IBM BPM Interview Questions

Last updated on Jun 12, 2024

Expedite your BPM career with HKR’S frequently designed IBM BPM interview questions and answers. Why you want to read this article, the reason is very simple. With this article, you will get complete guidance and in-depth knowledge of the IBM BPM process. This IBM BPM process establishes deployments with people, systems, applications, tasks, and rules. IBM BPM also helps to monitor the business process and also offers end-to-end visibility across the BPEL system. As per recent Gartner Research, almost 7.6% of the companies are implementing the BPM process. So there is a huge demand for the BPM professions. Let’s start learning IBM BPM interview questions;

Most Frequently Asked IBM BPM Interview Questions 

What do you mean by IBM BPM?

Ans: IBM BPM means business process management. This tool is used to manage, create, organize, and optimize business processes. BPM is an important business tool developed by IBM this has all the good features used in WebSphere BPM+ Lombardi BPM.

What are the key components of IBM BPM?

Ans: The following are the important building blocks of IBM BPM;

  • Process server
  • Process designer
  • Process center
  • Process center console
  • Performance data warehouse
  • Process portal
  • Process admin console

What is the rule set or rule groups in IBM BPM?

Ans: A rule set in IBM BPM is nothing but a group of conditional statements such as IF/Then. You can see IF is the condition and the actions performed are known as rules. Rule sets are best suited for the business rules that hold very few condition clauses.

What is an activity in IBM BPM?

Ans: An activity in IBM BPM represents the logical unit of works that can be executed at run time by a human or system applications.

What are coach views and coaches? Explain the primary function of coaches?

Ans: The coaches in IBM BPM are the name given to the web pages or user interfaces. This IBM process designer allows users to work on to build human interactions. Coach views are new features available in the latest version of IBM BPM 8.0, these are reusable templates. Coach views are mainly used in business objects, and help to reuse of multiple coaches.

What has changed in coaches in IBM BPM?

Ans: Coach views are one of the major latest conditions. These coaches are used to improve error handling and termination handling. Content management integration and bug fixing are also possible. This coach view also offers a link to a new feature at the information center.

What are the different visibility options you have in IBM BPM?

Ans: The following are the important visibility options available in IBM BPM;

  • Default (Inherited) visibility
  • Required visibility
  • Editable visibility
  • Read-only visibility
  • Hide or disabled visibility.

How will you inject data on runtime in production?

Ans: As we know that IBM BPM offers many rest Application programming interfaces (API) which helps to perform few data set operations through that we can inject data values.

For example, I have one business process development which has multiple tasks. Here you can identify the user in run-time and assign the task based on role. It's completely related to routing.

How will you start BPM from outside?

Ans: We can perform this activity by using 4 different ways;

  • You need to expose as a web service like WSDL and then call it from outside and inside the PM which is called in JavaScript ‘StartBPMByProcessName ()’.
  • IBM BPM API exposes as a rest service to start the BPM process.
  • Through the Java Virtual machine, we can start the BPM process.
  • Through the java application programming interface, we can start the BPM process.

. What is a durable subscription?

Ans: A durable subscription is used when you sent a message to an offline user; the message waits in the queue and gets delivered when the user appears online again. This phenomenon is known as a durable subscription.

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. What is the difference between the process app and tool kit?

Ans: The following are the important differences between process app and tool kit;

process app and tool kit

. What is UCA?

Ans: UCA is nothing but an undercover agent used to send and receive a message within the teamwork. The body of the message is defined by teamwork’s service that will be attached to the UCA (Undercover Agents).

. What is an Event Listener?

Ans: The following three points explain the definition of Event listener;

  • An event listener is a kind of widget that will be added to our business process developments. This tells our business process to do something if an event occurs
  • An event is anything that may happen outside our processor in our process that affects how our process runs
  • An event listener cannot be added to the service layer. Presently they are used in any business process layer.

. What are the different types of event listeners?

Ans: There are two types of event listener available such as;

  •       Start message event listener
  •       Intermediate message event listener.

. Explain about routing?

Ans: The routing in IBM BPM is mainly used to assign the task to any specific participants or specific business groups. Here these specific participants can perform one or more tasks. And also helps to assign some activities to one or more participants.

. What is tracking?


  • Tracking is used to track any particular value throughout the process. These activities can be achieved through many tracking groups.
  • Tracking is used to track particular values that will be injected into the authoring environment. The navigation is as follows; first, go to the file option -> then you need to select the option -> send the performance data warehouse option.

. Explain the serialization in BPM?

Ans: Serialization is mainly used to convert the XML file to the teamwork’s objects. When we started using any web service integration service by that time we will use serialization. The output of the Business process management web service will be available in the XML forms. So we need to convert it to the team work’s objects.

. What are the different types of exceptions?

Ans: With the help of the following exception handling methods, we can build error handling capabilities both at the BPD level and service level.

