Apigee Interview Questions

Last updated on Jun 12, 2024

HKR’s frequently designed Apigee Interview questions and answers blog helps for those who want to pursue their career as Apigee experts. Nowadays, every business enterprise thinks about building their application programming interface (API) protocol to have a better interaction between multiple systems. With the help of the Apigee tool, it’s very easy to create, manage, and develop APIs. Due to its huge demand, there is a high chance of getting a job in top tech companies. Learning our blog may help to crack any top Apigee interview questions and get your dream job.  

Most Frequently Asked Apigee Interview Questions

Basic Apigee interview questions

1. What is Apigee?

Ans: Apigee is an API management and predictive analytics software tool developed by Sonoa Corporations as Sonoa systems in 2004. Now Apigee is maintained by Google Corporations to help them in building cloud-based interfaces. This Apigee helps companies to secure, design, and scale their application programming interfaces. This platform uses the proxy layer and edge to abstract the protocol and also helps for your backend services APIs. Apigee Platform offers security, rate limiting, data quotas, and analytics.

What is Apigee Gateway?

Ans: Apigee Gateway is used to handle a request just by invoking the multiple microservices and aggregate the outcomes. This later can translate between web protocols like HTTP, web Socket, and Web unfriendly protocols that are used for internal purposes. An API gateway is a core feature in the Apigee management platform, it offers services like the ability to provide enterprise-grade security, spike arrest service, quota, and data analysis.

What is Apigee API used for?

Ans: The following are the important uses of Apigee API;

·   Apigee API is a leading provider of API technology and offers many services for developers.

·   This helps businesses to secure their shared data through myriad devices and channels.

·   Apigee API platform is used to accelerate the pace of digital businesses.

What is API management?

Ans: API management is a process of data documenting, publishing, and overseeing the application programming interfaces (APIs) to offer a secure and scalable environment.

What is an API platform?

Ans: An API platform is kind of an organization, this brings together two or more distinct. All these distinct are interdependent and helps a group of consumers to adopt APIs. This API platform also establishes the foundation for automated transactions between different networks.

What is the use of the AWS API gateway?


·   AWS API gateway is used to create a management console, this acts as a “Front door” for applications to access multiple data.

·   AWS API is also used to create business logic and functionality from back-end services.

·   This API also helps to run Amazon Elastic Cloud (Amazon EC2), AWS lambda, or any web applications.

What is an Azure API management service?

Ans: Azure API management is a turnkey solution mainly used for publishing APIs for both external and internal customers. This also helps customers to create quick and consistent API gateway as back-end services hosts. The important tasks which are performed by Azure API services such as secure and protect the data from abuse and overuse of them.

What is API mashery?

Ans: Mashery is a complete Apigee API management solution that includes the following features like API access control, traffic management, authentication, caching, packaging, filtering, and reporting/analytics.

What are the important key features of the API gateway?

Ans: Below are various key features of the API gateway;

·        API gateway provides enterprise-grade security such as spike arrest, quota, and analytics.

·        Offers an ability to design API specifications and transforms SOAP APIs.

·        Helps to manage APIs centrally so that programs can run any platforms.

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. What BaaS stands for?

Ans: BaaS stands for Backend-as-a-service. 

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. What is the use of API BaaS?

Ans: The following are the uses of API BaaS;

  • With the use of API BaaS, a company or an organization can set up a cloud-based data platform in no time.
  • Provides a platform where there is no need for server-side coding or any sort of back-end development needed.
  • This helps the teams to focus on productivity and also help them to visualize and build awesome features.

Intermediate Apigee Interview Questions

. Briefly explain about API bass data model?

Ans: API bass data model is used to manage data for the apps which can be done at the application-specific level. Also enables the user to collect the data entities to manage at a single organization.

. What do you mean by the organization?

Ans: The following points explain the definition of an organization;

·        An organization is a collection of one or more applications.

·        This organization has an administrative level of data access management.

·        Also multiple accounts at the administration level can also be accessible with the help of the organization.

·        In a Nutshell, the username that you create during the signup process, the same name will be used for the organization; this is also a default process.

. What is an application and mention its significance?

Ans: An application is a host that is managed by an organization within the API BaaS terminology. Also, an application is nothing but a specific set of the environment which helps to store the application data associated with the app.

. What sort of infrastructure does an application provide?

Ans: Every application provides four kinds of infrastructures such as;

·   Storing information

·   Retrieving information

·   Updating information

·   Deleting information.

