Pega Interview Questions
Last updated on Jun 12, 2024
Pega is a software development tool for building BPM and CRM applications without coding. It automates all the business processes to develop the apps, and Java heads it in the backend as it is developed on Java and uses OOP and Java concepts. The primary usage of Pega is to reduce costs and improve business purposes. Pega allows organizations to deploy changes eight times faster than Java-based apps.
In this article, you can review the following list of Pega interview questions most frequently asked in the panel. It will help you crack the interview, as the top industry experts curate these at HKR Trainings.
Now let's have a look into the Pega intervieq questions based on the levels.
- Pega Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers
- Pega Interview Questions and Answers for Experienced
- Pega Interview Questions and Answers - Advanced
Most Frequently Asked Pega Interview Questions
- Explain in brief about Pega
- How to trace SLA in Pega
- What are Declarative rules
- What do you mean by Workspace or Studio
- Differentiate between the Decision Table and Decision Tree
- Explain about Declare Triggers
- What is the Circumstance
- How do you troubleshoot or trace an agent
- Explain the Requestor Type in Pega
- What are the types of flow in Pega
- Define StepStatusGood and StepStatusFail rules in Pega
Pega Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers
1. Explain in brief about Pega.
Ans: Pega is a leading low-code platform that allows users to develop apps, integrate with external systems, and easily implement mobility. It also helps to manage the case life cycle, extensive user interface design, and decisions. Also, it helps implement DevOps and Robotic Process Automation and reports. It is built on Java and has its latest version, 8.2, which stands for Build for Change.
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2. What are the various types of classes that PRPC supports?
Ans: The different types of standard classes available are.
Base class: It is the utmost base class, and its Child Classes include Work-, Data-, Rule-, History-, Assign-, etc. Pega mainly supports only two types of classes: Abstract and Concrete classes.
- Abstract Classes: These classes end with ‘-‘, and they cannot create work object instances.
- Concrete Classes: It does not end with ‘-’, and abstract classes will create work object instances.
3. What is the difference between Page List Property & Page Property, and how are they applied?
- Page property is a specific class and is used to access the property of that class.
- Page List Property also refers to a specific class and includes an ordered list of many embedded pages. It’s a collection of individual pages of the same class. It is accessible through numeric indexes.
4. Explain about a Work Object.
A work object is the primary unit of work completion within an application and the data collection a flow operates on.
Work objects are created, updated, and finally closed (resolved) when an application is used.
Every work object contains a unique ID (property pyID), a status (property pyStatusWork) and an urgency value.
5. How to create a work object in Pega?
Ans: The following steps are implemented in creating a work object in Pega.
- Add a button such as a section or a header.
- Expand the cell property within the button and click on the action tab.
- To the button, add an action set.
- Add focus class along with the flow name to the button.
- Catch the present work object ID with “Param.prevRecordkey”.
- Using “Obj-Open-By-Handle”, open the case.
- Using Page-Copy, copy the data from pagers.
6. Explain about DCO.
Ans: Direct Capture Object is an Appl dev tool that includes.
- Application profiler wizard.
- Appl Doc Wizard.
- Appl Accelerator.
- Appl use cases.
- Appl requirements.
7. What is SLA? Where do we use SLA?
Ans: It is the instance of the Rule-Obj-Service Level Rule type. It can be added to assignments and work objects.
The service level contains two time intervals: Goal and Deadline. It indicates the expected time for the assignment and the time to resolve the work object. If an assignment isn’t completed before the time limit, the system can automatically raise it and cancel the entire flow, and so on.
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8. How to trace SLA in Pega?
Ans: The steps to trace SLA in Pega are:
- Terminate the agent.
- Delay it.
- Initiate the agent.
- Delay it again.
- Select the “delayed requestor” and click on the tracer in the requestors.
- Send this case to a particular assignment containing the SLA within 60 seconds.
9. What are the different types of layouts available?
Ans: The following are the different layout types available.
- Column layout.
- Grid layout.
- Screen layout.
- Portal layout.
- Dynamic layout.
- Tree layout.
10. What is the RuleSet in Pega?
Ans: A Pega Ruleset is a collection of business rules that define an instance. It is a key subset of PegaRULES to reference database cases.
11. What are Access Group and Access roles, and what are their differences?
Access groups make a set of RuleSet versions available to requestors.
