Togaf Interview Questions

Last updated on Jan 09, 2024

If you are interested in Architecture and want to enhance your skills in this industry, then TOGAF will be the best choice. TOGAF refers to The Open Group Architecture Framework. It helps to organize the development process with a systematic approach to reduce errors, maintain deadlines, stay within budget and support IT with business units to get quality results. So various companies adopt TOGAF providing job opportunities to job seekers. To make you feel comfortable in your interview, we have provided you with some frequently asked interview questions. So, without any delay, let's begin with basic Togaf interview questions. 

Most Frequently Asked Togaf Interview Questions

Togaf Interview Questions for Beginners

What is Enterprise Architecture?

Ans: An Enterprise Architecture is the collection of strategic information which describes the business and the technologies and the information that is required for operating the business. It covers the description of business processes, roles, goals, organizational structures, applications, and systems. The enterprise architecture contains the information required for the implementation of new technologies to meet the changing requirements of the business. Generally, Enterprise Architecture is divided into four domains: Application, Data, Business, and technology architecture.

What makes enterprise architecture so important?

Ans: The purpose of Enterprise Architecture is to maximize the generally fragmented legacy of procedures to an integrated environment that is responsive to transformation and encourages the delivery of business methods. The efficient administration and operation of details via IT is the main aspect to the success of the business and a vital method for achieving competitive advantage. The enterprise architecture meets this requirement by providing a calculated context for the development of the IT system in response to the regularly changing needs of the business. Moreover, the best EA helps you to get the best symmetry between the performance and the business development. It allows company-specific devices to be safely introduced into their quest for competitive advantage. While it ensures the company's requirements for an integrated IT approach, enabling the best possible agreement all along with the vast company.

Explain Enterprise Architecture Roadmap?

Ans: An Enterprise Architecture Roadmap outlines the present and the target architecture as well as a transition plan for attaining the target. It must cover the data, business, application, and technical architecture for every state. The roadmap lists out the necessary projects for the implementation of the proposed architecture. It must cover project prioritization, migration strategy, success factors, risks and issues, estimated costs, and project measurements.

What is Togaf?

Ans: TOGAF stands for The Open Group Architecture Framework. It is a framework for enterprise architecture. It offers an overall approach for designing, planning, implementing, and governing an enterprise architecture. Togaf designed the Enterprise into four levels: Application, business, data, and technology. 

  • It covers a method to define IT as a set of building blocks. 
  • It includes a vocabulary, a set of tools, a Togaf compliant tools list, and advised standards. 
  • It covers Architecture Development Method(ADM), an iterative process for the Enterprise architecture.

Why should we adopt TOGAF?

Ans: Following are some of the reasons to adopt TOGAF: 

  • It is freely available
  • It is widely adopted
  • It avoids reinventing the things
  • It is based on the practices
  • It can be customized as per the requirements of the organization.
  • It is the industry-recognized architecture methodology.

List some benefits of Togaf.

Ans: Following are some of the benefits offered by Togaf: 

  • The organizations which plan and execute their architecture by using Togaf are guaranteed to meet the procurement specifications.
  • It minimizes the risks and costs involved in developing the Enterprise.
  • An important benefit of implementing the Togaf framework is that it can be customized based on the requirements of the organization. 

Explain the architectural domains of Togaf.

Ans: Togaf framework includes four main architectural domains: Application, business, data, and technology.

Application architecture: It is responsible for creating an overview of every application system that should be organized. 

Business architecture: It is used to identify the organization's core business processes, term governance, and business strategies. 

Data architecture: It is used to explain the physical and logical possessions of the organization.

Technology Architecture: It is also referred to as technology architecture. It outlines the software, hardware, and network communications which assists the consumption of the central interior claims.

TOGAF's architecture vision ensures the planned business plan architecture provides business value and capabilities.

Explain the parts of the Togaf document.

Ans: The Togaf document contains seven parts. They are as follows:

Introduction: Fundamental concepts of the enterprise structure are introduced in this part. It outlines the terms that are used overall Togaf and provides the modification details of the previous and current versions of Togaf.

