SAP ABAP Interview Questions

Last updated on Jan 09, 2024

Hello everyone, I am delighted to present you with 50 SAP ABAP interview questions and answers. If you really are looking for a plethora of choices in reputable companies around the world, you have also arrived at the right place. We had already compiled the utmost and most frequently asked SAP ABAP interview questions and answers. If you are a new or experienced SAP ABAP developer, this blog will be extremely useful to you.

In this blog we will go through the SAP ABAP interview questions in 3 levels such as basic, intermediate and advanced.

Most Frequently Asked SAP ABAP Interview Questions

Basic level SAP ABAP interview questions and answers:

What exactly is SAP ABAP?

SAP seems to be a type of software, also known as Corporate Resource Planning (ERP). Large corporations use it to handle their day-to-day operations. ABAP stands for Advanced Software Product Programming. It's indeed SAP's programming language. It's being used to create RICEFW objects (Reports, Interfaces, Extensions, Forms, and Workflows). It is a fourth generation software program which is used to create applications for the SAP R/3 system. Those implementations operate in SAP, which was created with ABAP/4.

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What are the various ABAP editors? What are its applications?

Answer: SE38 and SE80 are 2 distinct ABAP editors, with SE38 being used to create the program. It is often used to access online reports and also to aid the development of all items relating towards this editor.

SE80 includes extra features such as function groups, package creation, a component pool, initiatives, as well as classes.

In ABAP, which data classes are being used?

In ABAP programming, data classes are used; consequently, data types such as:

  • Transaction data is data that changes frequently.
  • Data that can change slowly is known as master data.
  • System data: This is data that the R/3 system requires for itself.
  • Organization data: This is the data that is entered into the system when it is configured and then changed over time.

How do we get to the ABAP Web Dynpro workbench? What is the name of its object list and component?

Answer: In ABAP workbench, we must use Transaction code: SE80 to access WD or Web Dynpro graphical tools or runtime environment. Furthermore, the list of objects that we can use:

  • View
  • Dynpro Component
  • Interface
  • Controller
  • Web Dynpro application

What exactly do you mean by Web Dynpro, and how can you put it to use?

SAP AG is the company that creates web Dynpro. It is SAP's industry-standard ui technique. It's being used to build web-based application forms in the SAP ABAP environment by leveraging SAP development methods and theories. WD provides a front-end web user experience for directly connecting to backend SAP R/3 systems to extract data, as well as reporting functions. The WD for ABAP includes a visual software platform as well as an operating system with specific design tools, which are coupled in the ABAP Workbench.

What are the benefits of utilizing Web Dynpro?

Answer: There are numerous advantages to using web Dynpro, including the following:

  • It allows for simple structure changes.
  • It allows for simple layout and navigation changes using graphical tools.
  • It is simple to integrate in the ABAP environment.
  • It provides faultless maintenance and rejecting pertaining.
  • It supports automatic data transport via data binding.

What does the ABAP data dictionary mean?

Answer: ABAP is a programming language used in app development to clarify the clear framework of objects. It is also used to expose the fundamental database system in the form of tables.

What exactly do you mean by the MVC programming model in Web Dynpro?

Answer: WD applications rely on the MVC model, whereas

  • Model: That is used in WD applications to retrieve back-end data.
  • View: That is used in web browsers to display data representations.
  • Controller: A controller is used to control information exchange between model and the view, where the control system appears to take input from the user and processes information from the database before displaying it in the browser.

What do you mean by ABAP data classes?

Answer: A data class is a class which only has fields and primitive methods for accessing them. They are regarded as the only information containers used by many classes. Please keep in mind that all these classes have no extra capabilities, and then they can even operate on their own data.

.What is the distinction between a pool table and a transparent table?

Answer: Transparent tables were those who had a one-to-one relationship with the database tables. Its design is based on a single database.

Pooled tables: These are tables that have only one relationship with the tables in the database and are stored at the database level.

.What exactly is BDC programming?

Batch Data Communications (BDC) is a method of transferring data sources into the SAP system. We are using a queue file as the core element for data transfer, which receives the data via batch groups or introduced as a way with sessions.

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.In ABAP, how can a 'table cluster' be created?

Answer: In order to generate a table cluster in ABAP, we must first perform the following steps:

  • Initially, we open the ABAP dictionary, then select the object type table, enter a table name, and click the Create button.
  • The table's field upkeep screen will be displayed. Please keep in mind that the table type transparent table would be set as the default.
  • Make the required changes to the quick summary and distribution classification on the Attributes page. The table's fields could then be specified. We could indeed proceed once a transparent table has been created. We could save our entries at any time.
  • Now click the EXT button.

.In SAP ABAP, what else do you imply by foreign key relationships?