Use an access role name to convey permissions (capabilities) to a user or a group of users. Access roles can be referenced in requestor instances, Operator ID instances, access group instances, activities, and queries.
12. What are the Covers, Folder and Object, and their differences?
A cover is a work object parent to one or more related work objects.
One work party is present in the cover work object and the covered work objects associated with the covers.
The folder is a work object in the concrete class that inherits from the work folder class.
A folder object holds a collection of one or more other work objects providing access for reporting.
13. What is local action?
Ans: When the action is finished, the object returns to the same assignment.
14. What are Declarative rules?
Ans: Rule-Declare-Expressions, Rule-Declare-Index, Rule-Declare-Trigger, Rule-Declare-On Change.

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15. Name different types of requestors.
- Browser requestor – Starts with the letter ‘H’
- Application requester – Starts with the letter ‘A
- Batch requestor – Starts with letter ‘B’
- Portal requestor – Starts with the letter ‘P’.
16. How can you connect with multiple Pega applications?
Ans: We can connect with many Pega Apps using SOAP, HTTP, MQ, and JMS.
17. What is flow-action?
Ans: It is an instance of the Rule-Obj-Flow Action rule type. It is the UI category specifying the user's choices for performing assigned work objects.
Local FA: If the action is finished, the work object returns to the same level.
Connector FA: If the action is finished, the work object moves to the next level.
18. Name the Declarative rules in Pega.
Ans: The declarative rule is an instance of a class derived from Rule-Declared.
- They allow for automatic processing of Property values.
- No need to be called explicitly.
- No need to run sequentially.
- The system manages re-evaluation when it detects a change.
The declarative Pega Rules are.
- Rule-Declare-Expressions.
- Rule-Declare-Index.
- Rule-Declare-Trigger.
- Rule-Declare-OnChange.
- Rule-Declare-Constraints.
19. Explain case management in Pega.
Ans: Case management in Pega enables users to adapt to unpredictable, event-driven, or automatic changes in a case and its processes. It pools real-time adaptation with unique solutions for every case to suit ad-hoc additions. It also saves the case as a template for future applications.
20. What are the advantages of case management in Pega?
Ans: The advantages of Pega case management are.
- Improve the processes of case management with holistic support.
- Increase the efficacy of case flow for automatic and dynamic response.
- Ensures consistency and removes errors with context-based and real-time management.
- Lessen time, costs and effort needed to implement case management.
21. What do you mean by Workspace or Studio?
Ans: A workspace is an environment that provides particular features and tools.
Pega Interview Questions and Answers for Experienced
22. What is the difference between Page-Validate and Property-Validate methods?
This method validates all the properties present on a page. A page containing embedded pages works recursively to validate all the properties. This method consumes a lot of system resources and takes more time. To validate specific properties, use the Obj-Validate method with the Rule-Obj-Validate rule.
This method is used to impose restrictions on property value. Use the Edit validate rule along with the Property-Validate method to impose restrictions. You can validate multiple properties using the Property-Validate method.
23. Explain about the Decision Tree rule.
- Decision trees are instances of the Rule-Declare-DecisionTree rule type.
- A decision tree accepts one input property value but can evaluate numerous properties. It is best used for complex if/then/else statements.
- It can capture and present business logic in one or more if/then/else conditions.
- It can be referred to from three other rules from the decision shape of the flow rule.
- In activity, we can evaluate the Decision Tree using Property-Map-DecisionTree.
- Decision trees can be referred to as Rule-Declare-Expression.
24. How a user’s ruleset list is formed?
Ans: The system adds entries it finds from the following sources in the order listed. The system adds entries from these sources at the top of the list.
- Requestor: (Data-Admin-Requestor class) — Usually, this adds the RuleSets termed as Pega-RULES, and Pega-IntSvcs and a version or version prefix for these.
- Division - As referenced in the Operator-ID instance.
- Organization - As referenced in the Operator-ID instance.
- Access Group: As referenced in the Operator-ID instance.
- Ruleset Versions - Prerequisite RuleSets and Versions to those already compiled.
- Operator ID: If this user can check out rules, the personal RuleSet (named the same as the Operator ID key) is added last. It is also called a private ruleset.
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25. Differentiate between the Decision Table and Decision Tree.
