Google Cloud Interview Questions

Last updated on Nov 20, 2023

Advance your career with Google Cloud. Generally, professionals in this field have huge demand. So it will be very difficult for a candidate to clear the Interview. So to help you to clear your Interview easily, our experts have provided you some frequently asked google cloud Interview questions in this blog. So let's get started.

Most Frequently Asked Google Cloud Interview Questions

Basic level Google cloud Interview Questions:

What is Google Cloud Platform?

Google Cloud Platform is a cloud-based platform administered by Google. This is a suite of virtual machines, computing, networking, storage, big data, database and management services, machine learning, and much more. All of these services operate on the same Google infrastructure, which is used by Google for its end-user products such as Google Search, Gmail, and YouTube.

List some benefits of using the Google cloud platform.

Google Cloud Platform is becoming more popular with cloud professionals and users for the benefits they provide compared to others:

  • GCP delivers competitive pricing.
  • Google Cloud servers make it possible to access information from everywhere.
  • GCP delivers performance and services that are generally better than other cloud hosting services.
  • Google Cloud delivers quick and effective updates for servers and security.
  • The Google Cloud Platform's security level is exemplary; the cloud networks and platforms are secure and encrypted using different security measures.

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List out key features of Cloud Services.

The Cloud Service and Cloud Computing offer a wide range of features as a whole, particularly the ease of accessing and managing commercial software throughout the world.

  • Easily centralize all software management into a central web service.
  • Designing and developing web applications that can handle multiple customers across the world at the same time.
  • Eliminating software upgrade downloads through the centralization and automation of the update process.

What are the different layers of cloud architecture?

Different layers of the cloud architecture include:

  • Physical Layer: It includes network, physical servers, and other aspects.
  • Infrastructure layer: It comprises virtualized storage layers, etc.
  • Platform layer: It covers the applications, operating system, and other aspects.
  • Application layer: It is the layer through which the final user interacts directly.

Which libraries and tools are available for cloud storage on GCP?

JSON and XML APIs are basic to cloud storage on the Google Cloud Platform. Along with these, Google offers the following for interacting with cloud storage.

  • Google Cloud Platform Console to carry out basic operations on buckets and objects.
  • Cloud Storage Client Libraries which offers programming support in a variety of languages.
  • Gustil Command-line Tool comes with a CLI to support cloud storage.
  • Various Third-party tools such as the Boto Library are also available.

What is a Google Cloud API? How could we access it?

Google Cloud APIs are the programmatic interfaces which make it possible for users to add power to anything from storage access to machine-learning-based image analytics to Google Cloud-based applications.

Cloud APIs are easy to access with client libraries through server applications. Several programming languages provide access to the Google Cloud API. Mobile applications may be used through Firebase SDKs or via third-party clients. For accessing Google Cloud APIs, Google SDK command-line tools or Google Cloud Platform Console Web UI can be used.

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What is Google Cloud SDK?

Google Cloud SDK is a collection of command-line tools. This is used for developing the Google cloud. Using these tools, we can access the big query, cloud storage, compute Engine, and other services right from the command line. It also includes the client libraries as well as API libraries. These tools and libraries allow us to work with the Virtual Machine instances, handle computer engine networks, storage and firewalls, and so on.

Explain about Service accounts.

Service accounts are the accounts specific to a project. Service accounts will be used to allow Compute Engine to carry out tasks on the user's behalf, providing the user with access to non-sensitive information and data. These accounts manage the authorization process for the user, making it easier to authenticate Google Cloud Engine to the other services. It should be noted that service accounts cannot be used for accessing user information. While Google offers a variety of service accounts, there are two types of service accounts that are preferred by the users:

  • GCE service accounts
  • Google Cloud Platform Console service accounts

What is VPC?

VPC refers to Virtual Private Cloud. This is a virtual network which offers connectivity to the Google Kubernetes Engine clusters, compute Engine's VM instances and many more resources. The VPC offers plenty of flexibility to control the way workloads connect globally or regionally. A single VPC may cover more than one region without communicating over the Internet.

) What is Google App Engine?

As a product of Platform as a Service, Google App Engine offers scalable services for web application developers and businesses. Using this, the developers are able to build and deploy a completely managed platform and to scale it if required. It supports popular programming languages like PHP, Java, Go, C#, Python, .Net, and Node.js. It also provides flexibility to allow you to develop powerful applications.

Intermediate level Google cloud Interview Questions:

) What is Load balancing?

Load balancing is a distribution process of computing resources and workloads within a cloud-based computing environment for managing requests. It provides a high return on investment at lower costs because the workload is managed efficiently through resources allocation. It employs the concept of agility and scalability to enhance the resources available as required. It also serves as a health assessment for the cloud app. This feature is available from all major cloud providers such as GCP, AWS, Azure, etc.

) What is a Google Cloud Storage bucket?

Buckets are the primary containers in which data is stored. With the buckets, we can organize the data and allow access to the control. The bucket is uniquely named globally and has a geographic location where the content is stored. A default storage class is available, which is applied to objects that do not have a specified storage class and that are added to the bucket. The unlimited number of buckets can be created or deleted.

) What does BigQuery mean?

BigQuery is a warehouse service provided by Google Cloud Platform. It is a cost-effective and highly scalable product with an integrated machine learning and in-memory data analysis engine. It provides us the opportunity for quickly analyzing data in real-time and creating analytical reports using a data analysis engine. BigQuery handles external data sources within object storage, transactional databases, or spreadsheets.

) What is Object Versioning?

