SAP EHS (Environment health safety) Interview Questions
Last updated on Jan 09, 2024
Unleash your SAP professional career with the help of our frequently designed SAP EHS interview questions and answers. As per the industry standard, the average salary for SAP EHS consultants earns Rs. 7,00, 000 and experienced SAP EHS consultants earn more than Rs. 15, 00,000 it depends on the individual skill sets and knowledge they hold. The purpose to design this SAP EHS interview questions and answers post is to help our readers who are finding it difficult in cracking the top company’s interviews.
Most Frequently Asked SAP EHS Interview Questions
- What is SAP EHS?
- Explain the product safety in SAP EHS?
- Define the company health centers?
- What is Squander Administration in SAP EHS
- What is a safe work permit?
- What is incident management in SAP EHS?
- What are the six types of hazards used in the workplace?
What is SAP EHS?
Ans: SAP EHS enables ERP consultants to comply with legal health and safety regulations. There are a wide variety of industries that make use of the SAP EHS applications are waste management, Basic data application, product management, coverage, and safety management. SAP EHS helps companies to take an intelligent approach towards safety compliances, rules & regulations, and implementing cutting-edge technologies.
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What are the key capabilities of the SAP EHS?
Ans: The following are the major key capabilities of the SAP EHS:
- SAP EHS enables organizations to maintain their employee health and safety functionalities.
- Product safety and stewardship functionality.
- Environmental compliance management functionality.
- Product and Reach compliance functionality.
- SAP best practices for Analytics packages in sustainability.
Why do we need SAP EHS?
Ans: Below are the few benefits of the SAP EHS which will explain why every industry needs SAP EHS:
- Management leadership, commitment, and accountability.
- Risk assessment and management.
- Facility and equipment design, construction management.
- Information and documentation development.
- Personnal and training.
- Assessment, feedback, and improvement.
- Product and supply chain stewardship.
- Community awareness and emergency services.
- Incident investigation and Analysis.
- Offers third-party services.
- Management of change.
Mention the key components of the SAP EHS?
Ans: The following are the key components of the SAP EHS;
- Hazardous substance management.
- Dangerous goods management.
- Product safety management.
- Waste management.
- Occupational health management.
- Industrial hygiene and safety.
- Basic data and reporting.
Explain the product safety in SAP EHS?
Ans: Product safety is a submodule of the SAP EHS, that helps organizations to manage chemicals, substances, and materials, etc. Product safety can be done with the help of a specification information system.
Define industrial hygiene and safety?
Ans: Industrial hygiene and safety is a sub-module of SAP EHS that allows the organization to define its work area, assess risk associates, and record exposures.
Define dangerous goods management?
Ans: The dangerous goods management module in SAP EHS allows organizations to manage dangerous goods relevant data in SAP and also define the various checks which are needed to be performed while selling, shipping, and also handling dangerous goods.
What is industry hygiene and safety in SAP EHS?
Ans: The industry hygiene and safety is also sub-module in SAP EHS that allows companies to define the work areas, assess risk associated with certain exposure and work, and record exposures.
What is waste management in the SAP EHS?
Ans: SAP EHS waste management component enables companies to handle and dispose of industrial waste while adhering them to the federal, state, and international waste standards.

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. Define the company health centers?
Ans: Company health centers are the key components of the SAP EHS, they often work together with external partners and also sometimes offer treatment for the persons who are not the employee of an organization. The SAP component central business partners include business partners and external persons.
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. How do you edit waste transporter?
Ans: The navigation to edit waste transporter is as follows;
- Use the transaction code WAA20-> edit the waste transporter.
. How to edit Hazardous substance master?
Ans:The navigation to edit the hazardous substance master is as follows;
- Use the transaction codes HSMD in order to edit the Hazardous substance master.
. How do headers and footers behave when you work with includes?
Ans: The headers and footers of includes are ignored sometimes when teh includes are added to the master template. The header and footers include must not consist of included in the SAP EHS.
