SAP APO Training

HKR offers the SAP APO training course on SAP Advanced Planner and Optimizer tool which is designed to allow your enterprises to achieve the inconsistency between aspects or components of a whole intent of enhancing customer service while minimizing costs. The demand planning capacity of SAP APO Training projects the needs of the clients of your enterprise by allowing visibility and access to all stakeholders interested in generating a single, organization-wide demand plan. SAP APO certification training course enables you to learn a fully integrated pallet of features that are used to prepare and enforce your supply chain procedures. You will be working on real-time projects to get hands-on experience in this field. Get the industry-oriented SAP APO online training course from the certified mentors by joining HKR.

Contact us

Phone : +91 9711699759

Payment details

Training Option:

Course Price: 8,999.00

Discount : 0.00

Total Amount 8,999.00
Promo Code:

Extra Discount (%): 0.00


IGST (18%): 1,619.82

Net Payable Amount: 10,618.82
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