Answer: Foreign keys are required to provide consistency of data. These are used for the ABAP data dictionary to determine the connection between tables. Such keys are often used to perform value inspections on the input fields. Furthermore, data entered into it must be compared to earlier data to ensure there were no discrepancies. If this occurs, the foreign key relationship should be described. In addition, we must use the SE11 SAP transaction function to create foreign keys.

.What exactly do you mean by

Whenever a program executes can internal tables exist. These can still be used to undertake table computation on a subcategory of database tables. The information of the database could also be rearranged to meet the requirements of the consumers.

.In BDC, which functional modules are used in what order?

Answer: In BDC, just three basic modules have been used in series to ensure impeccable data transfer. These really are as follows:




Intermediate level Sap ABAP interview questions and answers:

.What are SAP ABAP Smart Forms?

Answer: SAP ABAP Smart Forms have been used to build and maintain forms in SAP Systems for bulk printing that used a graphics software tool. The output channel used during SAP smart forms is fax, printer, e-mail, and so on. Please keep in mind that Smart forms were presented in 1998 to overcome some of the limitations of SAP script.

.What are the different components of SAP scripts?

SAP scripts throughout SAP ABAP are a word processor tool which can perform as a configuration set with paragraph file types, window frames, and pages, character layouts, and so on.

.What is the distinction between table as well as framework in the SAP ABAP data dictionary?

The primary distinctions between table and structure in SAP ABAP are as follows:

We could indeed physically hold the data in tables, but it is not conceivable in a framework.

The technical characteristics can be stored in a table. Even so, in a framework, it is not possible.

The table seems to have a primary key, whereas the framework does not.

.What is the distinction between a SAP ABAP Template and a SAP ABAP Table?

In SAP ABAP, the table is dynamic, whereas the template is static.

.How should the data be formatted before writing a statement in the SAP ABAP report?

Answer: With the help of the loop event, the report output can be generated as follows:

.at new

.at first

.at l

.What's the distinction between ABAP and OOABAP? When does OOABAP come into play?

Answer: When generating traditional programs in R/3, ABAP is used; when generating BSP/PCUI requests, OOABAP has been used.

.What exactly do you mean when you say ALV coding in SAP ABAP? How can you apply this grid to it?

Answer: The Application List Viewer, or ALV, is being used to enhance the report's output. SAP specifies a suite of ALV opportunities for integration that can be used to improve the understandability or capabilities of every report output. ALV is a useful tool for arranging the columns in the report output.

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.In SAP ABAP, how can you use End-of-selection?

Answer: We are using the completion of the selection event to begin writing HR-ABAP code in SAP ABAP. Furthermore, HR-ABAP code has been used to analyze the information and print it on the lineup while beginning the selection event. Furthermore, everything will be completed at the conclusion of the selection event.

.How do you tell the difference between 'Type' and 'Like'?

Whenever a data type is straightforwardly designated to a data object while announcing, it means 'TYPE,' whereas when a data type is implemented to some other object while announcing a data object, it means 'LIKE.'

Type refers to the current data type, whereas Like refers to the existing data object.

.What exactly do you imply by

Answer: In SAP ABAP, table buffering is a concept in ABAP tables that is used to improve performance by 10 to 100 times and decrease table processing time. A buffer, in fact, serves as an interface here between the application layer and the database layer.

In the buffer, pool tables and transparent tables are being used. Additionally, the cluster table cannot be interrupted.

.Which scenarios can be used to create interactive forms in SAP ABAP Web Dynpro?

Answer: There really are 4 possible options in that we can use Web Dynpro in SAP ABAP to create dynamic forms:

Offline Scenario Printing Scenario Using a Digital Signature in an Interactive Scenario

.How can messages be used in Web Dynpro in SAP ABAP?

Answer: Messages containing data for Dynpro software end users can be created and revealed in ABAP Workbench. Those notifications are also visible on the screen. Furthermore, these really are user-interactive emails that display important messages and information well about web Dynpro implementation.

.What are the various database Integrities?


  • Integrity of Semantics
  • Integrity of Value Set
  • Integrity is the primary key.
  • Integrity of Foreign Keys
  • Integrity in Relationships
  • Integrity in Operations

.Which two methods are there for modifying SAP standard tables?

Answer: There are two factors that can change SAP standard tables: prepend constructions and customisation.

.What are the various types of parameters? What distinguishes these from other types of parameters?

Answer: There are two kinds of variables: formal parameters and actual parameters. Formal parameters are used to define a subroutine when using the 'form' statement, whereas actual parameters are used to define a subroutine's call when using the 'perform' statement.

The features of the other types of parameters can be used to distinguish them. If I need to transfer information from a subprogram, I use output values; if I need to pass information to a subprogram, I use input data.

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.What are the different kinds of data dictionary objects?

Tables, Domain, Views, Type Groups, Data Element, Lock Objects, Structures, Table Types, and Search Helps are the correct answers.

