- What is ATG
- ATG Repository
- Nucleus
- Components of ATG
- ATG Formhandlers
- Explain ATG DPS and its elements.
What is ATG?
Oracle ATG Web Commerce gives an open, server side climate for developing and conveying dynamic, customized applications for the web and other correspondence channels, for example, email and remote gadgets. Oracle ATG Web Commerce applications execute a component advancement model dependent on JavaBeans and JSPs. Engineers combine applications out of segment beans (in view of standard Oracle ATG Web Commerce classes) by connecting them together through setup documents in Nucleus, Oracle ATG Web Commerce's open product structure. Page originators construct the front-end interface for the application out of JSPs that utilize Oracle ATG Web Commerce's DSP label library. The DSP label library makes it conceivable to implant Nucleus segments in JSPs, and utilize those parts for delivering dynamic substance. In this ATG tutorial, we will learn about ATG Repository, Nucleus, its components, ATG Form Handlers and explain ATG DPS and its elements. Now, let’s go through them in detail.
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ATG Repository
A repository is an information access layer which characterizes a conventional portrayal of an information store. It streamlines the capacity and recovery of information. The controls of information are done through the Repository API. Application engineers access information just utilizing interfaces, for example, Repository and the RepositoryItem. Engineers can make, change, inquiry, and eliminate repository things. It is pretty much like a Java bean. The ATG platform incorporates a bunch of models for repositories.
SQL Repository utilizes the Generic SQL Adapter(GSA) to execute planning among ATG and information put away in a SQL data set. Versioned Repository is an expansion of the SQL repository utilized in ATG Content Administration. It has forms for each set of information. For instance, a cost for an item is altered, the new section will be created using another version number as opposed to altering the cost.
a) The SQL repository is actualized through the atg.adapter.gsa package.The primary ATG segment in the SQL archive is an occurrence of the atg.adapter.gsa.GSARepository class that executes the interfaces atg.repository.MutableRepository and atg.repository.content. ContentRepository and that broadens the class atg.repository.RepositoryImpl.
b) A repository is an assortment of vault products. By and large, a repository item compares to the littlest particularly recognizable element in the hidden information store. Every repository item is created of properties and these properties store the information and in this way make a repository. These properties are characterized within the store's item descriptors. Properties might be single-esteemed or multi-esteemed.

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The nucleus is ATG's open Object Application Framework. ATG 7 is supposed to be a component driven improvement platform. The ATG 7 Web applications can be called as individual JavaBean parts assembled. These JavaBean segments are arranged and connected together by properties files inside the Nucleus. Each assistance is bundled as a JavaBean or set of JavaBeans in the nucleus. These JavaBeans are designed separately and moulded into a namespace. The beans at that point interconnect with the beans addressing different administrations. The nucleus is liable for deciphering the component arrangements and the administration of the part namespace. Dynamo utilizes the Nucleus system to sort out components into a progressive structure. Every Nucleus administration has an interesting Nucleus name. For instance, the default javax.sql. The DataSource segment is situated at/atg/dynamo/administration/jdbc/JTDataSource.
The nucleus is the center of the whole ATG framework. It makes and designs Nucleus segments (additionally called beans and JavaBeans) and sorts them into a various hierarchical namespace, basically giving them a spot to live so they can be referred to by different segments. By perusing the .properties documents related with every component, its nucleus sorts out what parts are to be utilized in an application, instate them to their default esteems, and how it chooses about how they interface. This model creates it simpler for the engineers to fabricate ATG applications by designing and utilizing the pre-assembled components as opposed to composing a great deal of Java code without any preparation.
Components of ATG
Any Java object having an empty constructor could perform as a component in Nucleus.
Component Scopes
- Worldwide: Components are divided between all clients.
- Session: Separate instances of the component are given to every client.
- Solicitation: Separate instances of the component are given to every dynamic solicitation.
- Window: Separate occurrences of the component are given to every program window.
- Model: Separate instances of the component are given each time the segment is settled.
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ATG Formhandlers
ATG Formhandler is an intermediary class which comes in the middle of a jsp form value and its bean class. They exist there to assess the legitimacy of form information before it is submitted, compose information to and read information from a database or repository, and direct the client to various pages, contingent upon the outcomes of the form accommodation.
At the highest point of the ATG structure handler class hierarchy system there is the position of DropletFormHandlerinterface. Three distinct classes given by Dynamo which broaden this interface.They are given below:
- atg.droplet.EmptyFormHandler
- atg.droplet.GenericFormHandler
- atg.droplet.TransactionalFormHandler
EmptyFormHandler is the least complex to execute. It executes the DropletFormHandler interface and characterizes clear body usage of the strategies in this interface. GenericFormHandler expands EmptyFormHandler. It characterizes the basic usage of the DropletFormHandler interface's techniques and the fundamental mistake of taking care of logic. On the off chance that errors happen in preparing a form which utilizes GenericFormHandler, the mistakes are saved and uncovered as properties of the form handler segment. TransactionalFormHandler expands GenericFormHandler, it treats the structure preparing activity as an exchange. In spite of the fact that the strategies conjured by this form handler are handled discreetly, however their outcomes are saved at the same time. The beforeGet and afterGet techniques perform the transaction management. This builds up the exchange before any of your properties are set or handler strategies are required.
Explain ATG DPS and its elements.
ATG DPS alludes to the ATG Dynamo personalization system. It is executed by User Profile Data and business rules intended to convey the correct content to the accurate client.
There exist three main elements of the ATG DPS personalization System.
- User Profile Management: At the point when an individual visits a site operated by ATG Dynamo Personalization Server(ATG DPS) site unexpectedly, the individual is permitted to make its own User Profile. Once made, DPS stores that User's Profile in its information base archive. This profile includes a list of properties which portray the individual's attributes, for example, the name they included in an enlistment form or the date of their final logging in. ATG DPS utilizes this profile data put away in its database repository to have focused on content to one another.
- Content Targeting:
Targeting is the method of showing up - Content items
- To a particular user
- At a particular time
- In a particular context and
- On a particular ruleset.
In the DPS rule-based framework, business supervisors make rule sets considered content targets which control how substance is shown on the site.
Targeted Email:
DPS incorporates a Targeted Email administration for forming and conveying customized email utilizing a similar profile groups and focusing on principles you utilise to convey content on your site. Likewise on the off chance that you have Dynamo Scenario Server introduced, you can utilize situations to convey targeted email. You can utilize them to execute the exercises underneath.
- Send an affirmation message to another client who registers at your site.
- Notify frequent clients of special deals.
- Notify all clients who have not signed into your site in a while that their records will be shut soon.
- Convey a mass mailing with each message custom fitted to its beneficiary.
This ATG tutorial will aid you in understanding the components and techniques of utilizing ATG repositories, form handlers and relevance of them. The methods of transaction of data and information are also dealt with. If you have any queries kindly mention that in the comment section.
About Author
As a senior Technical Content Writer for HKR Trainings, Gayathri has a good comprehension of the present technical innovations, which incorporates perspectives like Business Intelligence and Analytics. She conveys advanced technical ideas precisely and vividly, as conceivable to the target group, guaranteeing that the content is available to clients. She writes qualitative content in the field of Data Warehousing & ETL, Big Data Analytics, and ERP Tools. Connect me on LinkedIn.
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