Peoplesoft Integration Broker interview questions

Last updated on Nov 07, 2023

As of 2020, business organizations are more focused on managing the operations efficiently to meet the business needs and client requirements promptly. There will be multiple operations that need to be performed within the organization and might need third-party partners. An organization needs to maintain a tool or platform that would work as a middleware for the organization's different departments. The business organizations are focusing on the platforms that could establish communication and serve as a web service. Peoplesoft Integration Broker is one of the platforms responsible for performing the synchronous and asynchronous messaging between the internal systems and third-party systems.

In this article, you can go through the set of Peoplesoft Integration interview questions most frequently asked in the interview panel. And these questions will help you crack the interview as the topmost industry experts curate these at HKR training.

Most Frequently AskedPeoplesoft Integration Interview Questions

1. What do you know about Peoplesoft? Give a brief idea about the PeopleSoft integration broker?

Ans: PeopleSoft: PeopleSoft is an organization that provides its extensive support for e-business application software over the internet. PeopleSoft provides the software for the different departments in the organization like Supply chain management, Human resource management, Customer relationship management, enterprise performance management, etc.

Peoplesoft Integration broker: Peoplesoft integration broker is the platform that provides using SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) technology, and is responsible for transferring the synchronous and asynchronous messages. The PeopleSoft integration broker is primarily responsible for delivering the PeopleSoft business logic as web services to Peoplesoft third party systems. The PeopleSoft integration broker is responsible for executing the synchronous and asynchronous messaging between the internal and third-party systems. It also helps in looking and consuming web services from a third party and the peoples of systems.

2. Give a brief explanation about the components in the Peoplesoft integration broker?

Ans: Two different components are included in the PeopleSoft integration broker. They are: 

Integration gateway: The integration gateway is the platform responsible for regulating the receipt and delivery of the service operations fastly among the systems using the PeopleSoft integration broker. 

Integration engine: The integration engine is an application server process that helps rout the service operations to and from the PeopleSoft application, transforms the service operation structure, and transfers the data as per the required specifications.

3. What is meant by Peoplesoft multi-channel framework?

Ans: The PeopleSoft multichannel framework is a framework that is responsible for providing an integrated infrastructure to provide extensive support to the multiple interaction channels for the call center agent or the other PeopleSoft users, who will need to respond to the notifications and incoming requests. The PeopleSoft multichannel framework is flexible to support the following channels. 

1. E-mail 

2. Instant messaging 

3. Web collaboration (Chat)

4. Voice (telephone)

4. Explain the different steps to be followed to export SQL results to Excel using SQLPLUS?

Ans: The following are the different steps to be followed to export the SQL results to excel using the SQL plus. 

1. Step-1: You will need to login to the database using SQL plus. 

2. Step-2: Set up the markup using the command “ SET MARKUP HTML ON.” 

3. Step-3: Spool the output to a file “SPOOL C:\TEMP\MYOUTPUT.XLS.” 

4. Step-4: You will need to execute your SQL Query. 

5. Step-5: Set the spool as off. 

6. Step-6: To review the output review, open the output XLS file.

Want to enhance your skills to become master in PeopleSoft integration broker Certification, Enroll in our PeopleSoft integration broker training.

5. In how many ways you can run an application engine program in PeopleSoft?

Ans: You can run the application in PeopleSoft in five different ways. They are: 

1. Process scheduler 

2. AE people tools 

3. Calling people code 

4. Application designer application 

5. Command line prompt

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6. Explain File Interfaces in PeopleSoft?

Ans: File interfaces in PeopleSoft are responsible for exchanging the files with the third-party system or any Legacy system that does not support messaging. The files are exchanged using the file layouts. The file layout following file types: 

1. XML files 

2. Fixed format sequential files 

3. Comma Delimited files

7. Explain what a PeopleSoft query is used for? In what ways can you use PeopleSoft Query?

Ans: The PeopleSoft query is identified as a way to represent or generate the ad hoc and scheduled reports quickly from any source data stored in your PeopleSoft tables. The users are allowed to build and execute the queries using the different supportive browsers. The PeopleSoft query can display the data in the form of a grid, schedule the query, run the query, download the query, cater as a data source for crystal reports, define OLAP, and create a data source for people soft and vision reports.