. Name the different parts of the SAP EHS consultant in an organization?
ANs: Following are the important parts of the SAP environment, health, and safety consultant in an organization;
- Product safety
- Global label management.
- Occupational health.
- Waste management.
. Can you able to characterize the product safety in SAP EHS?
Ans: Yes, it is possible. Product safety is a submodule of the EHS that enables organizations to oversee chemicals, materials, substances, and also information about the systems.
. How do you characterize Dangerous goods management?
Ans: Dangerous goods management is a sub-component of the SAP EHS, the activities which come under dangerous goods management are;
- Oversee unsafe merchandise important information in SAP.
- Characterize different checks like ordering, offering, delivering, and taking care of perilous products.
. How do you characterize industrial hygiene and safety?
Ans: Industrial hygiene and safety is also a sub-module of the SAP EHS. it enables organizations to characterize the work zones, record exposure, and survey chance related to the specific exposures and work.
. What is Squander Administration in SAP EHS?
Ans: The Squander Administration in SAP EHS empowers the company’s employees to deal with and arrange the modern while going to the federal, state, and international waste gauges.
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. How do you alter Squander transporter?
Ans: The navigation which is used to alter the Squander transporter is as follows;
- Use the code WAA20 -> then go for the alter squander transporter.
. How to Alter unsafe substance ACE?
Ans: If it is less trouble activity; then use the following Tcode;
- Code HSMD-> check for the suitable option where you need to alter unsafe substance ACE.
. How do headers and footers act when you will work with incorporates?
Ans: When you add incorporates to the ace format, then the headers and footers are overlooked. So to have the best work done operations, teh headers and footers should not work with incorporates.
. What is a safe work permit?
Ans: A safe work permit allows organizations to report fundamentally about the riskiness that arises during the time of work and also safety measures to be taken to get rid of the same.
. Which precautions would you be taking while working at heights?
Ans: The precaution measures which you need to take include are;
- Utilizing the appropriate PPE kits.
- Must be precisely provided food for
- A stepping stool must be attached before a laborer hops on.
. Mention a few commonly used construction sites ppe?
Ans: The ppe devices which we used during the time of construction are;
- Caps
- Fall capture hardware
- High deceivability pieces of clothing and eye security are the commonly used site ppes.
. Mention the major constituents of the earth?
Ans: There are four primary elements of the earth;
- The lithosphere: is the external layer of the earth and is composed only of rocks and minerals.
- The Atmosphere: it is the envelope of vapor or gas that surrounds the earth.
- The hydrosphere: It is the fluid part of the earth that consists of the water vapor of the environment, the water from the seas, oceans, lakes, streams, and the water from the rocks.
- The biosphere: it is the universe of living creatures in the water, and noticeable all around.
. Which SAP applications can be integrated with the SAP EHS?
Ans: The SAP EHS successfully integrate with the below SAP modules such as;
- SAP material management (SAP MM).
- SAP FI (Finance).
- SAP PM(Product maintenance).
- SAP HR (Human resources).
- SAP document management system.
. What is incident management in SAP EHS?
Ans: An incident management solution in SAP EHS offers the following benefits;
- An enterprise-wide platform that manages and supports the business processes for event recording, corrective action triggers, reporting, monitoring, investigation for safe and healthy environments.
. What are the roles and responsibilities of the SAP EHS consultants?
Ans: As Health and safety environment engineers they are responsible for leading programs that protect the civilians around the world from any kind of environmental hazards, workplace hazards, and likewise. (protect the environment from human hazards).
. What are EHS policies?
Ans: Health and safety written policies in a strong and effective environment are considered as a foundation for successful and sustainable EHS programs. In a few cases, the EHS policies establish the minimum requirements for the organizations.
. What are the six types of hazards used in the workplace?
Ans: The following are the six types of hazards used in the workplace;
- Safety hazards
- Biological hazards
- Physical hazards
- Economical hazards
- Workload hazards.
- Chemical hazards.
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