Maximo Interview Questions

Last updated on Nov 28, 2024

Ans: Advance your career with HKR's Maximo interview Questions. If you are a professional preparing to clear the Maximo interview, then this blog will help you. Our experts have listed the top 30 frequently asked Maximo interview Questions into the basic, intermediate, and Expert levels. Learning these questions will help you to crack your interview easily. So without wasting time, Let's begin with the basic Maximo interview Questions.

Most Frequently Asked Maximo Interview Questions

Basic Level Maximo Interview Questions

Explain about IBM Maximo?

Ans: IBM Maximo is a tool used for asset management. It enables the users to manage assets on a system. This unique system allows the company to gain insight into the entire life cycle of its organizational assets, including communication, Production, transportation, infrastructure and much more. Maximo is an on-premise or cloud-based technology that is easy to access from any device. 

Explain IBM Maximo asset management?

Ans: IBM Maximo asset management is a software solution for enterprise asset management from IBM. This is a solution for operating, maintaining and disposing of the company's assets.

Explain system properties?

Ans: The System Properties application will be used to manage system properties and system property values that are used by various components.

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What do you mean by MBO and MBO set?

Ans: MBO indicates a record in the table, while MBO set indicates a table in the database. MBO's will carry the information.

What are the domains available in Maximo?

Ans: Six domains are available in Maximo.

  • Numeric Domains
  • Alphanumeric Domains
  • Numeric Range Domains
  • Synonym Domains
  • Crossover Domains
  • Table Domains

What is the Start Center?

Ans: The Start Center is just a view of Maximo when we connect with it. It will be configured by the system Admin as per the requirement of the business. There may be multiple tabs in the Start Center. Maximo admin may include daily tasks, news or messages on the bulletin board. It shows the different IN/SR tickets. Shortcuts to the different applications needed by the end-user may also be provided to the Start Center. The Start Centre can also be configured depending on the security groups, i.e. different perspectives for a different individual or depending on the needs and requirements of the company.

What is Email Integration?

Ans: It is the outline of how emails are integrated into TSRM. There are two types of integrations:

Outgoing email: It enables TSRM to send different email notifications.

Incoming email: It enables TSRM to process inbound emails automatically to query or generate tickets for the reported issues.

What are the security levels for Global properties?

Ans: The security level specifies if a property can be fetched and an authenticated connection with the system is set. Three levels of security exist:

Public: At this security level, the property and its value are accessible by unauthenticated client sessions.

Secure: At this security level, the property and its value are accessible by authenticated Client sessions.

Private: In this type of security level, the property and its value are only accessible within the Business scope of the system.

What are the common XML types?


Library XML: If we need to share a bit of code on multiple applications, we cannot copy and paste the same code into all applications. In order to consolidate common code, Library XML is available. 

Menus XML: Menus common to any application.

Lookups XML: This way, you can search for a list of values, like classification, persons and so on.

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. What are the different modules of Maximo?

Ans:The following modules are available in Maximo:

  • Security
  • Cron Task
  • Escalations
  • Change Request
  • System Properties
  • Workflow Designer
  • Integration Module
  • Application Designer
  • Database Configuration
  • Workflow Administration

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Intermediate Level Maximo Interview Questions

. Explain what Inbound email integration is?

Ans: TSRM will process the inbound emails and update or create tickets automatically with details. This application produces an XML and sends it by email to TSRM. Depending on the user's OLM ID, the mail is sent to any of the three email ids, or TSRM will periodically toll the mailboxes of these three ids and will process the emails to generate or create tickets.

. Explain what Outbound email integration is?

Ans: Outbound email integration describes in detail the two email integration types that are configured for TSRM. TSRM utilizes SMTP to send emails.

Following are the configuration elements: 

  • The System Property manages which SMTP server is used by TSRM to send mail. This is actually defined as (IP) that is a Domino server executing the SMTP service.
  • Troubleshooting Tips: Checkpoints when delivering troubleshooting emails
  • Check if the firewall ports are open between the TSRM and SMTP server. The port of SMTP is 25. This verification can be done by attempting to telnet to theSMTP server at port 25 from the two WAS servers
  • Check the communication records for the file in question to make sure that mail has been sent through TSRM

. What is the Integration framework?