ADM: ADM refers to the Architecture Development Method. It is the essential part of Togaf. It describes the steps that are involved in the development of the enterprise architecture. 

Architecture Content Framework: It describes the Togaf Content framework along with a structured metamodel for the architectural artifacts, deliverables, and reusable architecture building blocks. 

Enterprise Continuum & tools: All the taxonomies and the tools that are required for categorizing and storing architecture outputs in the Enterprise are explained in this part.

Togaf reference models: It allows you to select the architectural reference models that include the Togaf foundation architecture and the integrated information infrastructure reference model. 

Architecture capability framework: It explains the organizational processes, roles, and responsibilities, skills, and abilities that are required for developing and operating an architecture function in an enterprise.

ADM techniques and guidelines: It covers guidelines and techniques to apply Togaf and Togaf ADM.

What is SOA?

Ans: SOA is a design principle set, to build a suite of flexible, interoperable, and reusable services. These design principles cover service abstraction, discoverable service contract, service reusability, loose coupling, service statelessness, service autonomy, and service composability. 

A successful SOA implementation may decrease IT costs by boosting reusability. A flexible mesh of services from SOA may decrease the time to market. SOA also allows existing investments to be leveraged by integrating existing applications into a reusable services mesh.

. What is ITIL?

Ans: ITIL stands for Information technology Infrastructure Library. It is the set of best practices for IT development, operations, and service management. It provides a detailed explanation of the number of important concepts in IT and covers tasks, procedures, and checklists that may be customized for any organization. The following are some of the main areas covered by ITIL: service delivery, service support, security management, software asset management, Application management, and ICT infrastructure management.

In the Service Delivery, ITIL includes processes like Capacity management, Service level management, and service continuity management.

In the Service Support, ITIL includes processes like Service Desk, change management, Problem management, incident, configuration management, and release. 

Intermediate level Togaf Interview Questions

. Explain Zachman Framework?

Ans: Zachman Framework is an Enterprise Architecture framework that was developed by IBM during the 1980s. It allows a way to define an enterprise based on a 6x6 matrix of the architecture documentation. The questions like what, when, where, why, who, how are asked by the matrix columns. The rows examine these questions at various levels of detail like conceptual, contextual, physical, logical, and detailed. The Zachman Framework offers a view to planners, designers, owners, subcontractors, and builders. The main objective is that the same can be described for various purposes in various ways. It will create a holistic view. It enables various people to view the Enterprise from various perspectives. The Zachman framework has been integrated into a number of Enterprise Architecture frameworks.

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. How do we evaluate whether a solution complies with the enterprise architecture?

Ans: The involvement of projects during the initial phase is important to make sure that the architecture compliance processes are covered in project planning. When the solution architecture is defined, the compliance assessment must be carried out. The compliance assessment guarantees the project compliance to the enterprise architecture defined. It is a chance to involve project members and obtain feedback for enterprise architecture. The compliance assessment will cover software, information, applications, security, checklists for hardware, system management, and tools and methods. A brief overview of the architecture and design of the project is also documented.     

. What is Togaf Architecture?

Ans: ISO/IEC 42010:2007 defines architecture as the basic organization of a system, included in its components, their relations with one another and the environment, and the principles by which it is designed and evolved. This definition is supported by TOGAF while maintaining consistency with the terminology of ISO/IEC 42010:2007 but sees the significance of the architecture in a different way depending on the context used. For TOGAF, the architectures are A system's formal description or a system's detailed plan at the component level to guide the implementation.

. What do you mean by Architecture vision?

Ans: During the initial phase of the project, the architecture vision is created. The vision aims to agree right from the beginning on the desired result for the architecture. It is the elevator pitch of enterprise architecture. It must sell the benefits of the proposed architecture simply and powerfully to the decision-makers. It should also demonstrate how the proposed architecture supports the goals and the strategy of the business and the concerns and objectives of the stakeholders.  

