser executes all the tasks using the privileges of Sysadmin. It also unlocks the various objects in the storage.

60. Define Documentum Administrator.

Ans: Documentum Administrator is a type of software installed as a web application on application server platforms that support it. These include WebSphere, Tomcat, eExplain REST services in

61. Explain REST services in Documentum.

Ans:  The Documentum REST API is a kind of web interface launched with the Documentum 7 (D7) version. It allows users to access various objects and tasks of OpenText Documentum.

62. Is Documentum a Cloud-native software?

Ans. Yes, Documentum is a cloud-based technology that can run anywhere that supports new features and upgrades much faster. Also, it makes the deployments much simpler.

62. Define ECM Administrator in Documentum.

Ans. ECM or Enterprise Content Management is a broad term that covers document and WCM, search, digital asset management (DAM), collaboration, records control, workflow management, capture, scanning, etc.

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63. Explain about connection pooling in Documentum

Ans: Connection pooling (or) session pooling provides a connection between Docbase session and application. Through this connection pooling, an application can connect and disconnect any number of times with a docbase. It improves performance as we don't have to create a new connection every time an application wants to connect to a server.

64. Explain about DFS

Ans: Documentum functionalities have been exposed as SOAP web services by using Documentum Foundational Services(DFS). It has applied for developing web services for Documentum. Additionally, it also provides APIs that can be used for the development of new service clients.

65. Explain about Document lifecycle

Ans: A document lifecycle defines the sequence of states that it has to go through in its lifetime. Each state in the lifecycle has a set of actions that has to be performed on documents. We can use the Documentum Developer Studio to build, manage, and package lifecycles. Lifecycles are stored in docbase in the form of dm_policy objects.

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66. Explain about auditing

Ans: Auditing is the process of recording all the events of systems and applications in the repository. It has used to track all the operations recorded in the repository. Auditing can be enabled by using dm_audit_policy schema. We can view these audits in the Documentum administrator.

67. Explain about docbase

Ans: Docbase is a repository that stores information securely. It's more like a combination of the file system in the operating system and the database. It contains all configuration files in the XML format. It stores two kinds of information - content, and properties. The content has stored in the file system, and the properties are stored in the database.

68. How do the content server and docbase communicate with the database?

Ans: Documentum requires a well-configured database. Content  and metadata have stored in a single repository in the Documentum. This database is used to store the properties of the objects. Document Query Language (DQL) is used to retrieve metadata from the database. The content server uses the repository owner (database user) account to connect to the database.

69. Explain Access Control lists

Ans: Access Control List (ACL) provides a security mechanism to control the security of Documentum content server objects. It is a way of restricting user access to specific documents. We can assign seven different access levels for the documents to individual users or a group of users.

70. How can we create a workflow?

Ans: We can create workflows and workflow templates in two ways, namely

  • Workflow Manager 
  • Business Process Manager

71. Explain the difference between a workflow and lifecycle

Ans: A lifecycle has a sequence of states that the document has to go through. The states include draft, work in progress, approved, etc. Whereas a workflow defines how documents and instructions are passed electronically from one user to another.

72. How does Documentum provide versioning?

Ans: Versioning in Documentum allows different versions of objects or documents to coexist. It helps in managing and tracking different versions of a document. Whenever changes are made to a document, the version value will be saved to i_vstamp property.

73. Explain how content server and docbase communicate with the database?


The Documentum Content Server needs a correctly configured database. The database tables store the attribute values of each object in the repository. 

Documentum includes a centralised repository for contents and metadata. Uses an extensible object-oriented architecture to store content and metadata in the repository. All is stored as objects in a repository.The document query language (DQL) is used to retrieve metadata. DQL is a SQL superset that provides a single, unified query language for all content server objects. The owner of the repository (database user) account is the account used by the content provider to connect to the RDBMS.

74. Do you need a container to write a component?

Ans:No when writing a component, a container is not necessary. E.g. the "Copy to Clipboard" function does not have a container on the Webtop.

75. What is the significance of i_chronicle_id?

Ans:The meaning of the i_chronicle_id attribute is the same for all versions of the text. Each versioned object is assigned a unique "r_object_id" value, but "i chronicle id" is the same attribute for all versions of the document and links all versioned objects together.

76. What are app.xml and web.xml?

Ans: App.xml: App.xml is an application configuration file where an application-wide behaviour may be configured. In Documentum, every application layer (webtop, wdk, web part, etc...) has an app.xml file. It consists of application elements tags such as failover, content transfer, authentication, formats, plug-ins, listeners, etc. To inherit and modify settings in another application layer, an application description may be applied to another layer.

Web.xml:The web.xml file is a web server descriptor for a web application. The Web.xml file contains configuration and implementation details for Web modules that are part of a Web application. Examples of Web components include Servlet parameters, Servlet and Java Server Pages (JSP) descriptions, and Uniform Resource Locators (URL) mappings.

About Author

As a Senior Writer for HKR Trainings, Sai Manikanth has a great understanding of today’s data-driven environment, which includes key aspects such as Business Intelligence and data management. He manages the task of creating great content in the areas of Digital Marketing, Content Management, Project Management & Methodologies, Product Lifecycle Management Tools. Connect with him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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