Ans: The integration framework makes it possible to integrate Maximo into other tools. This minimizes the manual effort. Integration is used in the following ways:

  • For Creating thousands of classifications within Maximo at a time.
  • For uploading IN and SR in the tool with a single click.
  • For creating more than one user ID in Maximo. 
  • For creating automatic tickets in Maximo when alerts or messages are received, for

Which we have embedded Maximo with Netcool.Maximo can be integrated into Tivoli Directory Server using Tivoli Directory Integrator to create an assembly line in TDI. The various components of the

integration Framework include:

  • Events
  • Content
  • Services
  • Channels
  • Endpoint
  • Web services
  • External systems
  • Object structures

. Which kinds of assets does IBM Maximo focus on?

Ans: Following are four types of assets IBM Maximo focuses on. 

  • Plants and Production ( for example, gas, oil, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, mining, food, manufacturing, power generation and electronics)
  • Infrastructure( that includes highways, railways, telecommunications, wastewater, water and gas and electric distribution networks)
  • Transportation( for airlines, military, shipping, rail, trucking and others)
  • Real estate & facilities( for example, schools, hospitals and offices)

. What is the difference between Crossover Domain and Table Domain in IBM Maximo?


Table Domains: It will generate a dynamic set of values. By specifying the object attribute in the database, these values are derived.

Cross Domains: It will not generate a list but will fetch a value from other records. We program Maximo to bring it from one field to the other, generally from one application to the other.

. Describe the Maximo workflow nodes?

Ans: Following are the eight Maximo workflow nodes:

  • Wait for Node: 
  • It states that the progress of a record in a process must be paused until the necessary condition is satisfied. 
  • When a record enters the wait node, the assignment is not done.
  • Interaction node: 
  • Direct the user to another app or screen containing the same app.
  • Show an application tab with the instructions on how to add or modify data or to perform a specific application action.
  • Select the action menu and trigger an action automatically from the toolbar.
  • Trigger a process automatically, such as an alternate workflow process.
  • Task node: 
  • Inbox assignments with negative and positive results.
  • Condition Node: 
  • The system will evaluate a condition with either a True or a False binary result, then forwards the record accordingly)
  • Manual Input node: 
  • Asks the user to multiple Options and sends the record accordingly.
  • Subprocess node: 
  • Initiate a different workflow process into this process.
  • Stop
  • Start

. Explain data storage levels.

Ans: The application is stored in one of the following levels by the system:

System-level: Data is available for all Sites and organizations.

Set level: It is a special category where several organizations will be able to share items and supplier company data, the data which the system stores at the organization level by default.

Organization Level: Data is only accessible to the indicated organization and to all organizational sites.

Site Level: Data can only be accessed by a specific site.

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. What are the states of an incident in Maximo?


NEW: It is the initial state of the ticket after its creation or insertion. We will not be able to revert to this state once we have changed it.

  • QUEUED: The ownership of the tickets was assigned to a group or an individual. Ownership assignments may be done manually or automatically by means of a workflow, SLA or other escalation processes.
  • INPROG: This state indicates that someone is working on the ticket. When a ticket first arrives at this state, the system will populate the Actual Start field if it is blank. 
  • PENDING: This state indicates that the action on this ticket is pending, such as a reminder from the provider or user or pending parts.
  • RESOLVED: Information was collected and forwarded, service was re-established, or a solution was proposed. When a ticket first arrives at this state, the system will populate the Actual Start field if it is blank. If necessary, we can reopen a ticket and switch from RESOLVED state to INPROG state.
  • CLOSED: The ticket becomes a historical record. Once a record is closed, We will not be able to change the state. However, there are parts of the historical record that we can edit.

. What are MaxObject, MaxAttribute & MaxPresentation for?


