Tibco Interview Question

Last updated on Nov 07, 2023

Expedite your Tibco professional career with our recently designed HKR’s Tibco interview questions with answers. This Tibco software is one of the popular software tools, which is developed to perform major tasks such as data extraction, loading of necessary data, and transmission of data. As per the latest tech report, almost 0.6% of the software products are developed on the base of Tibco application tools. This article is specially designed for those who want to begin their career as a Tibco expert. So what you are waiting for, let’s get started our journey with this article;

Most Frequently asked Tibco Interview Questions

1. What is Tibco software?

Ans: Tibco is also known as The Information Bus Company, this is an information integration and analytical tool. Tibco software is developed by the company JasperSoft, located in the United States of America. This tool provides data integration, analytical, and business warehouse applications. Tibco used to manage, integrate, and monitor the business level of enterprise data. Tibco is widely used because of its flexibility, reliability, and scalability.

2. What are the differences between JDBC activities and SQL direct in Tibco?

Ans: SQL direct executes the entire DML operations like table creation, insertion, and deletion. Whereas JDBC activities execute specific operations such as insert, modify, and update.

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3. What is the role of TRA?

Ans: TRA stands for Tibco runtime Agent; this performs main two functions such as;

  •       Helps to supply an agent that will be running in the background on each machine.
  •       Supplies the run-time environment that is all the shared libraries and third-party libraries.
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4. What are the revision control system options available in Tibco designer?

Ans: The below are the important revision control system options available in Tibco designer such as;

  • File sharing
  • VSS
  • Perforce
  • XML canon
  • Clear case
  • I planet
  • CVS
  • PVCS

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5. In what sequence will you install the Tibco software component?

Ans: The sequence will be as follows;

  1. TRA (Tibco runtime agent)
  2. BW (Business warehouse)
  3. Admin
  4. EMS
  5. RV
  6. Adapters
  7. HAWK

6. What are the possible errors outputs read file activity?

Ans: Here the integration can be achieved in three different layers and the following errors will be raised;

  •       FileNotFoundEXception type: this type of error occurs when the file does not exist.
  •       UnsupportedEncodingException type: this type of error occurs when the text file is not valid and the content of the read file can be processed.
  •       FileIOException: this error occurs, when the I/O exception failed, and it’s not possible to read the files.

7. What are the different types of transactions Tibco provides?

Ans: The Tibco workflow offers various types of transactions that can be used in different situations. These different types of transactions are used in the integration process. The Tibco business workflow supports three different types of transaction such as;

  •       JDBC activities
  •       JAVA transaction API/ (JTA) user transaction
  •       XA transactions

8. What is the purpose of inspector activity?

Ans: The inspector activity in Tibco is used to write the output activities for all the workflow activities. This is mainly used when you debug the definitions and then you wanted to see the entire schema instead of mapping any specific elements to the write file activity data transaction.

9. What is the maximum/ minimum of threads available for incoming HTTP?

Ans: The maximum/minimum of threads available for incoming HTTP is 75/100.

10. What are the mandatory configuration parameters for FTP connection and FTP with a firewall?

Ans: The following are the mandatory configuration parameters for FTP connection and FTP firewall;

  •       FTP host
  •       Port
  •       username and password details

When you enable the FTP connection, you need to add a proxy host and port.

11. What are the 4 main panels of the Designer window?

Ans: The 4 main panels of the designer windows are;

  •       Project panel
  •       Palette panel
  •       Design panel
  •       Configuration panel

12. Explain the process of configuration parameters – max jobs, flow limit, and activation limit?

Ans: Max jobs:

The max job specifies the number of processes that are available as instances in the memory. Once the limit reaches the newly created instances they will be pages out to disk. This specifies the default and non-zero () representations.

Flow Limit:

The flow limit specifies the maximum number of running instances that are available before the process starter is suspended. This limit can be used to control the number of instances that are running simultaneously and also enables protocols to generate different events.

Activation limits:

Activation limits specify the flag that is loaded instantly in the memory. By default, it is enabled.

13. What are the uses of grouping activity?

Ans: The benefits of grouping activities are;

  •       Creates a set of activities having an error transition.
  •       Helps to repeat the group of activities based on the conditions.
  •       Grouping the activities into transition.
  •       To generate the critical section area into the synchronizing process.
  •       Helps to iterate over lists and repeat until the condition is true.

14. What are the differences between topics and queues?


Queues Topics
The queue is used for point to point communication Topics are used for public subscribe
Messages will be delivered when the receivers and readers are not active Messages will be delivered when the consumers are not active
More reliable and secured Less reliable and less secured

15. What are the uses of HAWK?

Ans: HAWK helps to monitor the tool so that you can keep your eye on the performance and health of applications.  HAWK consists of three components such as Hawk Micro Agent, and Hawk Display.

16. What are the differences between render data and parse data?

The render data renders the data from the output and provides the string on the base of defined data formats.

 The parse data parses the data from text content on the base of defined text formats.