8. Explain the role of the PeopleSoft component interface? What are the main attributes of a Component Interface (CI)?

Ans: The PeopleSoft component interface provides a way to make use of the PeopleSoft database without using a graphical user interface. The component interface involves wrapping the PeopleSoft component, which is the logical grouping of pages representing the complete transaction of business. A component interface's main attributes are keys, properties, and collections, names, and methods.

9. Mention what the feed publishing framework provides?

Ans: The feed publishing Framework provides the following: 

1. The feed publishing framework provides a set of Application programming interfaces that will help the application developers make new types of feeds and synchronize them with existing features as and when required. 

2. It is used as an interface for the end-users, exploring related fields and search feed definitions. 

3. It is considered as a unified interface for the content owners and administrator users to perform the operations like creating, configuring, and maintaining the related feeds definition of the various types

10. List PeopleSoft provides the tools for testing your integration development? Mention what all technical things PeopleSoft billing can do?

Ans: The PeopleSoft provides different tools for performing the testing of the integration development. They are: 

1. Simple post utility 

2. Send master utility 

3. Handler tester 

4. Schema tester 

5. Automated integration point testing 

6. Transformation test utility 

Different technical things can be done using the PeopleSoft billing. Peoplesoft billing allows you to create the bills, review and validate the bills, receive the billing data from other PeopleSoft applications, receive the billing data from the different other applications, adjust invoices, defer revenue accounting, calculate the sales, value, and actions, create recurring bills, installment bills, and intra unit bills and so on.

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11. List out the different types of service operations that PeopleSoft Integration Broker provides?

Ans: The PeopleSoft integration broker is flexible to support different types of services or service operations. They are: 


2. Asynchronous one way 

3. Asynchronous to synchronous 

4. Asynchronous response or request

If you have any doubts on PeopleSoft integration broker, then get them clarified from PeopleSoft integration broker  Industry experts on our PeopleSoft integration broker community!

12. What do you know about Related Content in PeopleSoft?

Ans: The related content services in PeopleSoft are referred to as a framework applicable within the administrators, allowing them to contextual link the application pages with the different collaborative content in any PeopleSoft application that you are working for.

13. How does the voucher build process flow work in PeopleSoft?

Ans: There are two different processes in the voucher build process flow in PeopleSoft. The two sub-processes are voucher edit and pre-edit. The pre-audit sub-process is responsible for creating the Skeleton voucher recordsets from the personal information you have provided online using the different components like quick invoice entry or summary invoice entry or all the information obtained from different resources. After the pre-edit subprocess creates the voucher recordsets successfully, it calls the voucher edit process to complete the record sets.

14. Explain in what ways you can create exceptions in PeopleSoft?

Ans: The exceptions can be handled in two different ways in PeopleSoft. They are: 

1. By calling the inbuilt function, create an exception.

2. By creating an exception base class that will wrap the inbuilt function call and handle its function parameters consistently, it is a most commonly used way of handling exceptions.

15. Mention what the role of Schema Tester is?What is the use of Publish Utility in PeopleSoft?

Ans: Schema tester in PeopleSoft is designed to allow you to validate the row set-based and nonrow set based messages against the message schema. This happens during the development Phase to determine any messages linked to any defined message schema. The publish utility in Peoplesoft helps in automating the procedure of copying the contents of the entire table into a system or the remote database.

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In the current times, PeopleSoft is one of the most commonly used applications in most of the organizations. They are using it because of the benefits of its wonderful features, which can effectively fulfill the business requirements. Likewise, the organizations are also looking for individuals with knowledge and experience in the PeopleSoft domain and its applications. This is giving a wider chance for the individuals to grab the opportunities in PeopleSoft. I hope the above information will help you and crack the interview easily. I would recommend you to get trained and certified in PeopleSoft. It is one of the booming concepts running around the businesses globally.

About Author

Kavya works for HKR Trainings institute as a technical writer with diverse experience in many kinds of technology-related content development. She holds a graduate education in the Computer science and Engineering stream. She has cultivated strong technical skills from reading tech blogs and also doing a lot of research related to content. She manages to write great content in many fields like Programming & Frameworks, Enterprise Integration, Web Development, SAP, and Business Process Management (BPM). Connect her on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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