. What can be done with the use of Apigee SDKs?

Ans: With the help of Apigee SDKs, the developer will be able to develop API calls so these calls will help the application to interact with the systems and also execute the codes.

. Mention the two types of calls that can be developed using Apigee SDKs?

Ans: The two types of calls that can be developed using Apigee SDKs such as;

·   Synchronous calls

·   Asynchronous calls.

. What do you mean by Synchronous call?

Ans: The following points will explain the definition of Synchronous call;

·        By using the Synchronous call, your application will respond only when gets responses from the API call that was previously made. Unless there is a response from API call the application or the system which will not function further.

·        These API calls are beneficial if there is any specific decision pending. These synchronous API calls also help the users to take any appropriate decisions and this is based on the need for the system.

·        This is also considered as a performance lag because the user always needs to wait for the response from the API call and also based on the response the application will react.

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. What is an asynchronous call?

Ans: This call is exactly opposite to Synchronous call;

·  This means that your application will not wait for the API call response and later it will function as it is. Once you will get the response this will include the process and system details.

·  It does not have any performance lag because here the application work continuously and it doesn’t have to stop for any specific reasons.

. Mention the key features of API Bass?

Ans: Below are the key features of API Bass;

·   Offers flexible data storage

·   Supports the social graph functionality

·   Supports geolocation functionality

·   User management and Push notifications possible

·   Client authentications

·   Provides performance monitoring.

Note: All these features are available through RESTful APIs.

 If you want to Explore more about Apigee? then read our updated article - Apigee Tutorial

. What is a user Grid?

Ans: The User Grid is a kind of service offered by the API BaaS platform. This is an open-source software project which enables users to perform highly scalable backend. This type of user grid platform service is mainly used in mobile platforms.

Advanced Apigee Interview Questions

. What are the differences between the API BaaS and the User grid?

Ans: To be frankly speaking both API BaaS and User Grid offer the same type of services. When it comes to comparison API BaaS provides more options and services like PUSH notifications, A/B testing services, and App monitoring many more. But in user Grid, you can see these types of options.

. Do you know if there is any limit on the number of API calls that can be executed with the help of API BaaS?

Ans: No, there is no limit on the number of API calls that will be executed with the help of API BaaS services.

. How much data can be stored in the Apigee API BaaS?

Ans: If you have a free account as an Apigee developer, the user can able to store 25GB amount of data and all of this is provided for totally free. (Free of cost).

. How is the data store happen in API BaaS?

Ans: The data stored in API BaaS in the form of JSON-format objects.

So it makes it easy for the user and all different kinds of data can be stored in the API BaaS.

. List out all the stages that are associated with notification messages?

Ans: The notification messages can be available as follows;

  • Created
  • Scheduled
  • Started
  • Finished
  • Expired
  • Cancelled
  • Failed

. What is the first and last stage of a notification message?

Ans: The first stage of notification you will get is “CREATED” and the last stage of a notification message you will get is “FAILED”.

. With the help of Apigee SDKs, it is possible to monitor the Mobile apps?

Ans: The answer would be yes, you can monitor the mobile apps and also you can perform mobile analytics with the help of Apigee SDKs.

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. Explain the process of creating a collection?

Ans: Below are the few important steps involved in creating a collection;

 Step 1: First you need to login into the Admin Portal.

Step 2: Go to the left menu-> now click on data.

Step 3: Now click on the Add collection button.

Step 4: Provide the collection name -> give descriptions

Step 5: Click on the create button.

Step 6: now the collection will be created and this will appear in the list.

. What are the different types of queries that can be used while querying the datastore?

Ans: There are three different types of queries that can be used while querying the data store;

·   GET query

·   PUSH query

·   DELETE query.

Final Take:

With the help of the Apigee Interview questions and answers blog, you can learn the top questions which are asked by top companies. Do you think this is enough? Not really, getting hands-on experience in the real-time project is also important to get into top tech companies. When it comes to online training, HKR offers Apigee online training course, this course helps both fresher as well as experienced professionals to pursue their career as an Apigee expert. 

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About Author

As a Senior Writer for HKR Trainings, Sai Manikanth has a great understanding of today’s data-driven environment, which includes key aspects such as Business Intelligence and data management. He manages the task of creating great content in the areas of Digital Marketing, Content Management, Project Management & Methodologies, Product Lifecycle Management Tools. Connect with him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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