17. Which are the two process variables available to all the activities with inputs?

Ans: The following are the two processes available to all the input activities;


_Process context

18. What are the modes of Tibco installation?

Ans: There are three different modes of Tibco installation such as;

  • GUI mode
  • Console mode
  • Silent mode

19. What are the three scenarios where the Tibco engine has to be configured with database persistence instead of a local file?

Ans: The three scenarios of Tibco engine are as follows;

  •       Shared variables across Tibco engine
  •       Looking across the groups in multiple Tibco engines
  •       Wait for notification across the Tibco engine

20. When is a general error activity useful?

Ans: When you need to handle the inside errors is known as subprocess or group and you again re-throw the errors to the caller.

21. What are the resources that get included in the EAR file created by the Tibco designer?

Ans: The following are the important resources that are included in the EAR file such as;

  •  Local project resources
  •  Local library builder resources file
  •  AliasLibrary Resource files
  •  Files referred in the classpath of the designer
  •  All the files under the designer installation guide

22. What are the different modes of service invocation?

Ans: Tibco service can be invoked in many ways;

  •   Here one-way operation will be executed and it will never wait for the response
  •   A request-response can be executed once and waits for a single response. Here the request-response services and communication flow in both directions. This complete interaction consists of two services such as to request and respond.
  •   Publication or notification contains incoming information that is processed on an as-needed basis, and potentially multiple times.
  •   Next is subscription means incoming information can be processed on an as-needed basis and potentially multiple times.

23. What are the Tibco activities that can participate in transactions?

Ans: One important thing is that not all the workflow will have participated in the transaction. But the following activities can participate in the transaction such as;

  •       JDBC activities
  •       JMS activities
  •       Active Enterprise Adapter activities that use JMS transports
  •       EJB activities

·        Tibco I process business or works connector activities

24. What are the types of adapter services?

Ans: There are four types of adapter services available such as;

  •       Subscribe services
  •       Publisher services
  •       Request response services
  •       Request response invocation services

25. What is the scope of user-defined process variables?

Ans: The scope of the user-defined process is available when you want to define the functionalities or not even inside a process that is invoked from the process.

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26. What are the options for configuring the storage for process engines checkpoint repository?

Ans: There are two options available for configuring the storage for process engines checkpoint repository such as;

  •       Local file
  •       Database. Fault-tolerant engines can be recovered from a checkpoint only when you use the database.

27. What are the output formats for XSLT?

Ans: The three output formats for XSLT;

  •       XML
  •       HTML
  •       Text

28. What according to you is the purpose of TRA?

Ans: The Tibco Runtime agent setups the Tibco environment. This Tibco runtime environment integrates the Tibco designer, JRE, JVM, HAWK, and Tibco RV.

29. Can you please define the error handling mechanisms?

Ans: The errors can be defined in three way mechanisms;

  •       Generate the errors
  •       Rethrow
  •       Catch

30. What is known as Tibco transactions?

Ans: The Tibco transactions are used to generate the messages which are related to the business.  The transactions available are JNDI and XA.


In this article, I have tried my best to explain the very important Tibco interview questions. Most of the top companies are developing their software products on the basis of Tibco software because of its unique features. This software tool is used to integrate, monitor, and analyze the data. I hope this article may help a few of you to explore the common Tibco interview questions which will be asked by any top tech companies.

31.What is the critical section in TIBCO Business works and what is it used for?

Ans: Critical section is used to sync process instances so that only once process instance executes the grouped activities at any given time. Any concurrently running process instances that contain a corresponding critical section group wait until the process instance that is currently executing the critical section group completes. Particularly used for controlling access to shared variables. Critical section is one of the group actions. Others are iterating, repeat until true, repeat on error until true, while true, pick first and transaction. If we select critical section as the group, then we get two options. Single group and multiple groups.

Single Group

If you wish to synchronize process instances for a single process definition in a single process engine (only one ear(instance) is deployed), perform the following:

Create a group around the activities you wish to synchronize.

Specify Critical Section for the Group Action field.

Specify Single Group for the Scope field.

Only one process instance at any given time will execute the activities contained in the Critical Section group.

Multiple Groups

If you wish to synchronize process instances for multiple process definitions, or if you wish to synchronize process instances across multiple process engines, perform the following:

Create a Lock shared configuration resource and specify a name for the resource.

To perform the synchronization across multiple process engines, check the Multi-Engine field of the Lock resource. When the process instances are executed by the same process engine, locking is performed in memory. When the process instances are executed across multiple engines, the process engines must be configured to use a database for storage, and a database transaction is performed to ensure that only one process instance is executing the critical section group at any given time.

Create a group around the activities you wish to synchronize.

Specify Critical Section for the Group Action Field.

Specify Multiple Groups for the Scope field.

Use the Browse button in the Lock Object field to locate the Lock shared configuration resource you created in Step 1.

Perform steps 3 to 6 for any process definitions you wish to synchronize. Make sure you specify the same Lock shared configuration object for all Critical Section groups.

32.If there are three activities in the critical section, jdbc update then a write file and then again jdbc update. If the second jdbc update fails, then what will happen to the file written by write file activity?

Ans: The contents of the file will persist.

33.What are different types of transaction groups supported in TIBCO BW?