MaxObject: Here, the actual MBO definition is stored.

MaxAttribute: It describes all attributes such as the data type of the attribute, whether it persists or not, its length, does it have a validation class linked to it.

MaxPresentation: Here Actual presentation XML of the application is recorded/saved

. Where do we mention the corn task logic?

Ans: You must specify the logic of the Cron tasks within the java class. Let's assume that for the Escalation Cron task, we define the connection in the Class.

If 10 Escalation cron task instances are running, it indicates that there are ten java objects of the EscalationCronTask class.

Experienced Level Maximo Interview Questions

. What are the controls in the Application Designer tool in IBM Maximo part 1?


Tab: A single tab with a group of tabs.

Tab group: The container to add tabs.

Section: A container to add controls like section rows, section columns, fields, buttons, checkboxes and combo boxes.

Section Row: A Row within a section.

Section Column: A column within a section.

Parameter Values: A container to control the value of parameters to be used in table and section windows.

Section Header: A container for labelling a section or table viewport, with the ability to show dynamic values on the label. It contains the control of parameter values that is a container to control parameter values.

. What are the controls in the Application Designer tool in IBM Maximo part 2?


Parameter value: dynamic values which are in a section header.

Combobox: One combo box with the dropdown function.

Blank line: to insert a white space within a section.

Checkbox: HTML checkbox.

Image: Allows a picture to be inserted.

Help Grid: A text shown on the dialogue boxes.

Listbox: A dropdown menu which shows dynamic content.

. What are the controls in the Application Designer tool in IBM Maximo part 3?


Textbox: A box to input a single line of text.

Multipart Textbox: Two text boxes side by side; one displays text, and the other displays a description.

Multiline Textbox: A textbox to input multiple lines of text.

Static text: the informational text that appears in an application.

Table Column: A container for a column within a table window.

Table: a table window container.

Tree: a hierarchical structure container.

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. What are the controls in the Application Designer tool in IBM Maximo part 4?


Tree node: A container to define child elements in the tree control.

Tree Attribute: A value that describes tree node control in the tree.

Menu Bar: A menu bar which holds signature options for the Query, Search, and Bookmark menus. 

Application bar: It is a container which shows all applications within the current module, with the exception of the currently shown application.

Hyperlink: It supports the text and graphics.

. What is IBM SmartCloud Control Desk?

Ans: SmartCloud Control Desk is a complete solution for managing IT assets and services, which helps minimize costs and reduce service disruptions by automated service request handling, effective change management, improved asset lifecycle management throughout the enterprise and IT domains. SmartCloud Control Desk gives us a single product which integrates the features of all these products:

  • Tivoli Asset Management for IT
  • Tivoli Service Request Manager
  • Tivoli Change and Configuration Management Database

. Can there be multiple system properties with the same name and values?

Ans: We cannot have more than one system property with the same name; however, we may have system properties that have the same values. We may have more than one value for the system properties. For example, for attachments, we may have more than one value, such as .txt, .html, etc.

. How can we validate a text field?

Ans: With the help of an MBO Validate class, a text field can be validated. Within the database under the Attributes tab, we may define a valid class name.

. Where do we use Roles?

Ans: Roles can be used in Service Level agreement, workflow, escalation or part of a communication template.

. What is a communication template?

Ans: For creating and managing generic communication templates which Maximo users may leverage to standardize email communications that are frequently used.

. What is the advantage of Maximo when compared with other similar systems?

 Ans: Maximo is Scalable. Regardless of the size of your organization, it can manage future growth.


In this blog, we have covered the most frequently asked questions in the interview. Learning these questions will help you to gain a clear idea about the frequently asked Maximo interview questions. We hope you found this information helpful.

About Author

As a Senior Writer for HKR Trainings, Sai Manikanth has a great understanding of today’s data-driven environment, which includes key aspects such as Business Intelligence and data management. He manages the task of creating great content in the areas of Digital Marketing, Content Management, Project Management & Methodologies, Product Lifecycle Management Tools. Connect with him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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