General contents of the architecture vision are process description, problem description, roles and actors, objectives, architecture overview, IT principles, constraints, and mapping of proposed architecture to the processes and the requirements.

. Explain SOA patterns.

Ans: SOA design patterns are the reusable solutions for SOA design problems that arise frequently. Following are some of the common SOA patterns:

File gateway: It is placed in between the service and the legacy flat file. The gateway will act as the mediator and may carry out the data transformations. 

Enterprise Service Bus: It is a tool which promotes service communication by delivering messaging queuing, reliable messaging, service broker functionality, and data transformations.

Service Callback: The service needs customers to communicate with the service in an asynchronous manner. Consumers offer a callback address where the service may send reply messages. 

Event-driven messaging: The service informs the customers of relevant events by sending messages.  

Service Grid: The service state will be stored on the grid of service, which supports both replication and redundancy. 

. Explain the terms related to Views.

Ans: It system a set of components designed for providing a particular function or a set of functions. 

Architecture: It is the basic organization of the components of the systems, their relations with one another, and the guiding principles of design and growth.

Stakeholders: the individuals or groups for whom we have key roles and concerns within the system.

Architecture description: It is the collection of artifacts which documents architecture. 

View: It is a representation of the entire system from the point of view of a set of concerns.

Viewpoint: It is the point of view from which a view is constructed and is used. 

Concerns: They are the primary interests of stakeholders that determine the system acceptability in the environment.

. How does Togaf create importance as a skeleton for enterprise architecture?

Ans: Togaf was developed through the collective initiatives of more than 300 member firms of the Architecture Forum of some of the world's top companies. The use of TOGAF results in a consistent business style, meeting the requirements of the stakeholders, using the optimal technique, and offers due to factors to be taken into consideration both current and future company requirements. Setting up and maintaining a business design is a technically complicated procedure that involves several stakeholders as well as the verdict processes in the company. TOGAF plays a major role in the standardization of the design growth process. TOGAF offers a better skeleton technique to include a word and allows the association to build solutions that are practicable and monetary that address their trade issues and their concerns.

. Explain Preliminary Phase.

Ans: The preliminary phase will prepare the organization to build the architecture, guaranteeing that: Involvement in the process- Scope and assumptions are defined, Principles and the constraints are defined. The development team developed the Framework, and the methodologies were recognized and Criteria established.

. How should these principles be applied in the Enterprise?

Ans: The principles are applicable to the Enterprise by: 

  • Offering a framework for making informed decisions about IT Establishing appropriate assessment criteria.
  • Driving functional requirements definitions of the architecture offering input to evaluate existing IS/IT systems and the future strategic portfolios.
  • Stress the value of the specific architecture in the rationale statements.
  • Provide an overview of key tasks, potential costs, and resources, especially in implication statements.
  • Support the governance of the architecture by providing interest for allowing interpretation in compliance assessments and supporting the decision to launch a dispensation request.
  • The principles are linked to one another and are implemented as a whole. Sometimes, a principle will override another in order to meet certain conditions.

. What is provided in the architecture content framework?

Ans: It provides detailed architectural work product models, as well as artifacts, deliverables, and architectural building blocks.

  • It leads to higher reliability in TOGAF output.
  • It provides inclusive evidence for structural design outputs.
  • It promotes better integration of the work machine.
  • It provides a comprehensive typical structural design.
  • It contains a detailed metamodel.

Togaf Interview Questions for Experienced

. How is the Zachman Framework used by Enterprise Architects?

Ans: Zachman is a kind of classification compared to the EA model. You fill the packages with the appropriate generation of support documents so that it produces the NIC check catalog. Zachman is more convenient for information programs than for the various types of EA evaluation actions. It works well with a number of different EA architectures, such as TOGAF. 

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. What are the steps in the Architecture Development Method(ADM)?