Ans: Iterate, repeat until true, repeat on error until true, critical section, transaction, pick first, while true.

34.Can two queue receivers listen to the same queue? If yes, if the message arrives on the queue, when receiver receives it?

Ans: The queue which has made connection first. First come first serve.

35.If the message has hit the queue, and there are no receivers for it, and the receiver comes alive after 6 hours, what happens to the message?

Ans: Message stays on the queue.

36.If there are five messages and prefetch property is set to 4 then what happens?

Ans: Fetches 4 messages

37.What all palettes you have worked in TIBCO BW?

Ans: File palette, generall activities palette, jdbc palette, http palette, jms palette, parse palette, service palette, soap palette, wsdl palette.

38.What are the different acknowledgment modes for a message?

Ans: There are 6 modes of acknowledgement. They are:

Auto – message is acknowledged automatically

Client – use confirm activity for acknowledgement

TIBCO EMS Explicit – use confirm activity for acknowledgement, only available for TIBCO EMS

TIBCO EMS no ack

Dups ok – message is acknowledged automatically on its receipt

Transactional – when a transaction is included in a process definition. The message is ack when the transaction commits

39.What is prefetch and failsafe?

Ans: Prefetch is fetching the messages from the server before receiver calls. Failsafe property enables to write persistence messages to the file with synchronous i/o calls.

40.How do you send a response from a web service?

Ans: We write to output to the queue from which we received the request.

41.What is the difference between soap event source and service palette?

Ans: Soap event source is used for single operation, single end. Service palette is used for multiple operations, multiple end bindings like http, jms.

42.If you want to count the number of times a job is called, how will you go about doing it?

Ans: Use job shared variable in a critical section.

43.If there are hundred messages lying on the queue, what will you do and which activity will you use to retrieve one message at a time?

Ans: JMS Queue receiver with confirm activity. Sequencing key in a misc tab of the configuration could also be used.

44.What is the sequencing key in the misc tab used for?

Ans: It is used to call process instances in the order they are created.

45.What happens if I put a static value say ‘nitin’ in the sequencing key?

Ans: All the processes which have this key in their sequencing key field will be executed in the order they were created.

46.What is SQL direct? What is it used for?

Ans: SQL direct is used to execute command dynamically using output of other activities. This activity allows you to execute commands which other activities in the JDBC don’t allow, like DDL command create table.

47.Can you change a value of a global variable at runtime?

Ans: You can change the value of a global variable when you deploy your project in TIBCO Administrator.

See the section on modifying runtime variables in TIBCO BusinessWorks Administration for more information on using TIBCO Administrator.

You can also specify values for global variables when starting a process engine on the command line. To do this, specify the following as a command line argument when starting the process engine:


where variablePathAndName is the name of the variable you wish to set, including the path to the variable if it is contained in a folder. Value is the value you wish to set the variable to.

For example, if you have a global variable named item1 contained in a folder named myGroup and you wish to set its value to 500, add the following argument to the command line when starting the process engine:

-tibco.clientVar.myGroup/item1 500

48.If you have installed a particular version of TIBCO software e.g. TIBCO BW X.Y.Z, What are X, Y and Z number stands for?

Ans: Integration can be at different application layers:




49.What is the role of TRA?

Ans: TRA stands for TIBCO Runtime Agent.

The TRA has two main functions:

Supplies an agent that is running in the background on each machine.

The agent is responsible for starting and stopping processes that run on a machine according to the deployment information.

The agent monitors the machine. That information is then visible via TIBCO Administrator.

Supplies the run-time environment, that is, all shared libraries including third-party libraries

50.What activities are supported in JTA Transaction?

Ans: The Java Transaction API (JTA) UserTransaction type allows:



ActiveEnterprise Adapter (using JMS transports)

EJB activities

to participate in transactions.

51.Process engines in a fault tolerant group can be configured as peers or master secondary.How do these differ ?

The options for configuring storage for process engine’s checkpoint repository are:

Peer means all of them have the same weight. In this case when one engine fails another one takes over and continues processing till it fails.

In master secondary configuration weights are unequal, the secondary starts processing when master fails. But when master recovers, secondary stops and master continues processing.

52.What are the three scenarios where BW engine must be configured with database persistence instead of Local File?

Ans: The three scenarios are:

Shared Variables across BW engines.

Locking across groups in multiple BW engines.

Wait Notify across BW engines.

53.If you want a group to be executed if there is some unhandled error but subject to some max number of iterations which group do you use?

Ans: We can use Repeat on Error until true

54.When is a ‘Generate Error’ activity useful?

Ans: When you handle an error inside a called sub-process or group and want to re-throw the error to the caller (happens by default if you don’t handle the error in the called process)

About Author

Kavya works for HKR Trainings institute as a technical writer with diverse experience in many kinds of technology-related content development. She holds a graduate education in the Computer science and Engineering stream. She has cultivated strong technical skills from reading tech blogs and also doing a lot of research related to content. She manages to write great content in many fields like Programming & Frameworks, Enterprise Integration, Web Development, SAP, and Business Process Management (BPM). Connect her on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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