SAP PM Interview Questions
Last updated on Jan 09, 2024
You've come to the best if you've been searching for SAP PM Interview Questions & Answers for Experienced & Freshers. There seem to be lots of opportunities available from several reputable companies around the world. SAP PM seems to have a customer base of about 2.9 percent, as per research. As a result, users also have the opportunities to accelerate in the SAP PM chosen profession. HKR trainings offers extensive SAP PM Interview Questions 2021 to help you ace your interview and land your dream job as a SAP PM Developer.
Most Frequently asked SAP PM Interview Questions
- What is meant by SAP PM
- What should you do if you use the same number of assets (functional locations) in multiple plants
- What steps must be defined in order to customize for alternative labeling
- What features are ascertained by the functional location's category
- What fields must be stuffed out for a hardware master record
- How often are overheads calculated, and where does the formula come from
- Where can I find the table with the user status and notification number
- Is purchasing information (Vendor, purchase date, etc.) copied from MM to the equipment when it is created
- During the PM configuration, explain the integration points between PM and MM/FICO
- Explain how to use CATS
- Which factors, in your opinion, influence workplace safety
What is meant by SAP PM?
Ans: The R/3 SAP Plant Maintenance element offers a complete software solution for all upkeep actions undertaken out in a company. The uniform, user interface is especially user-friendly as well as rapidly gains acknowledgement, owing to the multiple alternatives for customizing it to satisfy individual's needs.All maintenance program of work inside a firm's procedures and metadata can be completely interrelated.
Because the R/3 System is available, you can use external services which are incorporated with the PM element, like geographic information systems (GIS), computer-aided design (CAD), and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA).
Is the functional location structure indicator system-wide?
Ans: Across clients, but not across systems.
What should you do if you use the same number of assets (functional locations) in multiple plants?
Ans: The plant reference number should be used as the 1st stage of the workable position framework.
What really is the menu path for presenting the framework of a functional location in both list and graphic form?
Ans: Maintenance of the plant>Technical objects>Functional location>Structural display
Give five examples of useful location structures.
Chemical process, energy (power plant), property management, transportation, steelworks, and production line.
How would you define your own perspective on an alternative label
Ans: Activate alternative labeling, define labeling systems for functional locations, and navigate to the label internal view.
What steps must be defined in order to customize for alternative labeling?
Ans: Alternate labeling and indicators for primary labels should be enabled. Make a new structure indicator and decide on a labeling system.
What level of operational locations must be altered to accommodate alternative labeling?
Ans: Change the second level functional locations by changing master records extras>alternative labels>overview, changing the label 'internal view,' selecting structure indicator, and pressing refresh.
What is the path to the menu for making an online profile?
Ans: Maintenance of the plant>technical objects>functional location>labels>user profile.

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What features are ascertained by the functional location's category?
Ans: Documents to be changed, status profile, asset, object information key, partner selection, measuring point category
. List the activities of SAP PM.
Ans: The 'SAP Plant Maintenance' activities include checking, which attempts to measure and establishes the existing situation of a system design, preventive maintenance, which measures and maintains the optimum situation of a system design, repair, which measures and restores the optimum situation of a specific system, and other metrics that must be chosen to take by using maintenance organization. SAP PM is complete immersion with some other modules (such as Materials Management, Production, Sales and Distribution, Personnel Management, and Controlling), so information has always been up to date, and procedures required for Plant Maintenance and Customer Service are activated automatically in plenty of other modules.
. What do you mean by equipment master?
Ans: The SAP Plant Maintenance Module is among the master data items within the arena of Operations & Maintenance, namely Equipment Master.The business object "Equipment" is a separate, physical object that must be maintained on its own. This can be managed to install in a system design or as part of one.
As hardware, users could indeed manage any type of device (for example, production utilities, transportation utility services, testing equipment, production resources/tools, buildings, and PCs).
And many of these physical objects are handled as "assets" in Asset Management, the phrase "piece of kit" was selected for technical objects to prevent misunderstandings with enabled tangible assets.
In the Plant Maintenance (PM) System, you describe and handle every piece of machinery in a completely separate system of record, and that you can establish up a single maintenance background for every one.
. What fields must be stuffed out for a hardware master record?
Ans: It is dependent on the equipment. The following fields are typically maintained in an Equipment master: Equipment Category, Constr. type (serialized), Planning Plant, Work center, Plant, Maintenance plant, Location. Using a superior Equipment field, you can connect one piece of equipment to another.
. How do I set up the system so that I can change the type of notification I receive?
Ans: In SPRO, you can specify the "Allowed change of notification type." Please follow the steps below:Maintenance and Service Processing –> Maintenance and Service Notification –> Notification Creation –> Notification Types –> Notification Type Change Allowed
: Why is it that when you change the data, it does not display in the correct order?
Ans: Kindly verify whether or not the check box for change records is selected in Customizing PATH:
- Plant maintenance and customer service –> Maintenance and service processing –> Maintenance and service Orders –> Order type functions and settings –> Define Change Docs, Collective Pur.Req.Indicator, and Operation No.Interval.
. How often are overheads calculated, and where does the formula come from?
Ans: My client's default setting is 10% overhead, which they now want to change.
Plant Maintenance and Customer Service–> Maintenance and Service Processing–> Maintenance and Service Orders–> Order Type Functions and Settings–> Maintenance and Service Order Costing Data–> Keep a Costing Sheet.
Pick the costing sheet you're working with and squeeze the expense sheet rows; then, see the column overhead rate, and choose the row, and force the overhead rate.