  •       Intermediate exception event (BPD level service)
  •       End exception event (BPD level service )
  •       Catch exception (In-service level )
  •       Throw exception (In-service level)
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. Explain about SLA?

Ans: SLA is a service level agreement, this is mainly used to do work timely manner and this is just an agreement between two people.

. What is teamwork?

Ans: Team works is a BPM tool that is mainly developed by Lombardi software.

  • The team works architecture enables all groups within your enterprise to collaborate to design and deploy efficient processes.
  • Team works also allow you to manage and analyze process performances.
  • Team works is having an Eclipse-based authoring environment that integrates with your other software development tools.

. What are team works components?

Ans: The following are the important teamwork components;

  •       Shared model: this is used to store all the processes, performance data, services, business events, and conditions.
  •       Process server: executes all the processes and services that authors build using team works authoring environment.
  •       Performance server: manages and aggregates the process of the performance data and monitors business events and conditions.
  •       Server consoles: provide interfaces that enable the administrator to configure and maintain the process.

 Server and performance server other users may have limited access to change the password and perform other basic tasks.

  • Authoring environment: this is an Eclipse-based software development environment consists of several interfaces that enable authors to model, simulate, and inspect processes. The interfaces included are service modeler, process inspector, and process molder.
  • Process portal: enables process participants to perform the tasks such as view the history of the task, launch any processes or services. These tasks are attached to the task and view the basic performance.

. What is a process in IBM BPM?

Ans: A process in IBM BPM is like a program that does many inside team works. This process has a starting point and at least one terminate/exit point.

. What are variables (Business objects) in IBM BPM?

Ans: The business objects are also called variables in team works. Team works represent the data that provides the data that helps in running the business context.

There are two types of variables available such as;

  • Simple variables
  • Complex variables have various scopes such as private input and output.

. What is BPD?

Ans: BPD is a business process definition, this also reused the model of a process. This BPD defines what is common to all the runtime instances in the process model.

A business process definition (BPD) adds a lane for every group of users who participate in a process.

. What are the different types of subprocess?

Ans: There are three different types of subprocess available in BPD, they are

  •       Subprocess -> this exists only within the parent process. And each sub-process should contain at least one start event with an implementation type of none.
  •       Linked process -> this is just a call to another reusable process. The linked process is used to process multiple events.
  •       Event sub-process-> this is not a part of the normal sequence flow process and which might occur zero during the times of executing the parent process.

. What is a subprocess?

Ans: A subprocess is a collection of logically related steps contained within a parent process. User can view a subprocess as a single activity, provides the methods in a simplified way, and offers high-level views to the parent process. Subprocess can contain many swim lanes and that is distinct from the parent process.

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. What are the different task types?

Ans: There are three different tasks are available;

  • User task
  • System task
  • Decision task

. What is a heritage coach?

Ans: Heritage coach is used to creating user interface elements and they never collaborate with any data supports. One more important thing about the coach view is that it does not contain coach views.

. How do you fire a boundary event pro-grammatically?

Ans: this.context.trigger (callback) method is used to fire a boundary event programmatically.

. How can a Coach View be given a unique ID at runtime?

Ans: In certain circumstances, you may use the ID attribute for your DOM elements in a coach view. However, each DOM ID must be globally distinct. For instance, while working collaboratively, a distinct DOM ID is used to execute the default highlighting approach.

Use the placeholder keyword $$viewDOMID$$ to guarantee a distinct or unique ID. This keyword will be changed at runtime to the Coach View DOM ID.

. What are the types of BPD in IBM BPM?

Ans: There are Lanes and Milestones, the two types in the BPD. Lanes are horizontal lines, while Milestones are vertical ones.

. How will processes be accessed in BPM?

Ans: Using the Process Portal, you may Begin, Control, Stop, and Observe Processes in BPM.

. Define Reports

Ans. We must present the data in a variety of formats. Examples: Pie graphs, bar graphs, etc.

Scoreboards can be used to present reports.

Special or Ad-hoc Reports: These are useful for making reports whenever you want.

. How may the value of a business object type be altered?

Ans. BPD must be changed, and a snapshot must be made and deployed in order to complete the operation.


HKR’S IBM BPM interview questions with answers article are designed to help those want to start their career as BPM experts. As I said earlier, BPM is a business process management tool widely used in business process implementation. So you can predict that lots of top companies creating jobs for BPM experts. I hope this article may help you to get into your dream company. 

About Author

Kavya works for HKR Trainings institute as a technical writer with diverse experience in many kinds of technology-related content development. She holds a graduate education in the Computer science and Engineering stream. She has cultivated strong technical skills from reading tech blogs and also doing a lot of research related to content. She manages to write great content in many fields like Programming & Frameworks, Enterprise Integration, Web Development, SAP, and Business Process Management (BPM). Connect her on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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