Object versioning is used for recovering overwritten and deleted objects. Versioning objects increases storage costs, but it ensures that objects are secure when overwritten or deleted. When the object versioning is enabled in the GCP bucket, a non-common version of the object will be created whenever the object is deleted or overwritten. Properties for identifying a version of an object are generation and meta generation. Generation recognizes content generation, whereas meta generation recognizes metadata generation.

) What is google cloud messaging?

Google Cloud Messaging is also known as Firebase, is a cross-platform notification solution that allows us to send and receive notifications and messages for free. With the help of this solution, we can send messages or notify the customer applications or send messages to encourage re-engagement of users. It offers us the ability to target multi-purpose messages like the distribution of the message to individual devices, to subscribing devices, or to a group of devices.

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) What is serverless computing?

In Serverless computing, the cloud service provider will have a server in the cloud that runs and manages the resource allocation dynamically. The provider delivers the infrastructure needed so that the user can work without worrying about the hardware. Users must pay for the resources used by them. It will simplify the code deployment process while eliminating all issues related to maintenance, scalability for users. It is a kind of utility computing.

) What kind of development models are available in cloud computing?

There are four types of cloud computing development models:

Public Cloud: Anyone can access this kind of cloud with a subscription. Resources like operating system, memory, CPU, and storage are available to the public.

Private Cloud: This kind of infrastructure can be used by an organization rather than the general public. These are usually more costly to build compared to public clouds.

Hybrid Cloud: This kind of infrastructure uses both publicly and privately owned clouds. Many organizations use it to expand their resources when necessary quickly.

Community Cloud: In this type of model, several organizations share their resources and set up a pool that is limited to community members.

) What are the security aspects of the cloud?

The following are just a few of the important aspects of cloud security.

Access control: It allows users to control access to other users from entering the cloud ecosystem.

Identity management: It gives authorization for the application services.

Authorization and authentication: It allows only authorized and authenticated users to access applications and data.

) How does cloud computing provide on-demand functionality?

Cloud computing as a technology has been built on the basis of delivering features to all its on-demand users at any time and from any location. With the recent enhancements and ease of application availability, such as Google Cloud, it has reached this objective. A Google Cloud user will be able to view the files in the cloud at any time across any device from anywhere if connected to the Internet.

) What is the advantage of API in the cloud domain?

Following are the major advantages of the API over the cloud domain:

  • You are not required to write the entire program.
  • It's easy to communicate from one app to the other.
  • It's easy to create apps and connect them to cloud services.
  • It securely links two different applications.
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Google cloud Interview Questions for Experienced:

) Why do we require the virtualization platform for cloud implementation?

Virtualization makes it possible to create operating systems, virtual versions of storage, networks, applications, etc. With the right virtualization, we can increase the existing infrastructure. Multiple applications and operating systems can be executed on existing servers.

) How does Elasticity differ from scalability?

Scalability is a cloud computing feature that enables it to adapt to growing workloads by scaling up the capacity of resources. The architecture utilizes scalability to provide on-demand resources when traffic expands the need. Meanwhile, Elasticity is a property which enables the dynamic commissioning and dismantling of huge quantities of resources. It is based on the level of availability of resources and how long they are used.

) What is the relationship between Google Compute Engine and Google App Engine?

Google App Engine and Google Compute Engine benefit one another. Google Application Engine is a PaaS service, whereas GCE is an IaaS service. GAE is widely used to power mobile backends, web-based apps, and line-of-business applications. Computs Engine is a great option if we need more control on the underlying infrastructure. Compute Engine, for instance, can be used to build a customized business logic or execute our own storage system.


EUCALYPTUS stands for "Elastic Utility Computing Architecture For Linking Your Program To Useful Systems". This is a free architecture for cloud computing software which is employed to build cloud computing clusters. It provides private, public, and hybrid cloud services.

) What are the various ways to authenticate the Google Compute Engine API?

Different methods are available for Google Compute Engine API authentication:

  • Using OAuth 2.0
  • Through client library
  • Directly with an access token

) List some popular open-source cloud computing platforms?

The following are a few of the key open-source cloud platforms:

  • KVM
  • Docker
  • OpenStack
  • Apache Mesos
  • Cloud Foundry

) What is the difference between a project number and a project Id?

Two parameters that are used to identify a project are the project identifier and the project number. These two can be distinguished as follows:

When a project is created, automatically the project id for it will be created automatically, while the project number will be created by the user. The project number is mandatory and mandatory, whereas the project ID may be optional for the services, but the project ID is a must for the Google Compute Engine.

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) How can we protect data from cloud transport?

To ensure that the cloud data is secure, verify that the encryption key used along the data you provide does not leak data since it moves from point A to point B on the cloud.

) What are system integrators in cloud computing?

There are multiple components to a cloud which can be complex. The system integrator is the strategy in the cloud which makes it possible to design the cloud, the integration of the different components for the creation of a hybrid or private cloud network, amongst others.

) What are projects in Google Cloud?

The projects are the containers which organize all the resources of Google Compute. They form the realm of compartments and are not designed to share resources. There may be different users and owners of projects.


All the above are the frequently asked Interview questions related to the Google Cloud Platform. Learning these questions will boost your knowledge of Google cloud and will help you to clear your Interview easily. We hope you find these questions are helpful for your preparation. In case you could not find any answer to a question you are searching for, you could comment on the question in the comment section. We will revert with the answer.

About Author

A technical lead content writer in HKR Trainings with an expertise in delivering content on the market demanding technologies like Networking, Storage & Virtualization,Cyber Security & SIEM Tools, Server Administration, Operating System & Administration, IAM Tools, Cloud Computing, etc. She does a great job in creating wonderful content for the users and always keeps updated with the latest trends in the market. To know more information connect her on Linkedin, Twitter, and Facebook.

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