Decision Table:
- The logic in the decision table is the if, else, and conditions.
- In the decision table, if the first condition is true, it will not check the remaining conditions; if the first condition is false, it will only check the following condition.
- For simple logic, we can go to the decision table.
Decision Tree:
- The logic implemented in the Decision Tree is the if condition.
- In a decision tree, if the first condition is true or false, the tree checks all conditions and returns results.
- For simple logic, we can go for a decision tree.
26. Explain the map value rule.
Ans: A map value rule is a rule that converts one or two input values, such as latitude and longitude numbers, into a calculated result value, such as a city name. The rule uses ranges for the input value or values and a matrix to look up the result. Map value rules are instances of the Rule-Obj-MapValue rule type. This rule type is part of the decision category.
27. What is Portal, and where will it be configured?
Ans: It is an Interface that shows up for the client, either the developer or an end user, and entry can be arranged in the Access Group.
Example: Developer entry, chief gateway, client entryway, administrator entrance.
28. What is Locking in Pega and describe its types?
Ans: Locking is acquiring control over a work object before performing any action on it and ensuring only a single user can perform actions on it at a time. As stated below, there are two types of locking.
- Default Locking: Only one user can work on a work object simultaneously.
- Optimistic Locking: This enhanced feature, introduced in Pega 7, allows multiple operators to work on the same object at a time.
29. Explain about Declare Triggers.
- Declare Trigger runs an activity when instances of a specific class are created, updated, or deleted in the database.
- Declare Trigger is always Forward Chaining.
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30. What is Forward Chaining?
Ans: Forward Chaining automatically calculates the property by executing the declarative rule when any one of the input property values is changed.
Example: If the Area property depends on the length and width property, then Forward Chaining causes the area property to be recalculated every time either length or width values change.
31. What is Backward Chaining?
Ans: BackWard chaining automatically calculates the property by executing the declarative rule when the value is needed rather than when an input changes.
Example: If the area property depends on the length and width properties, the backward chaining causes the area property to be recalculated each time it is required.
32. How do you implement the declared index?
Ans: The following steps are implemented for declaring an index.
- Create a class inheriting from the Index- class. Provide these three properties: pxInsIndexedKey, pxIndexCount, and pxIndexPurpose.
- Create Rule-Declare-Index and provide source page context, source page context class, and index class to write.
- The Join tab offers the "declare index" name in the list view.
33. What are Pega Guardrails?
Ans: There are ten Pega guardrails as follows.
- Adopt an iterative approach.
- Establish a Robust foundation.
- Do nothing hard.
- Limit custom Java.
- Built for change.
- The design intends on the driven process.
- Create an easy-to-read flow.
- Monitor performance regularly.
- Calculate and edit declaratively, not procedurally.
- Keep security object-oriented.
34. What is an Agent?
Ans: Agents are internal background processes operating on the server to run an activity. They are asynchronous and independent. Agents also perform system tasks such as sending email notifications and synchronizing caches across nodes. Activities they call run individually on their schedule, and one activity doesn’t have to finish another activity.
35. What is SLA? Where do we use SLA?
Ans: A service level rule is an instance of the Rule-Obj-Service Level rule type. Each service level rule defines one or two time intervals, known as goals and deadlines, that indicate the expected or targeted time for the assignment or time-to-resolve for the work object.
If an assignment isn't completed before the time limit, the system can automatically raise the assignment, cancel the entire flow, and so on.
36. What is the Circumstance?
Ans: Circumstance is the optional condition and enhancement of rule resolution alg. diff variations of the rules within the same version created for diff flavors suit for different situations. Circumstance works during the rule resolution; at run time, the system first finds the rules based on class hierarchy and then searches for rules the requestor's session needs; it compares the values of the rule set, version, and availability to determine which rule is executed.
37. What is an Access Group?
Ans: The Access Group controls security based on job functions. It is an instance of the Data-Admin-Operator-Access Group. Various aspects that can be controlled through the access group are default and available types of works (known as work pools), Primary rule sets ( Access Control to rule sets), Assigned roles, and Portal layout.
38. What is a Work list or Work basket?
Ans: A Work list is an outstanding assignment waiting for a user to perform it.
The work basket is an instance of the Data-Admin-Workbasket class. Work objects progress through a flow execution, and the system creates assignments. Assignments may be made either with individual users or the work basket.
