AWS Training in Kolkata

If you are looking to enhance your career through the AWS platform, then HKR training institute is one of the best platforms for AWS Training in Kolkata. The AWS Training includes all the clear and deep understanding on the concepts like fundamentals, benefits of cloud computing over the data centers and deployment models, cloud service models like PAAS, IAAS, SAAS. You will also gain an idea on the history of AWS, along with the global infrastructure and its components, legal and compliance challenges. Through the AWS Training in Kolkata, an individual will gain knowledge on the networking fundamentals that include IPV4 addressing, CIDR blocks, process of Custom VPC creation using VPC, route tables, internet gateways, subnets, NAT gateways, concept of establishing connection between 2 VPCs. Get trained and certified at HKR training to attain a professional career along with AWS Certification course.

Contact us

Phone : +91 9711699759

Payment details

Training Option:

Course Price: 49,000.00

Discount : 0.00

Total Amount 49,000.00
Promo Code:

Extra Discount (%): 0.00


IGST (18%): 8,820.00

Net Payable Amount: 57,820.00
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