IBM Tivoli Interview Questions

Last updated on Jun 12, 2024

For a fresher, basics are the strong foundational concepts that any interviewer starts an interview with. So you have to be strong in basic concepts before attending an interview. If you are an experienced candidate, you have to be strong in basics as well as the tool's working functionality. 

In this post, we will present to you the interview questions for IBM Tivoli. Our experts have researched vigorously to gather the best 13 interview questions that you might encounter in an interview. Go through the below frequently asked IBM Tivoli interview questions and answers to enhance your learning curve. 

Most Frequently asked IBM Tivoli Interview Questions

What are the main catalogs managed by the image library?

Ans: The main catalogs managed by the image library are saved images and master images.

List the TSM server tuning parameters?

Ans: Below are the server tuning parameters.

txngroupmax - It states the number of files transferred between the commit points.
bufpoolsize - It represents cache storage, which makes the database pages to store in memory for a long time.
maxsessions - It states the maximum number of simultaneous client sessions that can connect to the server.
tcpnodelay - It allows the data packets to send immediately, which are less than MTU (max transmission unit) size.
tcpwindowsize - It states the amount of receive data that can be in-transit at one time over a TCP/IP connection.
movebatchsize/movesizeth - It states the number of files that can be moved or grouped in a batch.

What are the domain-specific configuration files in ITNM?

Ans: The following are the domain-specific configuration files in ITNM.

  • Configuration files that end with .cfg
  • Discovery agent files that end with .agnt
  • Active Object Class files that end with .aoc
  • Text-based stitcher files that end with .stch

Explain about the CLOPTSET.

Ans: It is used to define the client options set. It is used for adding extra client options for any node from TSM Server. The CLOPTSET options are like a copy, define, delete, update, etc.

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How to Assign poller for MIB graphing in ITNM?

Ans: If you want to assign a poller to handle MIB graphing, you have to edit the properties file. Open the properties file at the $TIPHOME/profiles/TIPProfile/etc/tnm/ location. Scroll down to find the tnm.graph.poller parameter. Change the value of that parameter from DEFAULT_POLLER to the name of the new poller. Save the file and close it.

Explain about TADDM Components.

Ans: Here are the components of IBM Tivoli.

Discovery Manager - It is the server that runs the TADDM discovery processes.
Administrative Console - The server status, runtime, and license information will be shown.
Discovery Client - It provides a UI to configure and run discovery processes.
Domain Manager - It displays all the configuration items and manages users.
Anchor Servers - These are used to run the discovery in firewall zones.
Windows Gateway Server - These are used to discover the windows systems.
Database(CMDB) - The information collected after discovery will get stored here.

What is the command to split the ITM agents?

Ans: The command to split ITM agents is,

tacmd exportBundles -o SPD -t ux -e  -i /unix

Where can we see the errors of tapes?

Ans: We can view the tapes in ‘actlog’ using the below command.

q actlog se=errors

To check the read/write errors of a specific volume, use the below command.

q volume f=d

What is Fix in audit volume command? What does Fix=Yes/No mean?

Ans: In the Audit Volume command, The FIX represents how the inconsistencies between the database inventory and the specified storage pool volume should be resolved. 

Fix=No represents that the Tivoli Storage Manager reports but does not delete the database records.

Fix = Yes represents that the inconsistencies are resolved.

. Give the difference between search=no and search=bulk in LABEL command?

Ans: Search is an optional parameter that determines whether the server searches the library to find volumes. 

Search=No represents that only the named volume is checked into the library.

Search=Bulk represents that the server searches the library's entry/exit ports for volumes.

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.What are the phases of Discovery in ITNM?

Ans: The discovery phase will usually be in Idle/Standby (0) status. When it discovers the first device, the status will be in Discovering Network (1). The statuses that follow are Downloading ARP (2), Downloading Connections (3), Correlating Connectivity (-1). Once the discovery is completed, it again goes back to Idle/Standby (0).

. What are connector modes in TDI?

Ans: Here are the various connector modes in TDI.

  • Iterator
  • Update
  • Delete
  • Server
  • Lookup Connector
  • Add only
  • Delta

. Which database can be used by IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager V7.2 on a Windows server?

Ans: IBM DB2 is the database that can be used by IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager V7.2.

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IBM Tivoli is evolving day by day, and the demand for it is going to keep increasing in the upcoming years. About 2800 companies use IBM Tivoli for their monitoring needs. So, the vacancies for Tivoli developers will be thousands in number with the best employment opportunities. Make sure to have in-depth knowledge of Tivoli to boost up your profile. Perform better in your interview and lay your path to becoming a Tivoli expert.

About Author

A technical lead content writer in HKR Trainings with an expertise in delivering content on the market demanding technologies like Networking, Storage & Virtualization,Cyber Security & SIEM Tools, Server Administration, Operating System & Administration, IAM Tools, Cloud Computing, etc. She does a great job in creating wonderful content for the users and always keeps updated with the latest trends in the market. To know more information connect her on Linkedin, Twitter, and Facebook.

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