. How can information be stored in a cluster table?

A cluster table could indeed store information with the aid of different DDIC tables. It's being used to save data such as a name-value pair.

.How can we put 'pretty-printer' to use?

The pretty-printer is used in SAP ABAP to format the ABAP code.

: What exactly do you mean by

Answer: In SAP ABAP, Lock objects have been used to sync up direct exposure of different users who are accessing the same data.

Advance level Sap ABAP interview questions and answers:

.How can a script form be debugged?

Answer: To debug a script form in SAP ABAP, we must do the following:

SE71 – name the form – utilities – start the debugger

. In the select statement, what do you mean by group by?

When we need to extract data from a table based on a specific field group of Clause, we use the select statement.

.What's the distinction between a dialogue program and a report?

A dialogue is a type of module pool program, whereas a report is a type of executable program. These can only be executed with a transaction. Furthermore, dialogue programming can be used when screen adjustments are required.

.What exactly is a SAP dispatcher?

An SAP dispatcher is indeed a type of control agent. It's being used to handle R/3 application resources.

.What is the difference between a database index and a match code?

Answer: A database index contains fields from a single table.

The fields in the match code come from various tables. Furthermore, match code objects can be built on transparent tables, cluster tables, and pooled tables.

.What are the benefits of using the modularization technique?

Answer: The modular construction technique can be used to prevent duplication in a specific instance program that contains the same sequence of code. Modularizing ABAP/4 programs makes them simpler and easier to read, while also improving structure. Furthermore, these programs are simple to update.

.How can callable components of program code be created within a single ABAP/4 program?

Answer: By adding programs to the library or by identifying macros.

: How are we using the inbound and outbound Dynpro plugin components?

The inbound and outbound plugs in the Dynpro element are view controller components.

The inbound plug stipulates the starting point of view, whereas the outbound plug stipulates the next view to really be called.

.How do I use the window in the development of a Web Dynpro application?

Answer: In Web Dynpro, windows can be used for view sets or multiple views. Furthermore, when a view embeds in another view, it is possible to display it. In addition, a window always contains one or more views that can be accessed via navigation links.

It is difficult to find a data dictionary in the SAP menu tree by having opened the SAP GUI. This is accomplished through the Tools menu. Now, select the ABAP workbench and afterwards the advancement folder, in which the ABAP dictionary can be found. Use the transaction code SE11 instead.

.Which data dictionary object should be used to generate a transparent table?

Database table is the answer.

. How can I avoid writing duplicate statements while also saving time?

Answer: We need to use the concept of chaining statements for this.

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.What is SAP ABAP's three-tier architecture?

Answer: It's indeed feasible to include an input device using the SAP ABAP presentation layer. This presentation layer, in reality, aids in the regulation of the SAP system. A web browser or even a mobile phone could be used for the presentation. This procedure can be conducted with the help of the database server.

The database layer is located on some other server, and the application server conveys with it for security reasons. Furthermore, with all of this system, all of the layers interact with each other throughout the system.

.What is the purpose of inserting and appending statements in SAP ABAP?

Answer: We could really record the particular work area inside the internal table, and the Append statement is being used to append this record. Furthermore, a record at a specific location can be added using the insert statement.

.What types of events are associated with screen programming?

Screen programming is associated with four events, including:

Process after Input, or PAI, is an event that occurs when people engage with the display execution.

A process on Help or POH: This incident is really only executed when the user input it by tapping the key F1. Following that, the successfully received codes in various event blocks, which is something the system processes on the screen.

Process Before Output, or PBO, is an event that is performed long-only before it is displayed on the screen.

Process On Value (POV): This event is triggered by people simply pressing the F4 key.

.Identify the various sections of Technical Specifications.

In technical specifications, five contents are available, including:

Buffering permission, data class, size category, buffering type, and login are all variables to consider.

.In the logical database, which main events are used?

In the logical database, mainly two events are being used, such as:

GET: In the logical database, programs have been used with the help of an event. It essentially occurs when a coherent database is interpreted by a connection from the node. It thus allowed us to make the services available, and by obtaining a statement, it really is able to ascertain the intensity of the logical data model.


In the above blog post we had discussed the frequently asked SAP ABAP interview questions that help the aspirants to get through the interview process very easily. If you find any topic not covered here , please drop it in the comments. We will definitely consider it.Happy learning!

About Author

Kavya works for HKR Trainings institute as a technical writer with diverse experience in many kinds of technology-related content development. She holds a graduate education in the Computer science and Engineering stream. She has cultivated strong technical skills from reading tech blogs and also doing a lot of research related to content. She manages to write great content in many fields like Programming & Frameworks, Enterprise Integration, Web Development, SAP, and Business Process Management (BPM). Connect her on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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