39. Describe the Access group in Pega and its functionality.
Ans: In Pega, an access group is an example of a Data-Admin-Operator-Access Group class that builds a set of RuleSets for the requestors. The developer defines access groups and assigns them to multiple users.
Access Group controls the security based on the job functions. It is the instance of Data-Admin-Operator-AccessGroup. Various aspects that can be controlled through an access group are
- Default and available types of works (known as work pools).
- Primary rulesets (Access Control to rulesets).
- Assigned roles.
- Portal layout.
- Default ruleset for making changes (When the user creates/saves as a rule).
Pega Interview Questions and Answers - Advanced
40. Difference b/w Obj-validate & Property-validate.
Ans: (obj-validate is we can do validations for multiple properties of a single work object)
(Property-validate is only one property we can do validations for a single work object)
41. A system admin complained that he could not access the admin studio. What could be the potential reason?
Ans: One needed some tools to access Admin Studio; they are:
PegaRULES: SysOpsAdministrator
PegaRULES: SysOpsObserver
42. How do you troubleshoot or trace an agent?
< env name=”agent/enable” value=”true” />
Verify the above tag in the “prconfig” file. Verify whether the value of the above tag is true or false.
In Agent Schedule, the schedule tab verifies whether the “Enable this agent” is checked.
The same thing also checks in Agents Rule.
In Tracer, we can trace the particular operator or particular Agent.
In the “prsysmgmt” portal, in the Agent Management, select the particular agent, delay the agent, and then run the Tracer.
We can use the Agent Management link in the System Management Application to monitor and control agent processing. The agent runs on different nodes, selects the particular node and runs the Tracer.
43. In Pega 8.4, what new components are added for application development?
In-app development, some cool new features are included :
- Role-based workspaces are used.
- Reusable components are managed effectively.
- Developers can review entire project highlights on a single page.
44. What is a prediction studio?
Ans: A prediction studio is a dedicated workspace for data scientists to control the life cycle of advanced analytics models. It consists of predictive, self-learning, adaptive, and text models.
45. What are the benefits of DCO?
- DCO stands for Direct Capture of Objectives. It is a process of storing, acquiring, and organizing data using Pega’s integrated tools.
- DCO includes Processing tools for gathering and organizing application artefacts.
- DCO technology and good practices help organizations increase their ROI and allow them to fulfil their goals in many ways.
46. What are the various types of portals offered by the PRPC?
Ans: Pega PRPC consists of four kinds of portals
- Custom portals
- Fixed portals
- Mobile portals
- Composite portals.
47. Explain the Requestor Type in Pega.
Ans: The requestor type in Pega is the requestor that accesses the Pega platform, such as an external application, an internal background process, or a browser session.
48. Explain activities in the context of Pega.
Ans: In Pega, platform activities automate processes. In Dev Studio, activities contain a series of steps performed to keep them short.
49. Explain the declarative rule in the context of Pega.
Ans: A declarative rule is an instance of a subclass of the Rule-Declare class. They allow the automatic processing of values.
50. How can you resolve work objects using activity?
Ans: To resolve work objects using activity, we have to follow the steps they are:
- First step: open the object.
- Second step: set the correct ticket on your flow or click on Finish Assignment.
51. How can you measure the performance of your application in Pega?
Ans: There are different ways to measure the performance of your application in Pega.
Performance analyzer tool, DB trace, Autonomic Event Services (AES), and Alerts
52. How do you specify if the expression triggers f/w or b/w chaining?
Ans: By checking the Chain tracking tab, you can specify if an expression triggers f/w or b/w.
53. Explain the Different types of harnesses that you have used.
Ans: Pega applications typically use four standard harnesses to organize the content of user forms they are: new, perform, review, conform.
54. What is the Declare Index in Pega?
Ans: Declare index is a rule that exposes aggregate properties like List, page, or Group for reporting purposes. It is part of the system admin category.
55. What is Rule Resolution in Pega, and what are its benefits?
Ans: Rule Resolution is the system's search algorithm to determine the most appropriate or best rule to apply and complete the process. With automated rule resolution, one can save time and ensure the efficient implementation of resources.
56. Can we refer to the property without exposing it in Reports?
Ans: We can refer to the property in the display tab without exposing it. However, we can’t refer to the property without revealing it in the criteria fields of the content tab.