Verify your upkeep item or plan specifics if you have a customer number.
. Is it essential to execute this transaction code IP30 for all maintenance plans which are planned on a daily and weekly basis, so if any planned schedule object exists, it really is transformed into a service order?
Ans: It must be run in accordance with business requirements.
There are two ways to go about it.
One reason is to run this transfer of funds manual process for required PM Plans, such as weekly, with your timetabling parameters to get the maintenance objects.
Another method is to create a single variant. Now, with this variant, create one background job as needed, specifying a period of time every day, week, or month, and the system would then create upkeep calls with you at a certain time.
Is it important to operate the IP Transaction code for every scheduled maintenance plan? Yes, if indeed the strategy is required to produce orders, it must be scheduled as a background job as well as manual process execution.
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. Can an implementation be automatically generated without running IP30 if a maintenance plan has been scheduled?
Ans: Yes, users could get a service order (PM Order) against this plant maintenance order with the control key PM03 and PR from PR. If the auto PO concept is used in this MM integration, a service order will be generated.
However, if you want to avoid a lengthy process, IP10 can be used.
If the request falls well within the date range, you will receive a maintenance call object that is PM order – ——> PR —–> PO during each IP10 run. PM Order —–> FO (Frame Work Order) PM Order —–> Service Contract —–> Price / Quantity.
. Where can I find the table with the user status and notification number?
Ans: QMEL obtains OBJNR (object number) from the table by using the QMNUM ( notification number).
Get STSMA (Status Profile) from table JSTO using this OBJNR.
Using OBJNR, retrieve STAT (object status) from table JEST. An Object number may or may not have multiple object statuses.
The system status number would then begin with E. The user status number will begin with I.
To really get the status text, use the status number (STAT) and STSMA from table TJ30T.
. How do we deny service to a customer? Because the majority of the equipment belongs to the company and is loaned to the customer, it must be done through the FL.
Ans: Turn off the FL. This means that no more transaction data can be created (service orders, etc.). Existing orders, on the other hand, can be processed and closed. The deactivation can be undone at a later time.
. A Service Contract is assigned to a piece of equipment where?
Ans: A material is assigned to the service contract. In the equipment master, material is assigned to the equipment. This functionality is not intended for managing vendor-purchased equipment (where we are getting service rather than providing service).
. Is purchasing information (Vendor, purchase date, etc.) copied from MM to the equipment when it is created?
Ans: Not in the conventional system. However, it is possible to do so using ABAP batch jobs.
. Is it able to capture the maintenance history of an assembly when maintaining it in a piece of equipment? Is it necessary to design it as a piece of equipment?
Ans: Because maintenance orders are only generated for FL/equipment, maintenance history can only be tracked at that level and not at the assembly level. Assemblies are simply devices that allow spare parts to be linked to equipment in a structured manner. However, in PM orders, you can include the assembly as well as the FL/Eq. An ABAPer could use the 'PM Assembly' field in PM orders depending on your reporting requirements.
. What is the purpose of the
Ans: Standing orders have been used to perform ongoing maintenance tasks and settle them at the end of the month rather than creating a new PM order each time. You could use order hierarchies to attach sub-orders to the standing order and settle them to the standing order to provide a more precise recording of maintenance costs at the sub-order level as well as budget monitoring at the standing order level.
. During the PM configuration, explain the integration points between PM and MM/FICO.
Ans: Some aspects of integration are listed below:
Connection to MM:
- Material master record as Equipment for Batch Managed material
- Maintenance Order Reservations and Goods Issue
- Material valuation class/types for equipment refurbishment materials
- Using a Maintenance Order to Trigger PR
Connection to FICO:
- Asset/Sub-Asset identification in Equipment Master Data
- Activity-based costing for operations carried out via Maintenance Order
- Payment of accrued costs in Maintenance Orders to G/L Accounts, Cost Centers, Assets, and so on.
. How to customize the PP and PM integration, in which it is completed in SPRO, what the prerequisites are, and what the steps are.
Ans: In SPRO, go to Maintenance and Service Orders —> General Data —> "Create System Conditions or Operating Conditions" —> select PM Reservation.
In the equipment Master, under the Location tab, specify the PP work center, and in the Order Header data, specify the system condition as "0," indicating that the M/C is not operational.
. Could you please explain Breakdown Maintenance?
Ans: There is a breakdown in some of the equipment in SAP PM, which necessitates a response from the Repair service. Breakdown Maintenance is the procedure for resolving this state.
. Explain how to use CATS.
Ans: CATS is a Cross-Application Timesheet feature, that is a methodology used in Plant Maintenance to supervise activities and tasks. Employees should register their data to reduce administrative workload.
. Which piece of technology is the subject of the service contract?
Ans: The inventory is given the contract for the service. The material for the equipment is chosen by the equipment leader. This mechanism is not expected to control equipment purchased from suppliers, where utility is provided rather than operation.
. How would you deal with a faulty master data entry for equipment?
Ans: To make adjustments to the equipment master log-There is a chance that data has indeed been deceived and that you entered data inaccurately, and you'll need to modify the master record.
. Which factors, in your opinion, influence workplace safety?
Ans: Conceptual principles for the Maintenance Division ,Task Category of the program and company employee knowledge and performance.
In the above blog post we covered the most frequently asked SAP PM interview question and answers. If you find any important thing not covered please drop them in the comments section. We will definitely add them to the list. Moreover the above curated list will help you to crack the interview process very easily.
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