Write For Us

Thank you for visiting HKR trainings, one of the leading providers of trending courses. We have come up with an opportunity to write for us on trending technologies. If you are good at writing, then write to us and reach thousands of users around the world. Following are the details you can find helpful to collaborate with us on Guest Posting.

Topics for guest posts:

We appreciate your interest to write for us. Following are the topics that can be chosen for guest posts:

  • Cloud Computing
  • BI & Analytics
  • Data Science & AI
  • Big Data
  • Project Management
  • Programming
  • Web technologies
  • Databases
  • Testing
  • Security
  • Operating System
  • Digital Marketing
  • Mobile Development, etc


Following are the guidelines to be followed. The article that does not meet these requirements will not be published.

  • We don't allow plagiarism. We recommend using Copyscape for checking plagiarism.
  • We accept well-written, unique, and original content which has not been published anywhere else.
  • The article must be well organized, reviewed, and grammatically accurate.
  • The size of the article must be 1000-2000 words
  • The text should not be repeated.
  • The article should provide links to the resources mentioned.
  • The preferred format for submitting an article in .doc or .docx, not Google Docs.
  • Enclose the images separately.

Please contact us at writeforus@hkrtrainings.com to submit article pitches prior to submitting an article.

When you submit your article, we review it. We reserve all the rights to edit and modify the content to suit our website, and we do not post low-quality content on our website.

How to submit your articles?

If you are interested in writing for us, do not hesitate to contact us. All you need to do is send an email to info@hkrtrainings.com , and we will get back to you.

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