57. Do we need to create an Agent Schedule?
Ans: No. We can not create Agent schedules manually.
The Agent Manager on our Process Commander system generates at least one agent schedule instance for each agent’s rule.
58. How do we handle Escalation?
Ans: Escalation means any processing within a Process Commander application that causes high-priority work objects to become visible to users and managers and to be processed immediately. Escalation can occur through a service level rule associated with the flow and through background processing by the Pega-ProCom agent.
59. What is the use of the RDB-Open method?
Ans: The RDB-Open method retrieves a single row of data from an external database and then adds the retrieved data as property values and names to a specified clipboard page.
60. What are the types of flow in Pega?
Ans: The types of flow in Pega are
- Process flows
- Screen flows
- Subflow’s
- Straight-through process flows
61. What do you mean by workspace or studio in the context of Pega? What are the different types of workspaces offered by Pega?
Ans: The workspace has specialized functionalities and tools to work. With different workspaces, we can manage and develop our application. In the Pega platform, there are four role-based authoring workspaces called Studios.
- App Studio
- Dev Studio
- Prediction Studio
- Admin Studio
With the help of studios, we can enhance productivity and speed up the application process by providing role-based capabilities to users.
62. What is meant by a Data Page in the Pega Platform?
Ans: In the Pega platform, the data page helps recover data from a stated data source and caches it within memory. Moreover, a data page controls the data source integration, isolating business actions from this integration.
63. Distinguish between Utility and Activity in Pega.
Ans: In Pega, Activity helps automate the process and configure the system to automate claim uploads. It is also possible to do without the user's intervention. An activity consists of sequential steps that execute in the order of instruction.
Similarly, in the Pega platform, utility is useful when a user calls the Activity in a flow. The utility is a form in a Pega flow, whereas Activity is a rule or instance of the Rule-Obj-Activity rule type.
64. Distinguish between the terms obj-open-handle & obj-open in Pega.
- Obj-open: A user will get many records out of the table according to the specified class within the obj-open term. Also, it opens as a case or an instance of a class given.
- Obj-Open-By-Handle: It uses an internal and system-generated pzInsKey, a permanent and unique, to open an instance.
65. How can you check an activity's local variables' values?
Ans: We can check these values of an activity using the log message.
66. Which table will you use to add a note in the Pega platform?
Ans: The following table adds a note in the Pega platform- pc_data_workattach.
67. How do you finish the work object within the Activity?
Ans: To finish the work object in the Activity, we use JavaScript.
68. Distinguish between Edit Validate and Edit Input rules in the context of Pega.
- Edit Validate rule: The edit validate rule helps validate the value of a property through Java code. These rules are also helpful for property validation, Rule-Obj-Activity, etc.
- Edit Input rule: These rules help convert the data users enter into the format required.
69. Where do you store the work objects in Pega?
Ans: By default, the work objects are stored within the pc_work table. Further, if you wish to keep these objects under a user-built table, you can do the following-
- Create a schema that is similar to the pc_work table.
- Alter the group mapping of a class to a new table created earlier.
70. Define StepStatusGood and StepStatusFail rules in Pega.
- In Pega, StepStatusGood refers to a specific action successfully finished without issues.
- In Pega, StepStatusFail refers to an action that has not been finished successfully due to a problem. It also indicates the failure of the step/action.
- StepStatusGood and StepStatusFail are used to check the pxMethodStatus property value as "Good" or "Fail." It is when the condition is defined within @baseclass.
71. List out the various methods used in the activities in Pega.
Ans. Below are some of the methods used in the activities in Pega:
- Page- New
- Page-Remove
- RBD- List
- RBD-Save
- RBD- Delete
- Obj-Open
- Obj- List
- Obj-Save
72. Define the process of importing rules using PZinsky.
Ans. To import rules with PZinsky, you need to open the rule and then pick the PZinsky from there. Now navigate to prdbutil, and you can export the rule and import those zip files using PZinsky to the location you wish.
Dear readers, at HKR, we are always committed to providing quality and reliable sources. In this post, we have curated a list of interview questions our expert faculty members prepared. If you are going to face an interview, these questions might help you clear the interview easily. So, prepare yourself and go through them before attending the interview. Stay tuned to this space to get more valuable content and updates. We wish you all the best for your further interviews.
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