Ans: The following nine steps contribute to the establishment of the architecture:

  • Select perspectives, orientation figures, and apparatus.
  • Baseline production structural design pictures should be manufactured.
  • Assemble information about the structural design of the intention manufacturing.
  • Take action when a crack breaks.
  • Label how a nominee's roadmap works.
  • Determination of the collision transversally in the background of the infrastructure.
  • Stakeholder analysis prescribed by demeanor
  • To confirm industry construction.
  • Plan an article describing the structure design.

. What is included in the transition architecture?

Ans: Following are the contents of Transition architecture:

  • Work package portfolio
  • Milestones implementation factor
  • Opportunity portfolio
  • Assessment and deduction matrix
  • Dependencies matrix
  • Consolidated gaps
  • Solutions

. What are the inputs for the migration planning phase?

Ans: Following are the inputs for the migration phase: 

  • Architecture vision
  • Architecture work Statement
  • Architecture reference materials
  • Architecture repository
  • Communications plan
  • Capability assessment
  • Consolidated Architecture roadmap
  • Definition document
  • Draft architecture
  • Governance models and frameworks
  • Organizational model for the enterprise architecture
  • Requirements specification change requests
  • Requests for architecture work
  • Tailored architecture framework
  • Transition architectures implementation and migration plan

. What are the requirement management process outputs?

Ans: Following are the outputs of the requirements management process are: 

  • Requirements specification
  • Requirements impact assessment
  • Updated requirements repository
  • Updated architecture

. What are the activities related to security within the technology architecture phase of ADM?

Ans: Following are the security activities in the ADM technology architecture phase:

  • Evaluate security-specific architecture elements from a basic perspective
  • Revise assumptions with respect to interconnection systems
  • Identification and evaluation of applicable guidelines and standards 
  • Identification of methodologies for regulating resource consumption
  • Develop a methodology to measure and communicate security measures continuously
  • To determine the level of clearance of users, administrators, and interconnection systems
  • Determination of the minimum permissions required to achieve technical or operational objectives 
  • Determination of mitigating security measures.
  • Carry out a threat analysis

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. What are the phases of ADM?

Ans: Following are the phases of the ADM cycle: 

Preliminary phase: This phase involves the Preparation of the organization for a successful architecture project.

Requirements management: Makes sure that each phase of the TOGAF project is according to the business requirements

Phase A: Architecture Vision: It defines a TOGAF project's scope and expectations. Validation of the business context and Preparation of the architecture work statement is done.

Phase B: Business Architecture: In this phase, Business architecture is developed

Phase C: Information systems Architecture: In this phase, Information systems architecture is developed

Phase D: Technology Architecture: In this phase, Technology architecture is developed

Phase E: Opportunities and solutions: In this phase, important implementation projects are identified.

Phase F: Migration planning: In this phase, a roadmap for implementation with cost and risk analysis is produced.

Phase G: Implementation Governance: This phase ensures the implementation projects are in accordance with the architecture.

Phase H: Architecture change management: This phase ensures that the architecture meets the needs of the company when there is a change.

. How are requirements reduced after production?

Ans: The requirements are automatically reduced after the delivery of a particular order.

Related Article: What is TOGAF


. How are the scheduling times defined in the material master record?

Ans: The scheduling times are defined in the material master record by entering the in-house production time. This value may be updated as a result of system routing. # enter configuration, processing, tear down, and interoperation time. If these values are retained, the system will determine the internal production time in accordance with the lot size.


. What skills and qualifications are needed to be a successful business analyst?

Ans: The most important capability for a business analyst is the exchange of information. This is because a trade analyst acts as an organizer among investors in quantities of dissimilar coins and overlaps the business or technology division. It is also important to have some degree of understanding in the external sections of the trade examination itself. This includes program administration, organization design, change administration, SDLC, and business procedures modeling.


All the above are some of the frequently asked interview questions related to Togaf. We hope you found these questions helpful. Wish you good luck with your interview!

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As a content writer at HKR trainings, I deliver content on various technologies. I hold my graduation degree in Information technology. I am passionate about helping people understand technology-related content through my easily digestible content. My writings include Data Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Python, Salesforce, Servicenow and etc.

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